The English General Synod: The Centre Cannot Hold

Posted on February 10, 2010 
Filed under Opinion

“If Lorna Ashworth’s Private Member’s Motion ‘That this Synod express the desire that the Church of England be in communion with the Anglican Church in North America’  is passed by the Church of England’s General Synod tomorrow,  she will have done  a great service to English Anglicans as well as the Anglican Church in North America (ACNA) because it is as much about the English Church as the Church in North America.

She poses precisely the sort of question that the Church of England’s leadership wants to avoid because the ACNA represents a choice which must be made between two incompatible forms of religion – historic biblical Anglicanism and that pseudo- Anglicanism being promoted by TEC and its allies which derives its energy from the spirit of the age rather than the Spirit of Christ.…”

– Charles Raven writes about the choice facing the Church of England General Synod.