Peter Jensen: The Jerusalem Declaration – why it matters

Peter JensenAn address to the FCA UK launch by Archbishop Peter Jensen, Archbishop of Sydney.

“Many are still angry that the Jerusalem GAFCON was held. Some of the most angry are those who agree with the theology of the GAFCON movement but cannot accept that a moment for decisive action had arrived. To such persons I say, I admire you and honour you as brothers and sisters in the Lord. But it seems to me that every day that has passed since the GAFCON has only vindicated the decision to hold it.”

Jim Packer is one of the giants of the real world-Anglicanism. Amongst the wise of this world he is disdained, but his praises are sung in all the churches. Astonishingly, in the eyes of his institutional church he is no longer one of us. He has chosen to separate himself from what he has called the sanctification of sin.Is he still an Anglican?

When we can seriously ask that question, something is deeply wrong. We are at a watershed, at a parting of the ways. Decisions have to be made.  Read more

Be Faithful! event begins tonight Australian time

Be Faithful!The Be Faithful! event in London to launch the Fellowship of Confessing Anglicans begins this evening (Monday July 6 2009), Sydney time. Anglican TV will stream it live.

The main programme begins at 10:30am UK time, which is 7:30pm AEST. We’re told that Archbishop Peter Jensen will be bringing greetings to the assembly at around 9:20pm AEST, though that time may vary a little.

Please pray that Christ will be glorified as men and women stand for him in this gathering and in the days ahead.

This from Canon Chris Sugden (UK times referenced) … Read more

Christ’s atoning death

The Cross“Christ’s atoning death ratified the inauguration of the new covenant, in which access to God under all circumstances is guaranteed by Christ’s one sacrifice that covers all transgressions (Matt. 26:27-28; 1 Cor. 11:25; Heb. 9:15; 10:12-18). Those who through faith in Christ have ‘received reconciliation’ (Rom. 5:11) ‘in him . . . become the righteousness of God’ (2 Cor. 5:21). In other words, they are justified and receive the status of adopted children in God’s family (Gal 4:5). Thereafter they live under the motivating constraint and control of the love of Christ for them as made known and measured by the cross (2 Cor. 5:14).”

–  J. I. Packer, “Sacrifice: Jesus Christ Made Atonement for Sin” (with thanks to Of First Importance.)

Letter of support for St John’s Shaughnessy

Anglican Mainstream logoTo Canon David Short,  Rev Dr Jim Packer, the wardens and the Church Council of St John’s Church Shaughnessy and other churches in the Anglican Network in Canada in Vancouver, Canada.

May 24 2009

Dear friends in Christ,

We greet you warmly as members of the Church of Christ and of the Church of England.  Our Anglican Mainstream steering committee, which includes church leaders from all parts of the British Isles as well as a number of members of the Church of England’s general synod, met together on 21st May and resolved unanimously to assure you that we stand together in fellowship with you as brothers and sisters in the Christian faith and we recognize in you the marks of authentic Anglican identity, faith and practice.

We therefore send you this message of solidarity, encouragement and support in prayer as you enter a judicial process on Monday 25th June to enable you to continue to use the property and resources that God has entrusted to you in the service of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and for the good of all the people of Vancouver.

Yours in Christ

Dr Philip Giddings,  Convenor of Anglican Mainstream
Canon Dr Chris Sugden, Executive Secretary
Bishop Wallace Benn, Trustee

on behalf of Anglican Mainstream’s Steering Committee.

– from Anglican Mainstream. See also this related letter.

Invitation to CofE members to support Vancouver churches

David Short and James PackerMembers of the Church of England have been invited to express their support for the Anglican Network in Canada parishes, including St. John’s Shaughnessy, where David Short is Rector.

The petition, and background information, is available at this link. The actual petition reads:

We, the undersigned, as active clergy and lay members of the Church of England, stand with those parishes in Vancouver that are part of the Anglican Network in Canada, affirming that they are authentically Anglican.

Australian readers (who therefore cannot sign this petition) are urged to continue in prayer. Formore information, please see the St. John’s website.

(Photo: David Short and James Packer at St. John’s Shaughnessy.)

Gene Robinson called to repent

Gene Robinson called to repentLast Sunday, Gene Robinson (who was not invited to Lambeth, but is the one on whom the media are focussing) spoke at St. Mary’s Putney in London.

His sermon was interrupted by a man calling him to repent.

It’s a sobering interruption. Could these issues really be that important?

– See the BBC report. (The service was telecast live on the BBC’s news channel.)

– See the video of the ‘sermon’ at The Gene Pool (it’s the ‘Be Not Afraid’ video).

And be encouraged to listen again to Dr. James Packer’s very helpful talk at Holy Trinity Eastbourne last month.

Choosing a Bible: free download

Choosing a Bible: free downloadIf you read Tim Challies’ article Every word of God (yesterday), arguing for an essentially literal translation of the Bible, you may also find this book by Leland Ryken, Professor of English at Wheaton College, helpful –

His 32 page Choosing a Bible: Understanding Bible Translation Differences is available as a free PDF download, through the generosity of Crossway Books.

“The persistent, detonating logic of Lee Ryken’s pen will educate and convince any fair-minded person that the primary Bible for study and preaching must be an essentially literal translation.” – Kent Hughes.

“A masterful and convincing argument for literal, that is to say, transparent translation of the Holy Scriptures.” – J. I. Packer.

