The Promise of Providence — Plus Tim Keller and the virtue of godly disagreement

“A wide-ranging episode this week that starts with an appreciation of the gospel generosity of Tim Keller and moves from there to the blessings of positive disagreement, the problem we have in keeping personal attacks out of our debates, why Donald Robinson and John (Chappo) Chapman were so good at having productive arguments, how we should vote on the Voice referendum, and (just to cap things off) a discussion of the increasingly forgotten concept of providence and what it has to do with God’s guidance.”

– Tony Payne speaks with Phillip Jensen in the latest Two Ways News podcast.

Encouraging and interesting.

The Class of Chappo — A night to mark the 10th anniversary of Chappo’s departure to be with Christ

Tuesday 22 November 2022. 7:30pm

A night to mark the 10th anniversary of Chappo’s departure to be with Christ.

The evening will include:

Details and booking from Moore College.

Illustration from a Department of Evangelism videocassette cover, 1986.

Sydney’s One Special Evangelist — Book launch Wednesday 14 September 2022

The Australian College of Theology invites you to a Book Launch for our newest book in the ACT Monograph Series, Sydney’s One Special Evangelist: John C. Chapman and the Shaping of Anglican Evangelicalism and Australian Religious Life 1968-2001, by the Rev Dr Baden Stace.

When and Where:

Wednesday 14 September 2022. Start: 1:00 for 1:15 pm End: 2:15 pm Read more

Hoping Christmas is Good News

“The decorations at the stores and shopping malls tell us that Christmas is just around the corner.

We are about to begin again the round of carol Services and Nativity plays. The Christmas card list is dusted off for another year and, in my case, I scan to see if any of my friends who appear there are no longer alive. I debate yet again if I will make my own ‘cards’ or buy those ones that help some good cause. All in all there is quite a bit to be done at Christmas time. …”

– In this article from the vault of The Australian Church Record, dear departed Chappo reminds us that Christmas involves an announcement of news. Will it be good news or bad news for you?

Related: The Chappo Collection.

‘Don’t Drift!’ — exhortation

David CookAt the SMBC Centenary Service on April 15th, David Cook preached from Hebrews 1 and 2, with the theme of “Don’t Drift!”.

“When I was Principal here, I received an invitation … to go to a conference in Cape Town, in South Africa, and the invitation was addressed to ‘The most dangerous person in the Church’. It was a conference for the Principals of Bible Colleges and Theological Colleges. The most dangerous people in the church.

That, historically, is an accurate description. If a denomination moves away from the truth, invariably, it is because its denominational College has moved from the truth…”

Audio of David’s sermon is now available (18MB mp3 file) on the SMBC Centenary web page. Encouraging.

Related: In his weekly column, David writes about Chappo and the need for evangelists.

Canada upholding Windsor Process?

St. Michael and All Angels OttawaJust in case you still believe that the Anglican Church of Canada is upholding the Windsor Process that has been so fondly pointed to by some in the ACC, we have this bit from Ottawa.

Some of you will recall that a couple of years ago, Peter Coffin – then Bishop of Ottawa – granted his permission to a female priest (Linda Fisher-Privitera) to minister in the Diocese of Ottawa. Fisher-Privitera came to Ottawa with her partner, Melissa, whom she had married in a civil union in Massachusetts, prior to arriving. …

Bishop Chapman, now bishop of Ottawa, has granted a full appointment to Fisher-Privitera at St. Michael & All Angels in Ottawa. …

Story from (Photo: St. Michael & All Angels in Ottawa.)

ACL Council members

The Anglican Church League

Office Bearers and Councillors for 2024 – 25

Lay Vice Presidents

Clerical Vice Presidents 

Lay Councillors 

Clerical Councillors 

Emeritus Vice-presidents


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