Parishes and New Westminster mediation unsuccessful

St. John’s Shaughnessy building“After one and a half days of mediation with Chief Justice Donald Brenner acting as the mediator, the Diocese of New Westminster and four Anglican Network in Canada (ANiC) parishes – St. John’s (Shaughnessy), St. Matthias and St. Luke, and Church of the Good Shepherd in Vancouver, and St. Matthews in Abbotsford – failed to reach an agreement. The dispute over church properties will now proceed to trial in the BC Supreme Court commencing May 25. …”

More in this PDF file (direct link) released by the Anglican Network in Canada.
(Photo: St. John’s Shaughnessy building.)

The latest from Canada

Lesley BentleyIt’s a little way off, but you might plan to hear Lesley Bentley, spokeswoman for the Anglican Network in Canada (and member of St John’s Shaughnessy) when she visits Sydney in May.

She’ll be speaking on the state of the Anglican Church in Canada, and the story of the Anglican Network in Canada. The meeting is being hosted by St. Andrew’s Roseville, 8:00–9:30pm on Tuesday 12th May.

Download a PDF flier (180kb, direct link).

Carl Jung and the Gnostic Reconciliation of Gender Opposites

Ed HirdEd Hird, Rector of St. Simon’s Church in North Vancouver (ANiC), gave this address at the CWiPPTHINK 09 conference in San Diego earlier this month. –

“Leanne Payne wrote an unforgettable book in 1995 entitled ‘Crisis in Masculinity’. We live in an age where equality is equated with sameness, where men and women are deeply confused about their gender identity, about what really is authentic male and authentic female. I believe that this Gnostic Reconciliation of Gender Opposites, this gender-blending about authentic maleness and femaleness, is the direct result of our culture’s embracing of the Jungian agenda. …”

– Read Ed’s talk (PDF file – direct link) at the St. Simon’s website.

Short and Packer honoured

David Short and James PackerDistinguished Anglican theologian JI Packer and the Rev David Short have been appointed honorary clerical canons of Sydney’s St Andrew’s Cathedral.

Both Dr Packer and Mr Short had their licenses removed by the Canadian Anglican leadership when their church, St. John’s Shaughnessy in Vancouver, voted to realign with the Province of the Southern Cone. …

– Russell Powell reports at

Anglican Coalition in Canada welcomes new Province

The Anglican Coalition in CanadaDec 6th 2008 – Vancouver, Canada

The Anglican Coalition in Canada is pleased to announce its full participation in the emerging Province called the Anglican Church in North America.  This new province was called into existence by the GAFCON Primates, representing the vast majority of the Anglican Church worldwide.  Read more

Paul Barnett honoured

Bishop Paul BarnettPress release from the Australian College of Theology –

Australian New Testament Scholar Honoured.

At its October meeting, and on the strong recommendation of the College’s Honorary Degree Committee, the Board of Directors of the Australian College of Theology awarded an honorary Doctor of Theology degree to well-known Sydney historian and New Testament scholar, Paul Barnett. The award is in recognition of Dr Barnett’s contribution to the life and work of the Anglican Church of Australia and particularly his substantial academic and scholarly contributions.  Read more

Petition in support of St. John’s Shaughnessy

Rev David Short, St. John’s ShaughnessyMany from around the world have signed the online petition in support of the churches of Good Shepherd and St. John’s Shaughnessy in Vancouver, against expected action by the Diocese of New Westminster.

Read the St. John’s website to discover some reasons for signing – or see our related posts.

If you haven’t yet signed it, please consider doing so. The text of the petition, released on October 18, says,

We, the undersigned, as active clergy and lay members of the Anglican Communion, stand with those parishes in Vancouver that are part of the Anglican Network on Canada, affirming that they are authentically Anglican.

The petition is available here – and there’s an equivalent petition for members of the Church of England. (Photo: Joy Gwaltney)

Anglican Network in Canada: Open letter to Primates

Anglican Network in Canada5 September 2008

Open letter to the Archbishop of Canterbury and the Primates of the Anglican Communion

After consulting with my Primate, Archbishop Gregory Venables, I report with great sadness that two Anglican Network in Canada (ANiC) churches under my jurisdiction – St Matthews (Abbotsford, BC) and St Matthias and St Luke’s (Vancouver, BC) – received letters on 26 August 2008, informing them that the Bishop of New Westminster had taken action on 10 July 2008 to seize control of those parish properties. The letters also notified the wardens, trustees and parish councils that Bishop Michael Ingham had dismissed and replaced them and ordered the clergy to vacate the church buildings by mid-September. It is clear that our other two ANiC parishes in Vancouver, St. John’s Shaughnessy and Church of the Good Shepherd, will receive the same action in the near future.