You can get it from this page. (Direct link to the 310kb PDF file here.) Printed copies may also be ordered. Dr Ryken is also Editor of the forthcoming ESV Literary Study Bible.
(Crossway, a not-for-profit Christian ministry, publishes the ESV.)

GAFCON is vital for the Anglican Communion

Chris SugdenIf the current dispute is merely a matter of different perspectives and emphases, as the Archbishop of Canterbury suggests, why are the bishops who are promoting this different gospel driving people out of their churches and removing licences from priests such as Dr Packer?

Gafcon became necessary following the persistent failure of the current authorities in the Anglican Communion to do anything about this deliberate flouting of Christian teaching and decisions of the whole Anglican Communion and its leadership. …

– Canon Chris Sugden writes in The Guardian.

Gay bishop gets warm welcome at Sacramento’s Holy Trinity Cathedral

Trinity Cathedral SacramentoBishop V. Gene Robinson, the first openly gay bishop in the Episcopal Church, stepped before the altar at Trinity Episcopal Cathedral in downtown Sacramento on Tuesday afternoon and let the applause wash over him. …

He said it’s only a matter of time until gays and lesbians have the same rights as heterosexuals in the church.

“We know how it’s going to end,” said Robinson. “We’re only arguing over timing. I believe that with my whole heart.”

– Report from The Sacramento Bee. (See also Dr J I Packer’s ‘Lessons to be learned’.)
Image: Trinity Cathedral newsletter.

Post-GAFCON meeting at Langham Place

John RichardsonJohn Richardson was at yesterday’s Post-GAFCON briefing at All Souls Langham Place in London – where Archbishops Henry Orombi, Greg Venables and Peter Jensen as well as Dr Jim Packer spoke.

John has posted his notes after each session. Bear in mind that these are his summary notes – however they are very helpful. Read them at The Ugley Vicar.

Direct links to John’s notes on each session – Archbishop Henry Orombi, Archbishop Greg Venables, Interview with Dr Jim Packer, Panel discussion, Archbishop Peter Jensen.

Report of the meeting from The (UK) Telegraph.

TEC Presiding Bishop responds to GAFCON ‘emission’

Archbishop Rowan Willaims and Katharine Jeffers SchoriTEC Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori has responded to the Global Anglican Future Conference with the following statement.

“Much of the Anglican world must be lamenting the latest emission from GAFCON. Anglicanism has always been broader than some find comfortable. This statement does not represent the end of Anglicanism, merely another chapter in a centuries-old struggle for dominance by those who consider themselves the only true believers. Anglicans will continue to worship God in their churches, serve the hungry and needy in their communities, and build missional relationships with others across the globe, despite the desire of a few leaders to narrow the influence of the gospel. We look forward to the opportunities of the Lambeth Conference for constructive conversation, inspired prayer, and relational encounters.

The Most Rev. Katharine Jefferts Schori
Presiding Bishop and Primate
The Episcopal Church”

Source: Episcopal Life Online.

(Dr J I Packer’s talk, “Lessons to be learned from the Canadian church experience”, given last week in the UK, provides a very helpful analysis of liberal strategies and tactics.)

‘Why I will not be attending Lambeth’ – Wallace Benn

Bishop Wallace BennThe Rt. Rev Wallace Benn, Bishop of Lewes, says he will not be attending the upcoming Lambeth Conference because he can’t have fellowship with those who have “broken fellowship”, and because revisionist American and Canadian bishops are persecuting his friends, including one of the world’s foremost Anglican theologians, Dr. J. I. Packer. …

– Story from VirtueOnline. (Photo: Peter Frank.)

1 Corinthians 6 and legal proceedings

Dr J I PackerM E M O R A N D U M
June 4, 2008
From: J.I. Packer

Re: 1 Cor 6 and Legal Proceedings regarding properties maintained, occupied and used for ministry by ANiC congregations

1. At Corinth, for no better reason apparently than litigiousness or greed, or maybe revenge, believers were taking each other to court before pagan judges (vss. 1, 6). Paul rebukes them, saying:

  1. This dishonours God, flaunting failure in the church by washing dirty Christian linen in public;
  2. This dishonours the church, implying that none of its members is fit to judge even small cases, when God is in fact equipping them all to judge major matters (involving angels!) one day;
  3. This dishonours the Christian calling, which requires willingness to be defrauded rather than disrupt fellowship.

This, however, is not the situation ANiC faces. …

– Read the full Memorandum (PDF file – updated link) on the Anglican Network in Canada website. (Photo: Ed Hird.)

ANiC Conference video now online

David Short at the ANiC 2008 ConferenceThe Anglican Network in Canada’s ‘Compelled by Christ’s Love’ Conference in Vancouver last month featured addresses from David Short, Ken Moser, Archbishop Greg Venables, Dr Jim Packer and others.

Video of key sessions is now available at the ANiC website. (Photo: David Short speaks on 1 Corinthians 15.)

Post-GAFCON briefing in London

All Soul’s Langham PlaceIn the wake of GAFCON, a ‘briefing for Incumbents and local Church Leaders’ is being held on July 1st at All Souls, Langham Place in London.

Special guest speakers will be Archbishop Henry Orombi, Archbishop Greg Venables, Archbishop Peter Jensen and Dr Jim Packer.

Details from Anglican Mainstream.

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