Fort Worth Bishop inhibited

Bishop Jack Iker, Fort WorthWhile the Nov 21 notice of inhibition came as no surprise to Episcopal Church watchers, internal church documents show a resistance by the review committee to punish Bishop Iker on the basis of his beliefs – resisting Bishop Schori’s push to discipline the Fort Worth bishop before his diocese quit the Episcopal Church. …

– George Conger writes at Religious Intelligence.

Watch the Fort Worth Convention

Bishop Jack IkerAs the Diocese of Fort Worth’s convention meets this weekend to vote on leaving The Episcopal Church, video of the proceedings will be streamed live on the internet.

See it at

We are contending for the Faith: Fort Worth

Bishop Jack Iker, Fort Worth“Contending for the Faith” is the theme of this year’s Diocesan Convention, and it aptly describes what lies at the heart of the controversy that surrounds us.

Others have argued that it is a matter of contending for property, or contending for the authority of The Episcopal Church over us, or contending for homosexual rights in the church. But these are simply some of the side issues confronting us.

The real issue is the faith. We are taking a stand for the historic faith and practice of the Bible, as we have received them, and against the continuing erosion of that faith by TEC. This Diocese stands for orthodox Christianity. TEC stands for a revisionist and compromised version of what the Church has always taught..…

Bishop Jack Iker writes as the Fort Worth Convention on November 14 and 15 draws closer.

Archbishop Peter Jensen’s statement on the deposition of Bishop Duncan

Archbishop Peter JensenStatement from the Archbishop of Sydney, Dr Peter Jensen, on the deposition of Bishop Bob Duncan of Pittsburgh by the Episcopal Church House of Bishops.

“The unfolding tragedy of the Episcopal Church starkly reveals the folly of the original decision to break with the Bible and centuries of historic Christianity on the issue of human sexuality.

We grieve for Bishop Duncan but are encouraged by his courageous witness.

I welcome the statements of the many significant figures in the Anglican world who have expressed grave concern at this act towards a man who remains in good standing with the majority of the communion.”

– 19th September 2008.

See also Network, Common Cause Leaders offer Support for Bishop Duncan

Bishop Jack IkerBishop Jack Iker of Fort Worth:

“In spite of the sham deposition of Bishop Robert Duncan by the House of Bishops, he remains the formidable leader of traditional Episcopalians and loyal Anglicans in North America. Bishop Duncan continues to have the respect of a majority of the primates and bishops of the entire Anglican Communion, including the Archbishop of Canterbury. In an effort to silence him, the House of Bishops has only given him greater creditability as the leader of the realignment movement.”

Archbishop-elect of Tanzania visits Ft Worth

Bishop Jack Iker and Bishop Valentine MokiwaDr. Valentine Mokiwa, Bishop of Dar es Salaam and Archbishop-elect of Tanzania visited the Diocese of Fort Worth on Friday.

There’s a photo and brief report on the Fort Worth website.

Fort Worth releases guidelines for parishes who may wish to leave

Bishop Jack IkerWhat would happen if a diocese voted to leave the Episcopal Church, while some of its parishes preferred to remain? How should those who belong to Jesus act in this matter? The Diocese of Fort Worth has published Guidelines to be followed if a parish wished to initiate a separation –

The leadership of this diocese has watched with sadness as issues and attitudes have caused deepening differences at all levels in the Anglican Communion. Adding to this rupture of the bonds of affection are the growing numbers of lawsuits being filed by those who once were unified in faithful witness and ministry. “Disagreement and division may be inevitable,” commented Dean Ryan Reed, President of the Standing Committee, “but Christian charity must not be sacrified in the process.” The purpose of the Canon and the Guidelines is to provide for a charitable parting, if parting is necessary.

– from a press release from the Diocese of Fort Worth.

Preliminary Report from Fort Worth on the Invitation to Join the Southern Cone

Bishop Jack Iker“Based on our review, we have concluded that the structure and polity of the Province of the Southern Cone would afford our diocese greater self-determination than we currently have under the General Convention of The Episcopal Church. This autonomy would be evident most specifically in the areas of property ownership, liturgy, holy orders, and missionary focus. …”

Read the full Preliminary Report from the Bishop of Fort Worth and his Standing Committee – on the Fort Worth website.

31 bishops stand with Bishop Schofield

Letter of supportThirty one bishops, including Jack Iker (Bishop of Fort Worth), Peter Jensen (Archbishop of Sydney), Robert Forsyth (Bishop of South Sydney) and Bishop Michael Nazir-Ali (Bishop of Rochester), have written a letter of support for Bishop John-David Schofield of San Joaquin in his decision to leave The Episcopal Church and to align with the Province of the Southern Cone.

The letter, posted today on the San Joaquin diocesan website, reads as follows –

Dear Bishop John-David,

We, Episcopal colleagues from across the Anglican Communion and across the world, write to salute you on the courageous decision of the Diocesan Convention of San Joaquin to take leave of The Episcopal Church and to align with the Province of the Southern Cone. We know that decision was to a large extent the result of your tenacity and faithful leadership, and for that we give thanks to God. It has been said that you are isolated and alone. We want you and the world to know that in this decision for the faith once delivered to the saints, we stand with you and beside you. May Christ abundantly bless you and your diocese with all the gifts of the Spirit and with joy in believing.

Yours in Christ,

The Rt. Rev. Jack L. Iker, Bishop of Fort Worth


The Most Rev. Peter Jensen, Archbishop of Sydney
The Rt. Rev. Matthias Medadues-Badohu, Bishop of Ho
The Rt. Rev. Michael Nazir-Ali, Bishop of Rochester…

Read the letter and see the full list of signatories on the San Joaquin website (PDF file).

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