Are You Listening to Yourself?

“A verse that encourages me greatly, in preaching, is Jesus’ words in John 10:27:

My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me.

When we communicate God’s word, it gathers the sheep, the sheep come to listen, they recognise Jesus voice.

Its encouraging, because God’s truth attracts God’s people, so when I am discouraged by small numbers, this verse reminds me – God’s people listen to God’s voice, and want to hear Him speak to them through His word, and faithful preaching. …”

– At The Expository Preaching Trust, Jim Mobbs encourages preachers to listen to their own sermons.

Picture: Detail from “The Evangelist”, a painting of Arthur Stace preaching in the open air, by artist David Lever.

Halloween Interview – Ian Carmichael

“Ian Carmichael is a publishing consultant for Matthias Media and author of the publishing company’s first Halloween-themed tract.

The ACR caught up with Ian to hear about some of the opportunities we can take advantage of at this time of year. …”

– Read the interview at The Australian Church Record.

Here’s the tract mentioned.

D. A. Carson’s Theological Method

“In 2011, the Scottish Bulletin of Evangelical Theology published my article ‘D. A. Carson’s Theological Method.’

In 2023, Crossway has published a book of essays by D. A. Carson in which I update my 2011 article, and Crossway has graciously granted me permission to upload a PDF of my updated essay on my website…”

– See Andy Naselli’s updated article at his website.

George Whitefield College newsletter October 2023

The October 2023 newsletter from George Whitefield College in Cape Town has been released.

For your encouragement and your prayers, download the PDF file here – or see select articles on their website.

Interrogating identity: From philosophical theories to Biblical wisdom – with Chris Watkin

From The Pastor’s Heart –

“We traverse the historical landscape of identity, starting from Descartes’ cogito ergo sum or ‘I think, therefore I am,’ to the current age where identity has become a commodity.

Chris Watkin, the award-winning author of Biblical Critical Theory, helps us understand possessive individualism, starting with John Locke, expressive individualism, and how both terms help us grapple with modern identity formation.

Plus, we probe into the delicate balance between dignity and humility in the context of human identity.”

Watch or listen here.


Andrew Moody reviewers Biblical Critical Theory at The Gospel Coalition Australia.

The book is available from Christian booksellers, including The Wandering Bookseller.

My Greatest Recommendation for Kids – Best News Ever

“Recently, a friend was telling me about a poll they conducted among the parents at their church. One question asked about whether the parents read the Bible regularly with their kids at home. They were surprised to find that only about ten percent of families did. Anecdotally, I’d say that seems a pretty fair representation of churches more widely. …”

– At The Australian Church Record, Jocelyn Loane has some practical help.

(Available from The Wandering Bookseller.)

Some of the greatest women in church history – with Rachel Ciano

From The Pastor’s Heart:

“Our focus today is on the massive legacy of some of the greatest women of church history.  We discuss how different the Jesus’ mother Mary (as portrayed in the New Testament) is to Mary as she’s popularly thought of.  We focus on the account of one of the early martyrs, 22 year old mother Perpetua, who was fed to the lions.

We look at England’s nine day queen Lady Jane Grey and her mentoring by the Swiss Protestant reformer Heinrich Bullinger.  Then there’s the extraordinary story of Salvation Army co-founder Catherine Booth’s campaign to have the age of consent raised in England from 12 to the eventual age of 16.  And Gladys Alward’s 350 kilometre trek across the mountains of China with 100 orphan children.”

Watch or listen here.

Related: 10 Dead Gals You Should Know: Leaving An Enduring Legacy.

Pray for those in authority

1 Timothy 2:1-4

First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people, for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way. This is good, and it is pleasing in the sight of God our Saviour, who desires all people to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth.” ESV.

See also:

Responding to the situation in Israel: thoughts from a Christian – Murray Campbell,

“How might Christians respond to the events in Israel of the past 48 hours? Here are 3 suggestions: pray, mourn, and press close to Christ.

There is something every Christian can do today. We can pray. We should pray. There is, after all, Biblical warrant for praying. …”

Image: Israel and surrounds, 07 October 2023, NASA Worldview.

