Where did all this Expository Preaching come from?

“There’s no doubt that, at least within Reformed churches, this is an age of expository preaching – of preaching sequentially through books of the Bible while always ensuring that the point of the text is the point of the sermon.

Yet you do not need to look far into history to find that it was not always so and that in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries such preaching was rare.

I was intrigued by Bob Fyall’s explanation of how expository preaching became not only accepted but expected. …”

– Tim Challies writes of key figures who promoted expository preaching in England and Scotland. Let us never take such preaching for granted.

Related: Sydney Church History – David Cook.

From barefoot refugee to leader in Global Anglicanism – with Archbishop Laurent Mbanda

In the lead up to the big GAFCON gathering in Kigali next week (17 – 21 April 2023), Dominic Steele has this fascinating interview with the Primate of Rwanda, Archbishop Dr Laurent Mbanda.

Watch or listen at The Pastor’s Heart.

Tom Habib — new Lecturer at Moore College — interviewed

For the latest issue of Moore Matters from Moore College, Tom Habbib shares his story –

“I remember reading through Isaiah 53 at my first Youth Group camp and being struck by how Isaiah’s prophecy was fulfilled in Jesus’s death for my sins. Another time, I was convicted while reading Mark 8:36, ‘What good is it for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul?’.

I realized that up until then, I had been trying to ‘gain the world’, and from then on, I wanted to live for Jesus. …”

Read it all here.

See also: Various articles by Tom.

Where to now for the Australian Christian Lobby? updated

You may have heard the news yesterday that Martin Isles, Managing Director of the Australian Christian Lobby, is moving on.

His e-mail to supporters began:

“I write with significant news that will provoke mixed reactions.

After five incredible years as managing director of the Australian Christian Lobby, my employment has been terminated by the Board.

I hasten to add that there is no question of misconduct. Rather, the Board has reviewed ACL’s strategic direction and decided I am not the right person to lead the revised strategy, which focuses more primarily on political tactics, less on the gospel. Having heard this articulated, I absolutely agree with them that I am not the right person for that vision. I have always been a preacher first, a politician second (or third……).

Please pray for the Board as ACL passes through this process, that their decisions would advance God’s will.

Although I think the strategy isn’t the right one, I leave without bitterness. God’s providence works through all things, including our own disappointments. …”

– At Culture Watch, Bill Muehlenberg shares his reaction:

“I too have long been involved in political lobbying and the like, and I know of its importance. But the more I have done this, the more I have come to believe that unless there is a strong gospel feature, unless there is a strong Christian connection, it will be all rather limited in its effectiveness and long-term success. …”

Read it all here.

(We should add, as sometimes there can be confusion: The Anglican Church League and the Australian Christian Lobby are not the same – we just share the same initials.)

Update, 27 February 2023 from Jim Wallace, Chairman of the BoardRead more

Ordinations in Armidale — February 2023

From The Diocese of Armidale:

“Some good news for your encouragement.

On Saturday 18th February, ordinations were held at St Peter’s Cathedral, Armidale. Matthew Hearne, Angus Martin and Jeremy Lin were made Deacons; Matthew Stones, David Thompson and Philip van’t Spyker were made Presbyters.

This is the largest group ordained for some years and is a wonderful blessing for our Diocese. It was also great to see so many clergy and lay people from around our Diocese come to support and encourage the six men.

Give thanks to God for those he has called to be shepherds of His church and that the clergy team in our Diocese is growing. Pray also for the ministry of each of the men who were ordained.”

(Click the image for a larger version.)

Twenty-two new Deacons ordained in Sydney

“Archbishop Kanishka Raffel described the day as a ‘truly wonderful occasion of solemn joy of celebration and dedication, as we set aside these dear men and women, brothers and sisters who have been well prepared for service of the Lord Jesus and his church.’…”

– Read the full report by Tara Sing on the ordination at St. Andrew’s Cathedral in Sydney on Saturday 18th February 2023 at SydneyAnglicans.net.

Click on the photo (courtesy Anglican Media Sydney) for a full res version.

New start at Cobar — Commissioning Saturday morning 11:00am

James Daymond will be commissioned to minister in Cobar on Saturday 18th February 2023 at 11:00am.

It’s been more than 20 years since there was a resident Anglican minister in Cobar. (According to the diocesan Facebook page, James’ great uncle was once the minister there.)

Please pray for James and Brittany Daymond and for the church in Cobar, that this will be for the eternal good of many people, and for the glory of Christ.

Here James and Brittany are pictured with Dr Warwick Baines, business manager and registrar of the Diocese of Bathurst.

You can watch the livestream here.

