New Perth Assistant Bishops introduced

The Diocese of Perth has posted brief videos introducing the two new Assistant Bishops of the diocese. Many of readers will know Archdeacon David Bassett who was ordained in the Diocese of North West Australia and who is now heading back west from Adelaide.

See the videos here.

Ben Kwashi retires as Archbishop of Jos

GAFCON General Secretary Archbishop Ben Kwashi is retiring from his position as Archbishop of Jos, Nigeria, after 31 years as Bishop.

Prayer request from GAFCON.

Brief news stories from The Guardian (Nigeria) and This Day Live (Nigeria).

Give thanks for his service to the Lord Jesus Christ – particularly in the Diocese of Jos, and also globally through GAFCON.

Photo: Archbishop Kwashi with Archbishop Peter Jensen in Jerusalem in 2018, courtesy GAFCON.

Two new Assistant Bishops for Perth

“Since January this year the Diocese has been prayerfully supporting the Episcopal Office, especially Bishop Kate and myself, in the life and ministry of the Diocese of Perth as we have been considering our mission and ministry needs moving forward.

Your prayers have been appreciated and I have been deeply aware of being held through some long hours and complex situations over these past eight months. The great and exciting news of the appointment of two new Assistant Bishops of Perth was announced on 10 August 2023.

The Venerable David Bassett from the Diocese of Adelaide. David is the Assistant to the Primate and Archdeacon of Adelaide and the Port. David is married to Susan, and they have two adult children, a daughter and a son. David was ordained in the Diocese of North West Australia. He has served in schools and parishes there and in Melbourne and Adelaide. …

– Read the full announcement here from the Archbishop of Perth, Kay Goldsworthy

Also published in the September 2023 issue of Anglican Messenger.

Donald Robinson Library Lecture to remember Deaconess Margaret Rodgers AM

Coming up on Saturday 23 September at Moore College:

“Deaconess Margaret Rodgers AM (1939-2014) was an extraordinary woman who used her many talents to serve God through her work as Principal of Deaconess House, CEO of Anglican Media, President of the NSW Council of Churches, and other roles. She was passionate about lay women’s ministry and the Deaconess Order, and has left an enduring legacy in the Diocese of Sydney.

This event celebrates her life and work, with talks highlighting different aspects of her influential ministry.”

Details from the College.

When Margaret was called home in 2014, she was remembered as a dear friend and sister, a warrior for Christ.

All About Jesus: Tim Keller’s Memorial Service

“‘You may have noticed this isn’t the usual sort of memorial service,’ Kathy Keller told about 2,000 guests gathered today to remember Tim Keller. She meant there were few tributes and no videos or photos of her husband.

‘That’s because Tim wrote it himself, just the way he liked to do funerals for other people,’ she said. ‘You mention the dead person, certainly, but then you talk about the God that person is now facing.’

That’s exactly what happened in Keller’s final service. …”

– The Gospel Coalition has this report on the memorial service for Tim Keller.

Why everyone started talking about Expositional Preaching

In this article at The Gospel Coalition, Sarah Eekhoff Zylstra looks at what happens when you discover expository (‘expostional’ in the US) preaching, and what led to the founding of the Charles Simeon Trust –

“[Walter] Carter was having the same eye-opening experience that [Dave] Helm had 25 years earlier when British pastor Dick Lucas first demonstrated expositional preaching to him.

‘It felt like a light bulb going on,’ Helm remembers. ‘It felt like you were closer to having command of what God was actually trying to say.’

Helm couldn’t get enough, and in 2001, he and some others started the Charles Simeon Trust (CST) to teach Lucas’s principles to others. Light bulbs have been going on ever since. …”

Many Australians have had similar experiences, thanking God for the ministries of Dick Lucas and John Stott and others.

See, for example these related posts. – in particular, Sydney Church History by David Cook and Reflecting on Fifty Years of Expository Preaching in Australia (1965–2015) by Peter Adam.

Photo: Dick Lucas at St. Helen’s Bishopsgate in 2014.

Conversations: With Dr. Andrew Browning, Author & Christian Missionary Doctor

John Anderson’s latest Conversation is with Dr. Andrew Browning, an obstetrician-gynecologist who has devoted his life to improving maternal health in Africa, with a particular focus on fistula surgery.

Very much worth your time. Good to share too.


Africa: Maternal Healthcare – Fistula Hospitals – AnglicanAid

“Anglican Aid is partnering with Dr. Andrew Browning and the Barbara May Foundation (BMF) to help African women to have a safe childbirth.

Well known Sydney Anglican Dr. Browning worked for many years with Dr. Catherine Hamlin in Ethiopia and continues to develop her vision for fistula prevention and cure in the name of Christ. This vision continues through an expanding network of Christian maternity hospitals funded by the Barbara May Foundation together with Anglican Aid. …

BMF is a Christian foundation motivated by the love and compassion that God the Father has for the world and endeavours to serve as Christ serves. Please join Anglican Aid as together we strive to eradicate unsafe births in Africa.”

Hamlin Fistula Australia.

Wilfrid Law Docker (1846-1919) Accountant and a thorough Anglican

“Upon the death of Wilfrid Law Docker (often misspelled as Wilfred) it was said that death had removed one of those men who are the salt of the community and furthermore that:

There are many whose loss would attract greater notice, but there are few who will be so long and so much missed in a number of public affairs touching the religious and philanthropic, and educational interests of this city.

