Bishop Michael Ingham’s Easter Message

Posted on March 28, 2008 
Filed under News

Michael Ingham, New Westminster“For resurrection to come, some things must die. This church of ours, for example, is moving through a great time of change. And the paradox is that in order for the Gospel to live, some aspects of the church may have to die. Anglicanism has survived centuries of turmoil – world wars, religious wars, the end of slavery, the emancipation of women – but Anglicanism as we have known it for four hundred years may not survive the movement for dignity and respect that is now being sought for gay and lesbian people today.

There is a great struggle going on in our church between those who see God in the traditions of the past, and those who see God in the new wind of the Spirit challenging our old assumptions about human nature…”

A classic liberal interpretation of what “The Resurrection of Jesus” is about – from the Diocese of New Westminster. (Photo: New Westminster.)