Condolences on the death of Archbishop Johnson of West Africa

Posted on January 24, 2014 
Filed under Anglican Communion, GAFCON

Archbishop Dr Solomon Tilewa JohnsonArchbishop Dr Eliud Wabukala, Archbishop of Kenya and Chairman of GAFCON has released this statement after the unexpected death of the Primate of West Africa, Archbishop Dr Solomon Tilewa Johnson. 

“It was with shock and great sadness that we heard about the sudden death of our brother Primate, S. Tilewa Johnson, earlier this week.

In October last year we shared fellowship at GAFCON 2013 here in Nairobi and we thank God for his commitment to our Lord Jesus Christ whom he served with a robust faith and cheerful energy throughout his ministry. He was a man of global vision and his death, so untimely from our human perspective, has deprived not only the Church of the Province of West Africa, but the whole Anglican Communion of a talented leader.

We assure Mama Priscilla, his family and the Church he served of our prayers in their loss, that they may know the presence of the Prince of Peace who has conquered death and from whose love nothing can separate us.

– The Most Rev’d Dr Eliud Wabukala, Archbishop of Kenya and Bishop, All Saints Cathedral Diocese, Nairobi. January 24, 2014.”

– Source: GAFCON. Photo: ENS.


Anglican Communion shocked by West Africa Primate’s sudden death – ACNS.

More Anglican Communion leaders pay tribute to the West Africa Primate – ACNS. Primate of the Indian Ocean, Archbishop Ian Ernest writes — “He is indeed for me a dear brother in Christ who has been a friend and a colleague of my ministry as Primate. His intuitive skills and his spirit of frankness as a Church leader have enabled him to emerge as a unique and strong witness of Jesus Christ in regions where religious extremism and violence prevail. His untimely death comes as a great blow to all those who have had the joy and privilege to know him.”