GAFCON UK offers Scottish churches alternative episcopal oversight

scottish-episcopal-church-general-synodAs the Scottish Episcopal Church moves towards allowing same-sex marriage, the GAFCON UK Panel of Bishops has offered alternative episcopal oversight to those churches which many need it.

This letter from GAFCON UK has been released by The Scottish Anglican Network:

“We are saddened and appalled that the Scottish Episcopal Church will next week debate amending its Canon C31, so as to adopt a wholly unbiblical approach to human sexual relationships. To so amend the canon would sever the church from the teaching of Christ and His Apostles, and also the considered and expressed conviction of the vast majority of the bishops of the Anglican Communion at Lambeth 1998, which was reinforced by the Anglican Primates Gathering only months ago.

We stand with you and pray for you as you resist this unhelpful and dangerous innovation. Should the church decide to follow the revisionist approach, disobey the clear teaching of Scripture, and thus cause a break with orthodox Christian teaching, the Gafcon UK Panel of Bishops offers to provide alternative episcopal oversight, and thereby your recognition as faithful Anglicans by the worldwide Gafcon movement, which represents the majority of Anglicans worldwide.

We remind the Scottish Episcopal Church of the cautionary words of Jude that unbiblical standards in sexual ethics “….deny our only Master and Lord, Jesus Chr ist”. This is an issue over which the Scottish Episcopal Church is dividing the church, and we will stand united with faithful Anglicans in Scotland seeking to uphold the plain doctrinal and moral teaching of the Holy Scriptures.

Warmly in Christ,

The Rt Rev John Ellison, The Rt Rev Michael Nazir-Ali, The Rt Rev Wallace Benn, and The Rt Rev Ken Barham, on behalf of the Panel of Bishops, Gafcon UK

The Rev Paul Perkin, The Rev Michael Ovey, on behalf of the Exec Committee, Gafcon UK

The Rev Canon Andy Lines, Mr. Dan Leafe on behalf of the Anglican Mission in England.”

‘Our mother church has tragically left the family home’

David CookModerator-General of the Presbyterian Church of Australia, David Cook, reports on fruitful ministry in the United Kingdom – and why he was unable to attend this year’s General Assembly of the Church of Scotland. (h/t Gary Ware.)

Related: Kirk sidelines Bible to ‘play for the team’.

Tragedy in Scotland

Church of ScotlandTwo reflections on this week’s compromise vote in the Church of Scotland’s General Assembly spell out the sadness and tragedy of a denomination which walks away from the word of God –

Louis Kinsey, Church of Scotland minister in Aberdeen,

“For those who look on, it must seem that the Church of Scotland is simply not able to make judgements on the basis of Holy Scripture, but only by sentiment and story, and by expediency and pragmatism.”

An Open Letter to the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland 2013.

and David Robertson, Free Church minister in Dundee,

“The liberals who reject the Bible as the Word of God, are delighted, declaring that this is the Holy Spirit speaking through the Church. … But many of us who love the Church of Scotland are devastated. Why? Because yesterday, and it pains me as I write this, the Church of Scotland wrote its own suicide note.”

–  The Church of Scotland, RIP?

Titanic: A Glasgow church recalls Pastor John Harper

In the icy water, Pastor John Harper asks a man if he is saved, and gives him his life jacket.

Video from BBC News.

And more details from Baptist Press.

Scottish Episcopal Church goes for inclusive language

“The Scottish Episcopal Church’s College of Bishops has approved inclusive language prayers, authorising optional changes that remove ‘Lord’, ‘He’, ‘his’, ‘him’, and ‘us men’ from its 1982 Eucharistic Liturgy…”

George Conger reports for The Church of England Newspaper.

(Photo: Scottish Episcopal Church College of Bishops celebrate the Eucharist at this year’s Synod.)

Free Church suspends talks with Kirk

Free Church of Scotland“The Free Church of Scotland has decided to suspend its regular discussions with the Church of Scotland.

