Billy Graham prepares ‘perhaps my last message’

Posted on October 8, 2013 
Filed under World news

Archbishop Marcus Loane and Billy Graham 1979“I watch the news daily and my heart is burdened. When I hear despair in people’s voices, when I see the turmoil on their faces, it tells me that hopelessness abounds. …

This is exactly why I have written the book [The Reason for My Hope: Salvation] and why our ministry is launching ‘My Hope America’ television program this November. It could perhaps be my last message which is this — Christ is our hope for today and our promise for tomorrow — and it is fulfilled in the great work He did for mankind on the cross when He paid the penalty for our sin. He offers salvation to those who will ‘come’ to Him, believe in what He has done and what He has said, and obediently follow Him.”

– Billy Graham was interviewed for NewsMax. Photo courtesy Ramon Willams.