New Vicar to lead Holy Trinity Brompton

Posted on December 6, 2021 
Filed under Church of England

An announcement from Holy Trinity Brompton

The following news release was issued by the Diocese of London and the Patrons of HTB at midday on Sunday, December 5th:

Holy Trinity Brompton (known as HTB), the largest church in the Church of England, is to have a new Vicar lead its 4,000-strong congregation.

The former curate who pioneered its first ‘plant’ outside of London – the Revd Canon Archie Coates, 51, currently Vicar of St Peter’s Brighton, has been chosen as HTB’s Vicar Designate. It is expected that Canon Coates will become Vicar in September 2022, taking over from the Revd Nicky Gumbel, 66, who has announced his intention to resign his post from July 2022. …”

– Via David Jenkins at Anglican Samizdat, who also notes that Canon Coates was reported in this 2016 Christian Today article as being “very supportive” of the UK’s largest gay pride march, in Brighton.