The Church of England facing ‘officially sanctioned apostasy’?

Posted on December 2, 2013 
Filed under Anglican Communion, Church of England

The Rev Andrew SymesThe Rev. Andrew Symes, Executive Secretary of Anglican Mainstream, works through The Pilling Report (PDF) to see the huge impact if its recommendations were to be adopted in The Church of England.

From his conclusions:

“This is why we are faced with officially sanctioned apostasy in our own church. It has finally happened. What do we do? The first thing to say is that the report has not yet been endorsed by the house of Bishops. We must pray for them and lobby them as politely but intensively as we can before their meeting to discuss the document.”

– Be sure to take the time to read his analysis in full here.

Anglican Mainstream also has a comprehensive list of links to reactions to the Report.

And some essential background:

The Anglican Debacle: Roots and Patterns – Mark Thompson (from The Sydney Lambeth Decision Briefing – 16 March 2008)

The Limits of Fellowship – Phillip Jensen (from The Sydney Lambeth Decision Briefing – 16 March 2008)

Are we stronger than He? (PDF) – David Short (January 2005)

Some questions for the new Archbishop of Canterbury – by Mark Thompson (09 November 2012)

‘Tearing the Fabric’ — 2012 edition – American Anglican Council (PDF)