Darrell Parker to be installed as Bishop of North West Australia — Wednesday 9.00pm AEDT

Darrell Parker will be installed as the Bishop of the Diocese of North West Australia at the Cathedral of the Holy Cross in Geraldton tonight, Wednesday 15th February, at 6:00pm AWST (9:00pm AEDT).

We understand the service will be live-streamed – available via the Geraldton Cathedral website or on the Cathedral Youtube channel.

Photo: Darrell and Elizabeth Parker.

New start in West Wyalong

From the Diocese of Bathurst Facebook page – news from Saturday 11th February –

“A joy to see Steven and Caitlin Klouth warmly welcomed in West Wyalong as the Rev’d Steven Klouth was commissioned this morning as Priest-in-Charge.

This full time appointment would not be possible without the generous partnership of the Bush Church Aid Society.

NSW director of BCA, Paul Sampson joined us, as did CFO Greg Bridge and Chair of council, Fred Chilton and his wife Jill.”

– Food for your prayers.

What if Colin Buchanan was Archbishop?

“Christian kids musician and entertainer Colin Buchanan joins Dominic Steele on The Pastor’s Heart, to answer questions submitted over the last few weeks plus a few questions that Colin wrote himself.

Plus Colin premiers a new song ‘If you have ever made a mess, say yes!’”

– Hilarious, encouraging and thoughtful – this week on The Pastor’s Heart.

Don’t miss the duet.

Michael Calder appointed as Priest-in-Charge of St. John’s Wishart

From the Diocese of Bathurst Facebook page comes the news that the Rev. Michael Calder, who has been serving as Assistant at St Bart’s Toowoomba, has been appointed as as Priest-in-Charge of St. John’s Wishart in Brisbane.

Do pray for Michael and his wife Rachel and the St. John’s congregation, as well as for Peter Judge-Mears and his family and members of the church who formed Southern Cross Anglican Church, Southside late last year.

At SydneyAnglicans.net, Russell Powell reports on the consecration – for the Diocese of North West Australia – of Bishop Darrell Parker:

“They came from all parts of Australia to see Bishop Darrell Parker consecrated as a bishop to serve the Diocese of North West Australia. But it was his former boss, the Bishop of Armidale Rod Chiswell, who summed up his task.

After a sermon from Titus chapter one, where the Apostle Paul exhorts Titus to appoint elders to the churches on Crete, Bishop Chiswell estimated there might be a similar number of churches in the Diocese of the North West.

He reminded the new Bishop of the sign over the doorway of the Armidale Diocese office which reads ‘Jesus is Lord’. ‘For people to have the certain hope of eternal life, we must keep speaking this truth in love,’ Bishop Chiswell (below) said. …”

Read it all here.

Image of Mrs Elizabeth and Bishop Darrell Parker from the St. Andrew’s Cathedral lifestream.

Please pray for 2023 Sydney ordinands

From SydneyAnglicans.net:

Please pray for these candidates as they prepare for ordination on February 18, 2023 and for taking up positions at the following parishes:

Brian Barker,              Hurstville Grove
Kingsley Box,              Yagoona & Condell Park
Brodie Cutmore,         Engadine
Cathy Dell,                  Lalor Park
Russell Denten,          St Luke’s Miranda
Joshua Goscombe,    Gladesville
Ed Hannah,                St Luke’s Liverpool
Alex Hitchcock,          Annandale
Jaison Jacob,             St John’s Paramatta
Sarah Kinstead,         Anglicare Hospital Chaplain
Benjamin Ko,             Northmead Anglican
Braydon Lucas,         Gladesville
Andrew Marrett,        St James, Turramurra
Lachlan Orr,               Naremburn/ Cammeray
Matt Shannon,           Wollongong Cathedral
Netane Siuhengalu,   West Ryde
Jeremy Smith,            Stanhope Gardens
Miles Stepniewski,     Riverstone
Ned Teuben,              Artarmon
Simon Wang,             St John’s Campsie
Scott Williams,           Picton/Wilton
Nick Wood,                Kirribilli and Neutral Bay.

Photo: SydneyAnglicans.net

You can watch the service live at 10:00am on Saturday 18th February (or afterwards) on YouTube.

Commissioning in Cowra

From the Bathurst Diocese Facebook page:

“A great afternoon commissioning Ben (with Alissa) Connelly for ministry in Cowra with great thanks to BCA for their partnership. In the photos you’ll see the Rev’d Greg Harris, national director of BCA and various Bathurst clergy and spouses of who gathered for today.”

– A cause for thanksgiving and prayer. See also the BCA website.

Anglicans honoured in Australia Day list 2023

“A senior public servant and a former Dean of the College of Divinity are among Anglicans in Sydney given Australia Day Honours. …”

– Russell Powell has the story at SydneyAnglicans.net.

(Image: SydneyAnglicans.net)

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