Possible first-century fragment of Mark’s Gospel discovered

Posted on January 20, 2015 
Filed under History

Dr Daniel Wallace“In 2012, Dan Wallace dropped a bombshell during a debate with Bart Ehrman. Ehrman had pointed out that our earliest copy of Mark’s Gospel is dated 140 years after the gospel was first written. It’s a point often made by critics to show the unreliability of the New Testament. Wallace then revealed that he had knowledge that a first century copy of Mark’s Gospel had been discovered. …

LiveScience.com has a report today verifying Wallace’s claims about work being done on a fragment of Mark’s Gospel that appears to be from the late first century”

Denny Burk has a little more on Daniel Wallace’s 2012 claim.

And some cautionary thoughts from Justin Taylor

“Let’s think critically and wait to see the published results. Until then, debating the details won’t get us very far.”

and Peter Williams, Warden of Tyndale House in Cambridge.

(Photo: Dr. Daniel Wallace at Dallas Theological Seminary.)