Albert Mohler gives thanks for J I Packer

Albert Mohler has recorded this impromptu thanksgiving for J I Packer.

J. I. Packer (1926–2020)

“J. I. Packer went to be with the Lord on July 17, 2020. He was 93 years old.

Packer was a lifelong Anglican churchman who spent the first half of his life in England and the second half in Canada but who was perhaps most popular in the United States. …

Throughout his nearly 70 years of writing and ministry, he stressed the importance of knowing and praying to and communing with the triune God. He called for the church to take holiness and repentance seriously by walking in the Spirit and fighting against indwelling sin. He defended biblical authority and championed the cause of disciple-making catechesis. And he reintroduced multiple generations to his beloved Puritan forebears, whom he regarded as the Redwoods of the Christian faith.”

– Justin Taylor has this tribute to J I Packer, who has been called home.

We thank God for this faithful servant (and Honorary Canon of St. Andrew’s Cathedral in Sydney). Image: Crossway.

See also:

J I Packer in his own words – videos from Crossway.

“Packer’s life-changing childhood experience came at the age of seven when he was chased out of the schoolyard by a bully onto the busy London Road in Gloucester, where he was struck by a bread van and sustained a serious head injury. He carried a visible dent in the side of his head for the rest of his life. Nevertheless, Packer was uncomplaining and accepting of what providence brought into his life from childhood on.

Much more important than Packer’s accident was his conversion to Christ, which happened within two weeks of his matriculation as an undergraduate at Oxford University. Packer committed his life to Christ on October 22, 1944, while attending an evangelistic service sponsored by the campus InterVarsity chapter. …” – Christianity Today.

A brief word to J. I. Packer on his 90th birthday

Dr J I PackerSecond, although I’m profoundly grateful for all his writings, I want to especially highlight a short introduction he wrote to John Owen’s, The Death of Death in the Death of Christ. Packer openly acknowledges that no one in church history exerted a greater or more formative influence on the shape of his soul and the content of his theology than did Owen.

Many of us who joyfully identify with the Reformed theology that Packer has so faithfully defended can point to our reading of his Introductory Essay as a decisive factor in persuading us of the truth of particular redemption or definite atonement.”

– At Crossway’s website, Sam Storms writes a brief appreciation for J.I. Packer on the latter’s 90th birthday.

Doubtless, many Moore College graduates will echo his words about the introduction to John Owen’s, The Death of Death in the Death of Christ! Read it here.

Dr J I Packer 90th birthday celebrations planned

Packer 90Regent College and St. John’s Vancouver are planning a 90th birthday celebration for J. I. Packer – next Tuesday, 19th July, 2016.

Details at Regent College.

J.I. Packer still running the race — please keep him in your prayers

j-i-packer-sepia“We at Crossway learned this week that J. I. Packer (who will, Lord willing, turn 90 years old in July 2016) has developed macular degeneration in his right eye. His left eye has had macular degeneration for over a decade. He consented to let this information be shared publicly.”

– Justin Taylor shares some news for your prayers.

Update: Ivan Mesa at The Gospel Coalition shares the text of a phone interview he conducted with Jim Packer.

J. I. Packer’s rare Puritan library digitised and available online

Dr J I PackerIn one of the sad attempts to deal with faithful, Bible-believing clergy, in 2008, the then Bishop of the Diocese of New Westminster issued a ‘notice of presumption of abandonment of the exercise of ministry’ to Dr J.I. Packer, and others.

As well as being a much-loved and respected theologian and preacher, Dr. Packer is a foremost Puritan historian.

“The John Richard Allison Library in Vancouver—which hosts the joint collections of Regent College and Carey Theological College—has now made available their entire rare Puritan collection to be read online for free. What a gift of modern technology to help us recover these gifts from the church of the past.

There are currently 80 Puritan authors in their collection, many of whose works were digitized from J. I. Packer’s private library.”

– Justin Taylor at the Gospel Coalition has a list of the titles and links to the digitised versions.

J I Packer — In his own words

in-his-own-wordsCrossway have released their 18 minute “short video documentary about [J.I.] Packer’s early life, theological influences, and enduring legacy”.