This is the fourth Canadian diocese to act in this way against ANiC churches which have come under the jurisdiction of the Anglican Province of the Southern Cone. …

– Read the full letter from Bishop Don Harvey, Moderator of the Anglican Network in Canada as a 48kb PDF file (direct link).

See also our earlier stories –
New Westminster takes steps against Southern Cone clergy
New Westminster moves to seize control of ANiC parishes.
St. John’s Shaughnessy responds to New Westminster.
New Westminister letters to parishioners.

New Westminister letters to parishioners

LetterThe Diocese of New Westminister has released the letters sent to members of St. Matthias and St. Luke Vancouver, and St. Matthew’s Abbotsford.

There are links from this page on the New Westminster website.

St. John’s Shaughnessy responds to New Westminster

St. John’s ShaughnessyFrom St. John’s Shaughnessy in Vancouver –

The Diocese of New Westminster (DNW) initiated action against St. Matthew’s Abbotsford and St. Matthias – St. Luke Vancouver on August 26th and is seeking to take over governance of the parishes. We are deeply disappointed by this action as it fails to recognize:

It is a sad irony that the Diocese invoked Canon 15 on the same day that the Archbishop of Canterbury released his Pastoral Letter to all Bishops of the Anglican Communion reflecting on the recent Lambeth conference saying:  Read more

New Westminster moves to seize control of ANiC parishes

Anglican Network in CanadaFrom the Anglican Network in Canada

On August 26, 2008, the Anglican diocese of New Westminster informed St. Matthew’s in Abbotsford and St Matthias and St Luke’s in Vancouver that the bishop had dismissed the parish Wardens and other officers (Trustees) that were duly elected by the congregation and appointed new Wardens who are more “loyal” to the bishop. According to their press release, these actions were taken to regain “control of the parishes”, which includes control of the properties and buildings.   Read more

New Westminster takes steps against Southern Cone clergy

Bishop Michael Ingham“The Diocese [of New Westminster] has taken steps under Canon 15 towards removing clergy who have left the Anglican Church of Canada rather than accepting the decisions of the Diocesan Synod and General Synod.

The Diocese has invoked the provision that returns control of the parishes to the Diocese, an action that was approved by Diocesan Council.

The parishes are St. Matthew’s Abbotsford and St. Matthias and St. Luke, Vancouver…

No steps have been taken at present at Good Shepherd, and at St. John’s Shaughnessy, Vancouver, two other parishes where former diocesan clergy remain who have left the Anglican Church of Canada…”

– from the Diocese of New Westminster. A press release (pdf format) may be found here.

Fort Worth FAQs on ‘Fiduciary Duty’

Fort Worth crest“As we approach the time of decision concerning our continued affiliation with The Episcopal Church (TEC), one of the issues raised by those who desire to maintain affiliation with TEC concerns the legal question of the existence of ‘fiduciary’ relationships.

The issue seems to have been raised as a veiled threat against those who would vote to disaffiliate with TEC. Accordingly, it would be helpful for anyone who is concerned about this issue to understand what a fiduciary is and how fiduciary relationships are created in order to evaluate the credibility of the threat. …”

The Diocese of Fort Worth provides guidance for its members in the light of statements in recent months from TEC Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori (here’s one) and echoed by others.

No place like home – St John’s Shaughnessy

St. John’s Shaughnessy building“I don’t think the people at St John’s have been as happy since Christmas 2001”, commented a member of St John’s Shaughnessy in Vancouver Canada. That was the Christmas before the Synod and the Bishop of the Diocese of New Westminster agreed to permit parishes to bless same-sex unions. … have published this report by Mark Calder on his recent time with St John’s Shaughnessy. Please be encouraged to pray for the members of St. John’s.

From the Files: A Crisis in Koinonia

David ShortNewspaper articles, prophecies of doom, and synod resolutions aside, Jesus is still building his church.

For Anglicans, in a denomination that now sanctions same sex unions, this now means changes in the shape of our relationships so they might help rather than hinder the mission of Christ. The new oppressive liberal orthodoxy in North America must choose between using the current denominational structures as instruments of coercion, or through an act of love, allow a realignment of relationships within different structural patterns. If those in power choose the first course of action, biblically orthodox Anglicans will be forced to choose between the gospel and Anglican structures. Either way the Anglican communion as we know it will cease to exist. …

– We published this very helpful paper by David Short, Rector of St. John’s Shaughnessy in Vancouver, back in 2004. With GAFCON just around the corner, and Lambeth close behind, it’s worth re-reading “A Crisis in Koinonia: Biblical Perspectives for Anglicans”.

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