GAFCON Chairman’s September 2015 Pastoral Letter

Posted on September 21, 2015 
Filed under GAFCON

Archbishop Eliud Wabukala“…it has become clear over the last twenty years that the Communion is becoming a source of weakness as Churches which have rejected the truth as Anglicans have received it spread false teaching, yet continue to enjoy full communion with the Archbishop of Canterbury.

Our GAFCON movement believes in a much richer vision. We seek to unite. We recognise and embrace those who sacrifice for the sake of the gospel, not only those who persevere in the face of violent persecution but also those who persevere despite being marginalised and even forced out of their traditional spiritual homes by the rise of false teaching in the Church. To them we say ‘You are not alone’ as we join together to make Christ known.…”

– GAFCON Chairman Eliud Wabukala writes in his latest Pastoral Letter.