Stuart Robinson farewelled from Canberra & Goulburn

“It was a time of reminiscence for Bishop Stuart Robinson and his wife Jane at their final Easter service in St Saviour’s Cathedral on Saturday morning. …”

– Story from The Goulburn Post.

(Stuart will be inducted as Rector of St Michael’s, Vaucluse and Rose Bay, on May 5th.)

Blogging in the Name of the Lord

David Robertson, of St. Peter’s Dundee, is in Oz and speaking at this weekend’s Easter Convention at Katoomba.

The website Exiled Preacher recently conducted a brief interview. David blogs at The Wee Flea, where he has posted some observations on his first week here:

“I’m completely fascinated by people and cultures everywhere I go – for me it is part of the incredible diversity and equality with which God has endowed humanity. Made in His image we find ways of expressing creativity, beauty and love- in every culture.

Ruined by the Fall, we find ways of distorting and perverting that image – in every culture. Australia is no different. …

Observation 4 – Australian TV is rubbish.” – Read it all.

Ramon caps his lens

“A significant figure in the Australian Christian media landscape for the past 50 years has been forced to close his ministry due to ill health.

Ramon Williams, 87, whose pictures have regularly featured in Southern Cross magazine since it began, has issued his last news release from Worldwide Photos – the Religious Media Agency. …”

– At Russell Powell reports on Ramon Williams’ reluctant decision to close Worldwide Photos.

Related: Ramon Williams, Australian Christian media powerhouse, decides it’s time to retire.

Moore College Graduation 2018 — Occasional Address

Dr Peter Jensen gave the Occasional Address at last week’s Moore College 2018 Graduation.

He particularly spoke to the parents of the graduates, to explain why their children had been “studying God”.

“You will be changed by the study of God. … We are getting to know God. We are relating to him, on his own terms. … And this is not something to be undertaken lightly.”

Watch it here on Vimeo.

See also the Graduand interviews – with Talar and Mike.

Most encouraging, and good to share.

Mark Earngey to join Faculty of Moore College

News from Moore College:

“We are delighted to announce that the Moore College Governing Board has accepted the Principal’s nomination of the Rev Mark Earngey to join the College faculty from 1 September this year. …”

– Read here at the MTC website.

Stephen Hawking explored the universe: Were the mysteries of his heart newsworthy?

“So here is the question of the day: Does it matter that famed physicist Stephen Hawking was – as best one can tell from his complex and even impish way of expressing himself – an atheist who still had moments when he could hint at doubts?

Does it matter that the mind that probed the far corners of the universe couldn’t handle the mysteries of the human heart and that this pained him? After all, in an empty, random universe, there are no moral laws to explain the physics of love and attachment. …”

– At GetReligion, Terry Mattingly asks what journalists writing about Stephen Hawking might have missed.

‘Mr. Graham, how would you like to be remembered?’

“By the time you read this, I will be in heaven, and as I write this I’m looking forward with great anticipation to the day when I will be in God’s presence forever. …

But I won’t be in heaven because I’ve preached to large crowds or because I’ve tried to live a good life. I’ll be in heaven for one reason: …”

– Read it all at the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association.

Link via Terry Mattingly at GetReligion.

New Billy Graham Archive Collections to be opened to the Public

“Today the Billy Graham Center Archives at Wheaton College announced that on March 19, 2018, they will open two new collections that had been embargoed by Graham and the BGEA until his death.”

– Justin Taylor at The Gospel Coalition shares news historians will find exciting.

Reflections on the Thanksgiving Service for Billy Graham

St. Andrew’s Cathedral was packed for this afternoon’s Thanksgiving Service for Billy Graham.

Anglican Media Sydney’s Russell Powell spoke with some of the attendees.

Billy Graham’s Australian ministry – a personal reflection

“My first encounter with Billy Graham and his team was in Perth in 1959.

I was 22 years old and a youth counsellor at the Perth meetings. His influence was profound and many people owed their faith or its renewal to his ministry.

It’s important to remember it was only 14 years after the end of WWII and our family, like many others, had billeted a young American sailor at our home in 1944 from the submarine base at Fremantle. Sadly his boat went missing protecting Australia. Billy arrived in Australia just six years after the Korean War ended (1950-53) in which many Australians served again alongside US troops under the UN banner, and so we were still in awe of the Americans, their movies, their Coca Cola and their ‘can do’ attitude. …”

– Peter Corney, Vicar Emeritus at St Hilary’s, Kew, shares his memories of Billy Graham, at The Melbourne Anglican.

Billy Graham’s funeral to be streamed live at 4:00am AEDT Saturday March 3rd

The funeral service for Billy Graham will be streamed live at 4:00am AEDT Saturday 3rd March (Noon US EST Friday 2nd) – with coverage beginning two hours earlier.

If you are up at that time, you can watch it here.

The incredible story of Captain Gardiner

Bishop of Chile, Rt. Rev. Héctor Tito Zavala Muñoz, tells the story of Captain Allen Gardiner and his mission to bring the gospel to Chile.


Sydney to give thanks for Billy Graham on Friday 9th March

St. Andrew’s Cathedral in Sydney will host a special thanksgiving service for the life and ministry of Billy Graham.  Read more

Billy Graham in Sydney — and the best decision Phillip Jensen ever made

“I was just 13 when I first heard Billy Graham preach. At his urging, back on that autumn day in 1959, I decided to give my life to Jesus Christ as my Lord and Saviour. It was the best decision I have ever made and so I have remained for ever thankful to God for Billy Graham.

William Franklin Graham was one of the world’s global citizens, but this week, at age 99, he died in his native state of North Carolina. He preached in more countries to more people than any other man in history. Amongst his preaching tours he visited Sydney three times (1959, 1968, 1979). On each occasion the gospel he preached affected thousands – changing individuals, families and communities. His was a global mission that affected local communities. It was a high-profile ministry that transformed the lives of little people.”

– Read Phillip Jensen’s tribute to Billy Graham, and get a sense for the impact on Sydney of this preacher of the gospel.

Billy Graham Preaches in Sydney

“In ideal weather conditions, Billy Graham’s Sydney Crusade opened at the Show Ground with record first day’s crowd of over 50000 Dr. Graham’s address was simple, direct, and Bible based, of about forty minutes’ duration, concluding with an invitation for decisions…”

– In memory of his life, and with thanksgiving to God for his ministry – the Australian Church Record has re-published their report on the opening night of the Billy Graham 1959 Sydney Crusade.

(Photo from his 1979 Crusade, courtesy Ramon Williams.)

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