Who, then, was Wilfrid Law Docker? What had he done in his life to be accorded the designation of ‘salt of the community’? And why would he be ‘much missed in … the religious and philanthropic and educational interests’ of Sydney?…”

– At his website Philanthropists and Philanthropy in Australian Colonial History, Paul F Cooper, Research Fellow of Christ College, Sydney, provides fascinating glimpses into the lives of many who helped shape Sydney and beyond.

In his latest contribution, Paul introduces us to Wilfrid Law Docker, member of the Chapter of St. Andrew’s Cathedral, a member of the Standing Committee of the Diocesan Synod, the Synod of the Province and the General Synod of Australia.

Brett Murphy explains why he had to leave the Church of England

In an interview with Dave Piper at TWR-UK, Brett Murphy gives some of the background why he felt compelled to leave the Church of England. Link via


Rev Brett Murphy leaves the Church of England – 08 July 2023.

Brett Murphy — I have joined the Free Church of England (GAFCON) – 14 July 2023.

Societas 2023 from Moore College

Societas, the magazine produced annually by the students at Moore College, is now available.

Always interesting, and a great reminder to pray for the College.

You can read online or download your copy here.

Remembering Arthur Stace 56 years on

Like a broken record, we’ve mentioned Arthur Stace on our website once or twice over the years.

In some ways, you might call him Sydney’s best known evangelist, chalking the word Eternity on footpaths across the city for more than 35 years. He inspired thousands to wonder at the meaning of that word – hopefully to contemplate where they would spend eternity – and to be attentive to the gospel.

In addition, Arthur was an open-air evangelist, though few were aware he was also ‘Mr Eternity’.

Arthur was called home to be with the Lord Jesus on this day (30th July) in 1967.

He was eventually buried at Botany Cemetery, now part of Eastern Suburbs Memorial Park.

As we remember this humble man, let’s also be encouraged by his example as he laboured to bring the good news of salvation to his fellow Sydney-siders.

See also these two tributes in song – by Nathan Tasker (video below) and Colin Buchanan.

Former Engadine Anglican Church youth leader Karen Darda – a missionary in Japan for 26 years – farewelled after death at 58

“About 300 people have packed Engadine Anglican Church to farewell Karen Darda, a former congregation member and youth leader, who passed away after a life of service as a Christian missionary, including 26 years in Japan.

A similar number of mourners watched online as there was no more room in the church. …”

St. George and Sutherland Shire Leader.

What happened a year ago today

“It’s a cliché: ‘It began as an ordinary day’. But it did. And it opened a window into the ordinary extraordinariness of God’s providence.

7:57am – my husband is going for a run. He’s a very routine-type person so it’s his usual practice, but it’s also necessary to ward off pain that still plagues him daily due to complications from a childhood disease. (He never, ever complains.) I take a photo of him standing by the door of our bedroom before he goes as the kids have just given him some new running gear for his birthday. Did I say? It’s his birthday. …”

– at The Australian Church Record, Bronwyn Windsor shares a personal story of the Lord’s providence. Also a reminder to give thanks.

14 Lesser-known details about J. I. Packer

“Much can be said about J. I. Packer that, while personal to Packer, is nonetheless generally known, or at least not unexpected to someone who knew him as a public figure. But everyone has a dimension of personality and life that is hidden from public view and known mainly by family members and close acquaintances. I have collected data that belongs to this lesser-known side of J. I. Packer. …”

– At Crossway, Leland Ryken shares some of his research on J I Packer, who was called home three years ago.

Image courtesy Regent College Vancouver.

Many posts about J I Packer elsewhere on our website.

“John Chapman led a diocese to go evangelical, and outrage lingers still”

John Chapman early 1960s Armidale. Scan C Mackellar.

“The Anglicans of Armidale elected an evangelical bishop in 1964, a move led by John Chapman, best known as Sydney Anglican’s evangelist.

The Professor of History at the University of New England, Thomas Fudge, gave a public lecture on the evangelical takeover of the diocese – making his disapproval plain by wearing a Cope, an ecclesiastical garment disapproved of by many evangelicals. …”

– John Sandeman reports on unhappiness which still lingers.

It’s true that not everyone loved John Chapman, but many many thousands did, and praise God for him and his clear preaching of Christ.


Chappo’s contribution to the Anglican Diocese of Armidale – Tim Stevens.

“Through God working through the diligence of a humble Christian man called John Chapman, many people in the Diocese of Armidale came to know the Lord.”

Phillip Jensen on Chappo, March 2013. – The Briefing, Matthias Media.

The preaching of John Chapman – Simon Manchester, The Briefing.

John Chapman – a personal reflection from Mark Thompson.

John Charles Chapman (Chappo) – by David Cook.

Dick Lucas gives thanks for Chappo.

In the 1990s, John Chapman wrote this about the need for groups like the Anglican Church League:

“It has been interesting to me to see how the churches in the New Testament, who were founded by the apostles, so soon fell into such error that the apostles say that they have lost the gospel itself (see 2 Corinthians 11:4).

There is in the Pastoral epistles a strong call to guard and preserve the gospel. The ACL was founded and exists to do that. The way they seek to do it is to help us by finding people who are committed to this cause who will serve us on the committees and boards of the various agencies of this vast Diocese.

I have been a member of ACL for more than 30 years and commend its activities.”

Photo: Chappo, probably when he was Armidale Youth Director – apparently taken during a mission at the University of New England, early 1960s.

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