Celebrate the AMiE Ordinations online
Posted on December 7, 2017
Filed under GAFCON
“On Thursday 7th December 2017, nine men will be ordained by Bishop Andy Lines. This will be the first AMiE ordination service. It is a significant day for those being ordained and in the life of the Anglican Mission in England. Because of this we want as many people as possible to share this occasion with us.
Please come along to the service if you can. We’d love you to be there if you’d like to celebrate with us and pray for those being set apart as deacons and presbyter. The ordination will happen at East London Tabernacle Church. This is located in Mile End, not far from the Tube Station. It will start at 8pm [7:00am AEDT Friday 8th December] and finish by 9.30pm.
If you cannot make it to the service but would like to watch it then check out our AMiE Facebook page. We are planning to livestream it here. Simply like the page and you will be able to access this significant event from anywhere in the world.”
– from The Anglican Mission in England.