Free Church suspends talks with Kirk

Posted on November 23, 2009 
Filed under News

Free Church of Scotland“The Free Church of Scotland has decided to suspend its regular discussions with the Church of Scotland.

The biannual talks involved representatives of both denominations and had been taking place over the past 5 years. They involved a frank but friendly exchange on the theological issues which divided the two denominations, along with an acknowledgement of the good relations which exist in many localities between congregations of both churches.

However, the Free Church has said that, in the light of the uncertainty over the Kirk’s position on homosexuality following the induction of an allegedly gay minister earlier this year, which appeared to be sanctioned by their General Assembly, it cannot for the time being continue ‘as if nothing had happened.’  

The decision was communicated at a recent meeting between the representatives of both churches and accepted with regret. Rev. Iver Martin, Convener of the Free Church Ecumenical Relations Committee, said, ‘Suspending the talks, whilst regrettable, was the most tangible way of expressing the Free Church’s discomfort with the failure of the Church of Scotland to take a thoroughly Biblical stand on the place of marriage between one man and one woman.’

The Free Church continues to value and encourage the close relationship that there is between congregations of both denominations in many areas of Scotland.”

– from The Free Church of Scotland (November 18, 2009).

Related: Kirk votes against trainee gay clergy. (November 19, 2009)