Seven reasons not to gamble

pokies“Managers don’t gamble with their Master’s money. All you have belongs to God. All of it. Faithful trustees may not gamble with a trust fund. They have no right.”

– at Desiring God, John Piper gives seven reasons Christians shouldn’t play the lotteries.

His reasons apply just as well to other forms of gambling – and to Australian Christians every bit as much as to our American friends.

See also:

“Buried in last week’s national accounts was the startling statistic that Australian punters bet a record $6.5 billion in the September quarter, equating to $1000 a year for every Australian.”

Sydney Morning Herald, 07 December 2015.

“Looks like Australia is the gambling capital of the world, again.”

Business Spectator, 07 February 2014.

TV code of practice poses danger to children

“The President of the NSW Council of Churches has voiced concern that proposed changes to the free-to-air TV code of practice would be harmful to children and would most likely lead to a significant increase in alcohol and gambling advertising during prime time family viewing.

Council President, the Reverend Dr Ross Clifford, said the changes to the code of practice would mean that violence, sexual content, and advertisements for alcohol, gambling and M-rated movies and DVDs would be screened during popular programs that children watched. …

The closing date for public comment is Friday 3 April 2015. To read the revised code in full and make a submission, go to”

– Read the full media release here.

Keeping up with General Synod

Australian dioceses (image: Anglican Church of Australia)As General Synod meets in Adelaide, here are a few ways you can keep up, if you so desire –

Pokies: Who cares?

“I remain sickened by the tragedy upon tragedy caused by poker machine gambling. What needs to happen for our political leaders to act in compassion on this matter? State Governments gamble life and lives away through their support of poker machine gambling – often deceptively referred to as ‘gaming’ [Oh, Please!].…”

– Bishop of Tasmania John Harrower pleads with political leaders to act.

No second casino for Sydney, say churches

Here’s a media release from the NSW Council of Churches:

The President of the NSW Council of Churches, Revd Dr Ross Clifford, has commended NSW Premier Barry O’Farrell on his measured approach to pressure for a second casino license for Sydney, and reiterated a call for an inquiry into the social implications of gambling in NSW.  Read more

‘Dirty, rotten lies’

“The Clubs industry in Australia has just launched a $20 million lie – if we believe them, we will miss a once in a generation opportunity to radically transform the way we care for those who are addicted to gambling…”

Over at, Anglicare Sydney CEO Peter Kell doesn’t mince his words on poker machine reform.

A tip for the Melbourne Cup

Phillip JensenLast year, Kel Richards and Dean Phillip Jensen discussed the topic of gambling at The Chat Room.

Watch it at

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