Largest Anglican Church congregation in Canada leaves historic church home

Sunday 18th September will be the last Sunday for St. John’s Vancouver (formerly St. John’s Shaughnessy) at the place where they have been meeting for 100 years.

This would be an especially good time to continue in prayer for the congregation, the ministry team led by David Short, and for their expanded, gracious, proclamation of the Lord Jesus in the city of Vancouver.

They’ve just published this news release:  Read more

Why did Jesus have to die?

In a new 5 minute video from The Gospel Coalition, David Short is asked, “Why did Jesus have to die? and What actually takes place on the Cross?”.

Also see his discussion of the question, “If homosexuality is simply another sin, why is it treated differently in churches?”.

(Worth reading in conjunction with the first video are these excerpts from an interview with John Piper.)

Supreme Court of Canada dismisses appeal, congregations to be evicted

David Short, Rector of St. John’s Shaughnessy:

“the way we respond is a God-given opportunity to bear witness to Christ. As those who are disciples of Jesus Christ, this is not just about ‘what’ we do but also ‘how’ we do it. In some ways nothing will change with the decision on Thursday. We are still God’s family, and he has placed us in Vancouver to spread his glory.”

News release from the Anglican Network in Canada:

“The trustees of four Vancouver-area Anglican Network in Canada (ANiC) parishes are preparing to vacate their church buildings after the Supreme Court of Canada dismissed their case and awarded legal costs to the Anglican Church of Canada Diocese of New Westminster. The four churches are: St John’s (Shaughnessy), St Matthews (Abbotsford), Good Shepherd (Vancouver), and St Matthias & St Luke’s (Vancouver).  Read more

From the archives — Are we stronger than He?

Six years ago, we published this paper by David Short, Rector of St. John’s Shaughnessy in Vancouver. It’s a good reminder of what is (still) at stake around the Anglican Communion. PDF file here.

(The paper was first delivered at The National Canadian Anglican Essentials Conference in Ottawa on August 31, 2004.)

BC Court of Appeal dismisses appeal

From The Anglican Network in Canada

“The congregations have always said that if they are forced to choose between their buildings and their faith, they will choose their faith. That position remains unchanged.”

15 November 2010

In a decision released today, the BC Court of Appeal has dismissed an appeal by four Anglican Network in Canada churches in the Vancouver area.

The four parishes – St John’s (Vancouver), St Matthews (Abbotsford), Good Shepherd (Vancouver), and St Matthias & St Luke’s (Vancouver) – had appealed a November 25, 2009 decision of Mr Justice Stephen Kelleher awarding beneficial ownership of church properties to the Diocese of New Westminster in the case involving the split in the Anglican Church. The Diocese of New Westminster’s counter appeal of Mr Justice Kelleher’s decision granting a sizeable bequest to the ANiC congregation of the Church of the Good Shepherd was also dismissed.   Read more

Death or life in Vancouver

Vancouver multifaith workshopThe Ecumenical and Multifaith Unit (EMU) of the Anglican Diocese of New Westminster, Canada is co-hosting a workshop “Challenges for the church in a post-religious culture”. Bishop Michael Ingham will be one of the panelists.

From the EMU website: “Currently the [EMU] committee is advocating the use of Prayers for Peace from other faith traditions (see Multifaith Prayers for Peace), both in regular services and in personal meditations, as an affirmation of our common spiritual goal for peace on earth.”

By contrast, hear this sermon by Canon (of St. Andrew’s Cathedral Sydney) David Short at St. John’s Shaughnessy in Vancouver, preached back in June –

“The point of the resurrection is that God has made Jesus LORD over everything.”

from the St. John’s website.

Please continue in prayer for all who labour in the teaching of God’s word, that they always may be faithful.

(Logo: Ecumenical and Multifaith Unit of the Diocese of New Westminster.)

Challenges we face — 2009 AGM

Mark ThompsonACL President, Dr Mark Thompson, spoke at last night’s ACL Annual General Meeting —

The clarity which Peter Jensen’s leadership has given us on the priority of evangelism and necessity of directing our resources to this end is something for which we can thank God. As we face the end of his episcopate, the challenge is not only to maintain that priority but to build on the strategies put in place over the last eight years which have given expression to it. We certainly do not want to go back, but we can’t afford to stand still either. We need to press ahead, thinking creatively about how to maximise our opportunities to proclaim Christ in a rapidly changing culture.

