GAFCON: A moment and a movement — report on Belfast meeting

Posted on June 19, 2015 
Filed under GAFCON

Archbishop Peter Jensen“A meeting of church leaders from across Ireland has been challenged to remain biblically faithful but to ‘dare to do new things’ in the face of a ‘new spiritual darkness’ in the west.

The General Secretary of the Global Anglican Future Conference, Dr Peter Jensen, who addressed the event at Belfast’s Willowfield Church, told the story of GAFCON’s beginnings in the landmark conference of Bishops, clergy and lay leaders in Jerusalem in 2008, through to the Nairobi meeting in 2013 and the movement’s unifying work today across the Anglican world…”

report from GAFCON.


Here’s a report from The Belfast News Letter.

and a correction to that report, from Philip Robinson GAFCON Operations Manager.