GAFCON Chairman’s February 2018 letter
Posted on February 8, 2018
Filed under Anglican Communion, GAFCON
“We cannot truly promote the gospel if we are not also careful to preserve it from distortion or dilution and I therefore commend the Church of England Evangelical Council (CEEC) for their recent document ‘Gospel, Church & Marriage: Preserving Apostolic Faith and Life’. At a time when the Church of England’s senior leadership seems unable to resist the pressure to compromise with a highly secular culture, it is a sign of hope that evangelical leaders are able to come together in this way. …
However, the question I humbly wish to ask my brothers and sisters in England is this: will you take courage and act on these words? As members of the Mother Church of our beloved Communion you have a great responsibility…”
– GAFCON Chairman, Archbishop Nicholas D. Okoh, has released his February 2018 Letter. Read it all here.