What does it mean to ‘contend for the Faith’?

At a recent PT Cornhill conference, Principal of Oak Hill, Mike Ovey, spoke about what it means to contend for the faith (as in Jude 3). He spoke about past and current issues, and challenges Christians may face in the future. Hear his talk (mp3 audio) Equipping Pastor-Teachers to Contend for the Faith.

Looters: Them or us?

“I spoke on the phone yesterday with a south London vicar whose parish had been hit by rioters. Actually, “rioters” is not quite the word. The disorders straight after the death of Mark Duggan may have been riots with the associations of protest that brings, but by now a better word than rioters is looters, because the focus seems so strongly on violent theft. …”

– Principal of Oak Hill College in London, Mike Ovey, has some very perceptive comments about this week’s trouble in England.

Carl Trueman interviewed at Oak Hill

Carl Trueman, Professor of Historical Theology and Church History at Westminster Theological Seminary was a Visiting Lecturer at Oak Hill College in London earlier this year.

Principal Mike Ovey asked him about the doctrines of Scripture and of Justification in three videos just posted on the Oak Hill website.

Part 1: The doctrine of Scripture.
Part 2: The doctrine of Justification.
Part 3: Holiness and the New Perspective on Paul.

Total running time of about 24 minutes. Worth watching.

Notes from the Future: Evangelical Liberalism in the UK

“The Lord Jesus called me into his kingdom in April 1974 in a Baptist church in Southampton, England. He had blessed me with a Christian family, and my conversion was very much a humble acceptance in my heart of truths I had long known in my head. Then, almost immediately after my conversion, I found myself (as a 15 year old) having to resist liberal theology from my fellow pupils at school, and even more so from my teachers.

I’ve used the word ‘liberal,’ though it felt very different from the liberalism I now see and sense…”

Mike Ovey, Principal of Oak Hill College in London, writes in the current 9Marks eJournal. (Photo © Richard Hanson.)

J I Packer interviewed at Oak Hill

Jim Packer with Mike OveyIn May 2009, Dr Jim Packer spoke at Oak Hill College’s annual School of Theology.

While at the college, he was was interviewed on camera by Principal Mike Ovey.

Each segment runs for about 10 minutes.

Part 1: Knowing your stuff – theological training in a climate of cultural scepticism.

Part 2: The faith taught not caught – the challenge of being a pastoral theologian.

Part 3: Training the congregation – the greatest challenges facing Christian ministers today.

Also see the new Commentary magazine online.

Oak Hill 2009 Yearbook online

Oak Hill Yearbook 2009Oak Hill College in London has made its 2009 Yearbook available online. It’s a good way to get a feel for how this key college is going.

Principal Mike Ovey reflects on the GAFCON Conference and the Jerusalem Declaration –

“the conference was clear-sighted about being Anglican, and what that meant. I cannot resist quoting because the words are so good: ‘The doctrine of the Church is grounded in Holy Scriptures and in such teachings of the ancient Fathers and Councils of the Church as are agreeable to the said Scriptures. In particular, such doctrine is to be found in the Thirty-nine Articles of Religion, the Book of Common Prayer and the Ordinal.’

…this roots Anglicanism not in robe-wearing or parish organisation or summer fêtes, but in the great truths of the Reformation and salvation by grace through faith alone…”

– Download the Yearbook – a 4.3MB PDF file (direct link) from the Oak Hill website.

Engaging With Barth

Engaging with BarthJustin Taylor at Between Two Worlds draws attention to the availability (in the US) of Engaging With Barth: Contemporary Evangelical Critiques.

Contributors include Mike Ovey and Mark Thompson.

Archbishop Akinola on error and apostasy

GAFCON JerusalemThis is Dr Peter Akinola, Archbishop of Nigeria, addressing Gafcon this evening. ‘A sizeable part of the Communion is in error and not a few are apostate,’ he said, questioning whether the Communion could be rescued from within or without. It was an important rallying call that will set the tone for the rest of the conference. …

– From Ruth Gledhill’s blog at Times Online. (Photo: Ruth Gledhill. Note ACL President Mark Thompson and Oak Hill Principal Mike Ovey on the right of the picture. At centre, Cesar Guzman from Chile speaks with Archbishop Peter Jensen.)