John Anderson in conversation with Glen Scrivener


“In this interview, John sits down with author, minister and director of Speak Life, Glen Scrivener for a conversation on how the Christian worldview has shaped our society.

Glen does a fantastic job communicating how thoroughly the Christian ethic has shaped and still continues to shape our culture today. Most remarkably, Glen highlights how even many of Christianity’s biggest detractors’ arguments are based on presuppositions that are fundamentally Christian in nature.”

– Fascinating and worth watching. This would be a very helpful video to share with anyone who wants to know that Christians believe.

At – or see YouTube for a version with time markers to jump topics discussed.

See also:

Want to Reach the World? Evangelize the Church — Glen Scrivener at The Gospel Coalition.

Speak Life.

Catechising – A short introduction

“Believe me, Sir, the Church of God will never preserve itself without a Catechism, for it is like the seed to keep good grain from dying out and causing it to multiply from age to age.”

“So wrote the Genevan reformer John Calvin to Lord Protector Somerset during the reign of King Edward VI in 1548. He wanted to stress the importance of instructing the youth so that gospel ministry would go from strength to strength during the English Reformation. In other words, it was about children’s and youth ministry. In particular, it was the importance of catechising.

But what exactly is catechising? In short, it is verbal instruction (institutio viva voce). In the context of Christian ministry, it is a way of teaching the gospel to the next generation of God’s people to know, love, and serve the Lord. …”

– At The Australian Church Record, Mark Earngey reminds us why the Reformers thought catechesis was so important and challenges us to teach our children (and ourselves) well.

Blind spots in the evangelical ecosystem – with Mikey Lynch

From The Pastor’s Heart:

“Whether we are the senior pastor, theological college lecturer, missionary, student worker, Christian publisher, or denominational leader – we all work within an evangelical ecosystem. And it’s possible for us to make it harder or easier for our ministry peers to play their part in glorifying God.

Mikey Lynch’s new book The Vine Movement, published by Matthias Media, explores how churches, missionary organisations, evangelical student ministries, chaplains and denominations can all work together best.

Mikey Lynch is a director of Reach Australia, leads the AFES staff team at the University in Hobart and is the editorial director for Gospel Coalition Australia.”

Watch or listen here.

The power and pain of perseverance — CCL event

On 18 October 2023, Moore College Principal Dr Mark Thompson is speaking on “The power and pain of perseverance” at a Centre for Christian Living event.

Watch the 55 second promo video, and register here (it’s free!).

National Police Remembrance Day 2023

Friday 29 September 2023 is National Police Remembrance Day.

It’s a good reminder to pray for all who serve in the police services, and also Christian chaplains to the Police.

in 2018, Archbishop Glenn Davies wrote a prayer for the occasion.

Image: NSW Police Legacy.

The Gospel Coalition announces The Carson Center for Theological Renewal

At The Gospel Coalition, Collin Hansen writes,

“On behalf of The Gospel Coalition, I’m pleased to announce the launch of a major new initiative: The Carson Center for Theological Renewal.

Around the world today, biblical illiteracy inhibits spiritual depth—not just in the shrinking church of the West but even in the growing churches of the South and East. But there’s no spiritual renewal without returning to Scripture. And while the internet offers unprecedented access to the Bible, many of the most widely used resources for studying God’s Word are unhelpful at best or heretical at worst.

That’s why TGC has started The Carson Center for Theological Renewal, named in honor of TGC cofounder Don Carson. …”

Read all about the plans here.

Reframing the social justice discussion – with Ed Loane, Tim Swan and Berthier Lainirina

This week on The Pastor’s Heart:

“Social Justice is a fiercely contested concept among Christians. Often discussions about caring for the poor have not been grounded in a biblical vision for gospel ministry..

Evangelicals have been criticized for appearing to be weak on social justice. The charge is that we have been so focussed on gospel ministry that the poor and disadvantaged have been neglected. How does caring for the poor fit with the mission of Jesus church?

Tim Swan is the CEO of Sydney’s Anglican Aid, which hosted an important conference last weekend ‘Reframing Social Justice.’

Ed Loane is Warden at St Paul’s College in Sydney and lectures in Church History part time at Moore Theological College.

Berthier Lainirina is Principal of St Patrick’s Theological College Madagascar.”

Watch or listen here.

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