Give thanks for the good things the Lord has given us though this man, and pray for Packer’s continued work in helping Christians to value and love God’s word.

You can view it here, along with eight brief video clips in which Dr. Packer addresses the questions:

What is Repentance?
What is Faith?
What is the Church?
What is Doctrine?
What is Christian Unity?
Who is the Holy Spirit?
What is the Lord’s Supper?
What is Baptism?

See also: Justin Taylor has some background and links.

More Packer

J I Packer videosCrossway has released more short videos filmed as part of their forthcoming documentary entitled, J. I. Packer: In His Own Words.

“We’re also giving away a free e-book by J. I. Packer to everyone who signs up to receive the videos via email at”

Released so far:

What is Repentance?
What is Faith?
What is the Church?
What is Doctrine?
What is Christian Unity?
Who is the Holy Spirit?

The full video will be released on Tuesday, November 3rd.

J I Packer — In his own words

J I Packer “J. I. Packer stands as one of the greatest theologians of the twentieth-century. Ever since the publication of Knowing God – an international best-seller – Packer has exerted a steady influence on contemporary Evangelicalism.

In honour of his life and legacy, Crossway is producing a short video documentary entitled, J. I. Packer: In His Own Words, that will premier on Tuesday, November 3, accessible free-of-charge at There you’ll also find other videos featuring Packer discussing timely topics related to the Christian life, including the nature of saving faith, the importance of the church, the centrality of sound doctrine, and the person of the Holy Spirit.

We’re also giving away a free e-book by J. I. Packer to everyone who signs up to receive the videos via email at”

– From Crossway.

Packer on Preaching

J I Packer“When did you last hear a sermon that spent 50% of the time on application? J. I. Packer has insightfully analysed contemporary and historic approaches to preaching over his years as a pastor and scholar. In this featured article, drawn from the summer edition of Churchman, Benjamin Dean outlines Packer’s approach to preaching…”

– Today’s post on Church Society’s blog.

Leland Ryken and Sam Storms on J I Packer

ryken-storms-taylor-packerJustin Taylor sat down recently with Sam Storms and Leland Ryken – both of whom have written books on J. I. Packer. It’s a 20 minute video.

J. I. Packer is best known for his books Knowing God, Evangelism and the Sovereignty of God.

70 years ago today: The conversion of J. I. Packer

Canon David Short, Rector, and Canon Dr. J.I. Packer, Honourary Assistant Minister, ST John's Vancouver“On Sunday, October 22, 1944—seventy years ago today—it is doubtful that anyone noticed a soft-spoken, lanky, and decidedly bookish first-year university student leaving his dormitory room at Corpus Christi College and heading across Oxford for an evening Christian Union service at a local Anglican church.

18-year-old Jim Packer had arrived at Oxford University less than three weeks prior, a single suitcase in hand, traveling east by train from Gloucester using a free ticket available to family members of Great Western Railway employees…”

– Justin Taylor fittingly marks the anniversary.

(Photo: Dr. Packer, right, with David Short, in Vancouver three years ago.)

J. I. Packer on Personal Holiness

Dr Jim Packer“At the age of 87, Dr. Packer is not travelling to lecture much these days, but a few weeks ago (January 16th, 2014) he spoke at the Trinity School for Ministries on a subject of his choice.

He says that his desire in his remaining days is to ‘campaign for a renewal of personal holiness, as a project, as a focus of interest, as a reality – which our churches need, which our country needs, which the world needs at this time in its history’.”

Justin Taylor has the link. 51 minutes. Well worth watching and contemplating.

J.I. Packer’s conversion and C.S. Lewis

J I Packer“Just this week, J.I. Packer celebrated his 87th birthday. We asked him to explain the formative role and influence of C.S. Lewis’s writings on his teen years, his conversion, and his later ministry, which he explains in this three-minute video.”

– from Tony Reinke at Desiring God.

Packer: Playing the Numbers Game

Jim Packer with Mike Ovey“I have found that churches, pastors, seminaries, and parachurch agencies throughout North America are mostly playing the numbers game—that is, defining success in terms of numbers of heads counted or added to those that were there before…”

– J. I Packer, via Justin Taylor.

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