Archbishop Peter Jensen’s statement on the deposition of Bishop Duncan

Posted on September 19, 2008 
Filed under News

Archbishop Peter JensenStatement from the Archbishop of Sydney, Dr Peter Jensen, on the deposition of Bishop Bob Duncan of Pittsburgh by the Episcopal Church House of Bishops.

“The unfolding tragedy of the Episcopal Church starkly reveals the folly of the original decision to break with the Bible and centuries of historic Christianity on the issue of human sexuality.

We grieve for Bishop Duncan but are encouraged by his courageous witness.

I welcome the statements of the many significant figures in the Anglican world who have expressed grave concern at this act towards a man who remains in good standing with the majority of the communion.”

– 19th September 2008.

See also Network, Common Cause Leaders offer Support for Bishop Duncan

Bishop Jack IkerBishop Jack Iker of Fort Worth:

“In spite of the sham deposition of Bishop Robert Duncan by the House of Bishops, he remains the formidable leader of traditional Episcopalians and loyal Anglicans in North America. Bishop Duncan continues to have the respect of a majority of the primates and bishops of the entire Anglican Communion, including the Archbishop of Canterbury. In an effort to silence him, the House of Bishops has only given him greater creditability as the leader of the realignment movement.”