The biannual talks involved representatives of both denominations and had been taking place over the past 5 years. They involved a frank but friendly exchange on the theological issues which divided the two denominations, along with an acknowledgement of the good relations which exist in many localities between congregations of both churches.

However, the Free Church has said that, in the light of the uncertainty over the Kirk’s position on homosexuality following the induction of an allegedly gay minister earlier this year, which appeared to be sanctioned by their General Assembly, it cannot for the time being continue ‘as if nothing had happened.’   Read more

Ichabod — the glory departing from Scotland

Church of Scotland emblem“The Church of Scotland has declared that the Bible is not the Word of God, that active homosexuality is no bar to the ministry, that a magisterium is to be set up to determine what the Word of God is, and crowns it all by an unchecked stomach-churning display of mockery and faux repentance. A Rubicon has been crossed and there is no turning back. …”

– The Minister of St. Peter’s Free Church in Dundee, David Robertson, writes about the new territory in which the Chirch of Scotland is now travelling. (h/t Reformation21)

Standing with those who stand in Scotland

Fellowship of Confessing ChurchesThe Fellowship of Confessing Churches in Scotland seeks your prayers and invites your support –

“The General Assembly of the Church of Scotland meeting in May 2009 will hear an appeal against the decision of the Presbytery of Aberdeen to induct into a charge a minister who has openly declared himself to be living in a homosexual relationship.

If the Assembly votes to support the Presbytery of Aberdeen, it will publicly declare such behaviour as acceptable and honourable for a leader in Christ’s church. This would mark a historic departure for our church from the teaching of the catholic Christian faith, and a radical deviation from the clear Scriptural pattern that recognises the sanctity of marriage between one man and one woman as the only proper place for sexual intimacy—a pattern which our church has hitherto always publicly affirmed.

To now declare explicitly an active homosexual lifestyle as holy, something the Bible unambiguously calls sin … would be immensely damaging for the cause of Christ in Scotland and disastrous for the national church. …”

Dr William Philip (St George’s-Tron in Glasgow) and other members of The Fellowship of Confessing Churches invite Christians worldwide to stand with them in prayer – and to indicate support of their call to the Church of Scotland General Assembly 2009 to uphold biblical orthodoxy on the issue of human sexuality. See the website to signify your support.

Archbishop Peter Jensen in Scotland

Peter JensenArchbishop Peter Jensen spoke last weekend at St. George’s Tron Church in Glasgow.

On Saturday night he spoke on ‘Contending for the Faith’, and on Sunday morning, ‘Striving side by side for the Gospel’.

The audio files of the talks are now available at the links above.

What is the Good News? A Response to Jayne Ozanne’s Reinterpretation

“I was astonished last week to see that Premier Christianity published what to be frank was just a heretical article from Jayne Ozanne…even more so after my own experience of being cancelled by them lest I upset some people (Why was I Cancelled and Repented for by Premier Christianity?)

They seem to have little difficulty in upsetting biblical Christians! I was not going to respond and then I came across a couple of other Christians who were influenced by Ozanne and did not see a major problem with what she said – so I wrote this piece  – which Christian Today have thankfully published. …

‘But what is this Good News? The Church of England, as the Church of Scotland and much of the rapidly declining mainstream denominations in the West, seem greatly confused. I recall a group of Scottish politicians who had asked a group of “representative” clergy to give advice and how confused they were. ‘You seem to believe in two different religions’ was their accurate observation. Indeed the trumpet has been giving an uncertain sound for many years.

Jayne Ozanne, the former evangelical, who once believed the Good News, has now come to agree with this view that there are two different versions of Christianity which are incompatible with one another. She wrote of this in a revealing article earlier this month. …’

David Robertson responds in his usual helpful way – by drawing us back to the word of God. At The Wee Flea.

