How we became GAFCON — 5 minute video

Posted on August 3, 2016 
Filed under GAFCON

pfj-gafcon-1Archbishop Dr Peter Jensen describes how GAFCON came about, and why it is needed, in this new video.

Pass the link around.

And here is a 60 second video from Dr Jensen on the same topic.

See also: Where are we now? The aftermath of the January meeting of the Primates – Peter Jensen.

In January this year, the Primates of the Anglican Communion were summoned by the Archbishop of Canterbury to a meeting.  So serious is the crisis in the Communion about the authority of God’s word that almost every Primate attended.

As I have said previously, the result was the mildest possible rebuke over the greatest offence for the greatest offenders, with the hope that there may be repentance.

It is now perfectly clear that the meeting failed in its intention. Far from being rebuked, the leaders of the Episcopal Church said that they intend to continue in their present course and indeed to export their ideas vigorously to the rest of the world…” (Read more.)