Bishop Richard Ellena of Nelson: Lambeth an expensive exercise in futility

Posted on August 3, 2008 
Filed under News

Bishop Richard Ellena of NelsonStand Firm has published, with permission, a letter from Bishop Richard Ellena of the New Zealand Diocese of Nelson:

We are now in the last couple of days of Lambeth and I am feeling deeply sad.

I don’t know why at the moment – everything I came here hoping for looks set to be agreed to:

It is very likely that the Windsor continuation report will be approved – which means that a moratoria on gay bishops will continue etc….

And it seems likely that a covenant process will be endorsed and a draft agreed to.

All this seems good to me and yet I can’t help this overwhelming sadness.

Because I am more convinced than ever that none of this will help us. Those who have stayed away will not agree to it and will continue their ministry in the States. And TEC will continue to bleat that they won’t follow the moratoria while these Africans continue to ignore it.

I believe (at this stage – and there are still two days to go) that this has been the most expensive exercise in futility that I have every been to. …

– Read the rest of the message at Stand Firm.

Sarah Hey of Stand Firm has also posted online an audio interview with Bishop Ellena.

(Photo: Diocese of Nelson.)