‘Doubts about the Bishop of Durham’

The Future of Justification: A Response to NT WrightBishop Tom Wright has an international reputation as an Evangelical whose credentials as a biblical scholar, teacher, preacher, and pastor are of the highest order. When he is suspected of compromising traditional Evangelical teaching, especially in relation to the iconic doctrine of justification, then the big guns need to be trained on him — and among Evangelical conservatives, the guns don’t get much bigger than John Piper. …

– John Saxbee, Bishop of Lincoln, provides some background to John Piper’s book – in The Church Times.

Stand Firm also note a reply from Bishop Wright. See also our earlier stories, Godliness and good learning by Mike Ovey and Paul Helm on The Future of Justification (both reviews of John Piper’s book) and The Theology of N T Wright from the White Horse Inn of June 1st 2008.

The Gospel According to N T Wright

White Horse InnIn this week’s episode of The White Horse Inn broadcast, Michael Horton and friends turn to the theology of the Bishop of Durham N T Wright – and the teaching of the New Perspective.

See also this earlier post on Mike Ovey’s review of John Piper’s book “The Future of Justification: A Response to NT Wright”.

Paul Helm on The Future of Justification

Paul Helm“John Piper’s book The Future of Justification (Crossway, 2007) is a great thing. If you have not read it, then you must. …

In this Analysis I shall try to do two things.

The first is to draw attention to what I believe is one of the most significant methodological points that Piper makes, but one which may, in the flurry of interest about justification, and the dust raised by it, get overlooked. The second thing is to underline what Piper says about the ambiguity of some of Bishop Wright’s language about imputation and justification. What both of these have in common is that Piper shows us the need to observe theological distinctions. …”

from Paul Helm, the J.I. Packer Professor of Theology and Philosophy at Regent College, Vancouver. (See also the earlier commendation of the book, by Mike Ovey.)

Godliness and good learning

The Future of Justification: A Response to NT WrightMike Ovey, now the Principal of Oak Hill College in London, reviews John Piper’s book, “The Future of Justification: A Response to N T Wright” –

“In one sense, Piper’s thesis can be simply stated: the traditional Reformation understanding of justification by faith, whereby God counts me righteous because of the righteousness of Jesus Christ alone, is correct. Christ’s righteousness is imputed to me in my union with Christ, not imparted nor infused, and is sufficient, such that my justification does not depend on what I work after my conversion, although my life can and should evidence what Christ has done for me. My heart warms as I summarise these simple but profound truths of traditional evangelical belief. …”

– from the Oak Hill website.
(The book is available from Moore Books in Sydney. It’s also available as a free PDF download at DesiringGod.org)

Five Books to Read Before Easter

Pierced for our TransgressionsTim Challies, widely respected Christian blogger from Toronto, is suggesting five books to read before Easter. That doesn’t leave much time! Perhaps starting one book would be more realistic.

One of Challies’ recommendations, Pierced for Our Transgressions by Steve Jeffery, Mike Ovey and Andrew Sach, has been described by J. I. Packer as ‘an epoch-making tour de force’.

Dr. Peter O’Brien writes – ‘This is a very significant book… Every major objection to penal substitution has been considered, and courteously but firmly answered.’

Dr. Mark Thompson writes – ‘Pierced for our Transgressions is carefully argued and richly edifying.’

What better time than Easter to turn your thoughts to the saving work of Christ on the Cross. (For Challies’ five suggested books, see Challies.com.)

More Catechesis, Please

“Packer’s last crusade in this world,” the Rev. Dr. J.I. Packer affirms, is recovering catechesis — systematic instruction in the Christian fundamentals — to meet the challenges of an increasingly pagan age.

– Amen to Dr Packer as reported by The Living Church. (Image: Oak Hill College.)

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