Read more

ANiC Parishes v New Westminster – Day 4

David Short“Today was a short day in court, ending just after noon, which although surprising, was a great relief.  The Rev David Short, rector of St John’s Shaughnessy since 1993, was on the stand for only a couple of hours when many of us were expecting more than a full day. …”

Full report here – (not yet on the ANiC website) – and please continue to pray. (GAFCON photo: Joy Gwaltney) Read more

ANiC Parishes v New Westminster – Day 3

ANiCGail Stevenson became a member of St John’s Shaughnessy 68 years ago when she was baptized in a “small brown wooden building” at age 5. …

She recalled Rev Harry Robinson’s world renowned ministry which she described as “very powerful, very transforming and very Biblical”. Visitors to Vancouver – especially from Toronto and England –would come to St John’s because of his preaching. She said the ministry carried on under Rev David Short, describing it as “a seamless transition… very evangelical, very Biblically based”.

She was “disturbed” by Bishop Ingham’s preaching on Easter Sunday in 1994. She read his book, Mansions of the Spirit and found his teaching “foreign to what I had learned”. …

from the ANiC report on Day 3 of the court proceedings in Vancouver.

Letter of support for St John’s Shaughnessy

Anglican Mainstream logoTo Canon David Short,  Rev Dr Jim Packer, the wardens and the Church Council of St John’s Church Shaughnessy and other churches in the Anglican Network in Canada in Vancouver, Canada.

May 24 2009

Dear friends in Christ,

We greet you warmly as members of the Church of Christ and of the Church of England.  Our Anglican Mainstream steering committee, which includes church leaders from all parts of the British Isles as well as a number of members of the Church of England’s general synod, met together on 21st May and resolved unanimously to assure you that we stand together in fellowship with you as brothers and sisters in the Christian faith and we recognize in you the marks of authentic Anglican identity, faith and practice.

We therefore send you this message of solidarity, encouragement and support in prayer as you enter a judicial process on Monday 25th June to enable you to continue to use the property and resources that God has entrusted to you in the service of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and for the good of all the people of Vancouver.

Yours in Christ

Dr Philip Giddings,  Convenor of Anglican Mainstream
Canon Dr Chris Sugden, Executive Secretary
Bishop Wallace Benn, Trustee

on behalf of Anglican Mainstream’s Steering Committee.

– from Anglican Mainstream. See also this related letter.

Canada case concerns us all

Bishop Glenn Davies“Last week I attended a fascinating talk given at St Andrew’s, Roseville by Mrs Lesley Bentley, a churchwarden at St John’s, Shaughnessy in Vancouver. Sydney Anglicans have a greater interest in St John’s than most Canadian churches because Canon David Short, a Sydney-trained minister, is the rector…”

– Bishop Glenn Davies writes at (Photo: Russell Powell.)

Short and Packer honoured

David Short and James PackerDistinguished Anglican theologian JI Packer and the Rev David Short have been appointed honorary clerical canons of Sydney’s St Andrew’s Cathedral.

Both Dr Packer and Mr Short had their licenses removed by the Canadian Anglican leadership when their church, St. John’s Shaughnessy in Vancouver, voted to realign with the Province of the Southern Cone. …

– Russell Powell reports at

Petition in support of St. John’s Shaughnessy

Rev David Short, St. John’s ShaughnessyMany from around the world have signed the online petition in support of the churches of Good Shepherd and St. John’s Shaughnessy in Vancouver, against expected action by the Diocese of New Westminster.

Read the St. John’s website to discover some reasons for signing – or see our related posts.

If you haven’t yet signed it, please consider doing so. The text of the petition, released on October 18, says,

We, the undersigned, as active clergy and lay members of the Anglican Communion, stand with those parishes in Vancouver that are part of the Anglican Network on Canada, affirming that they are authentically Anglican.

The petition is available here – and there’s an equivalent petition for members of the Church of England. (Photo: Joy Gwaltney)

Invitation to members of all Anglican Churches globally to sign Vancouver petition

David ShortAhead of expected action by the Diocese of New Westminster against the churches of Good Shepherd and St. John’s Shaughnessy, a new petition has been made avialable, so that members of the Anglican Communion worldwide (and not just C of E members as on the previous petition) can express their support.

This new petition reads,

We, the undersigned, as active clergy and lay members of the Anglican Communion, stand with those parishes in Vancouver that are part of the Anglican Network on Canada, affirming that they are authentically Anglican.

Please consider adding your support. Helpful background here.

Invitation to CofE members to support Vancouver churches

David Short and James PackerMembers of the Church of England have been invited to express their support for the Anglican Network in Canada parishes, including St. John’s Shaughnessy, where David Short is Rector.

The petition, and background information, is available at this link. The actual petition reads:

We, the undersigned, as active clergy and lay members of the Church of England, stand with those parishes in Vancouver that are part of the Anglican Network in Canada, affirming that they are authentically Anglican.

Australian readers (who therefore cannot sign this petition) are urged to continue in prayer. Formore information, please see the St. John’s website.

(Photo: David Short and James Packer at St. John’s Shaughnessy.)

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