Leaving the denomination

“In 2012, the Tron Church in Glasgow City Centre, to which I belong, took the difficult decision to leave the Church of Scotland. In this short article I hope to describe something of the experience our congregation went through, and something of what it feels like five years on, in 2017.…”

– Edward Lobb writes for Anglican Mainstream.


St. George’s Tron, Glasgow, secedes from Church of Scotland, June 2012.

Walking in opposite directions (PDF), May 2011.

(Photo: Cornhill Scotland.)

Bishop Richard Condie writes in support of Andy Lines’ consecration

Bishop of Tasmania, Dr. Richard Condie, has written to the Bishops of the Anglican Church of Australia, explaining his decision to participate in the consecration of Canon Andy Lines as a Missionary Bishop –

“I have been invited to participate in the consecration of Canon Andy Lines as a missionary bishop to faithful Anglicans in the UK and Europe. His consecration, by the GAFCON Primates and other bishops, will take place while I am in Chicago attending the Anglican Relief and Development Fund global council meeting at the end of this month. This consecration is in direct response to the Episcopal Church of Scotland’s decision to change their canon on marriage to include same sex unions. This decision is a departure from the scriptures, the teaching of the church, and the consensus of the majority of Anglicans in the communion. It leaves faithful Anglicans in Scotland in a vulnerable position, and has brought schism to the global Anglican fellowship.

The consecration is an emergency measure to protect the precious gospel of Jesus Christ, his authoritative word in the scriptures, and faithful Anglicans who have been marginalised by this schismatic behaviour. …”

Read the full letter from the Bishop of Tasmania, The Rt. Rev. Dr. Richard Condie, to the Bishops of the Anglican Church of Australia. (300kb PDF file.)



See also: Primate admonishes Archbishop Glenn Davies and Bishop Richard Condie — Anglican Church League statement, 5th July 2017.

The Hunting of Andrea Leadsom

David RobertsonIt’s the hunting season again.

With the Tory party in the throes of choosing a new leader its time for our PC secularists to start trawling the web in order to find dark and hidden secrets of the various candidates. Have they ever lied in the past? Cheated on their taxes? Kicked the cat? Gone fox hunting?

But the big sin – the one that guarantees the Twitterati and Facebook pages go ballistic – is ‘are they Christian?’. Like, really Christian. Not David Cameron’s ‘my faith is like the patchy reception of Magic FM in the Chilterns’. Instead, a Christian who actually reads the Bible (!), goes to church (!) and even prays!!!

If so, they must be hunted down and burnt at the secular stake…”

– Moderator of the Free Church of Scotland, David Robertson, comments at The Wee Flea.

Seasoned with Salt? – Christian Responses to Brexit

David RobertsonSome of the comments from Christians who were on the Remain side have also been sober, reflective and asking for prayer and unity. Again as I would have expected. But what I did not expect are the number of comments and posts which have reflected a very different spirit; bitter, cynical and full of contempt and fear…”

– Free Church of Scotland Moderator David Robertson (who is currently in Oz) reflects on some of the Christian responses to the Leave vote, with a reminder that God is still sovereign – irrespective of which way the vote went.

Kirk sidelines Bible to ‘play for the team’

church-of-scotland-sscv“The Church of Scotland has voted in favour of allowing people in same sex civil partnerships to be called as ministers and deacons.

The historic decision was made by the General Assembly on the Mound in Edinburgh today, where the motion was passed by 309 votes in favour and 182 against. …

309-to-182In a speech later today the outgoing Moderator Very Rev John Chalmers is expected to say: ‘There’s something else that we have to learn as a Church and that is the power of harmony. …  It’s time to play for the team.’ …

Because the debate predates the legalisation of gay marriage the proposed change mentions only civil partnerships, not same-sex marriages. The Assembly will be asked on Thursday to consider amending today’s new Church law to include ministers in same-sex marriages.”

– Press release from The Church of Scotland. (Images: Church of Scotland.)

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