New Minister-in-charge for Oberon

From the Diocese of Bathurst Facebook page:

“We are excited to announce the appointment of Jonny Lush to minister-in-charge in Oberon parish from 2023. Please pray for Jonny and Liz as they prepare for this transition and for the parish as they prepare to welcome them.”

Jonny is currently serving at the Brisbane School of Theology.

Do continue to pray for the Diocese of Bathurst, and for Bishop Mark Calder as he seeks be encourage the saints, and also to find the right people to serve in the many parishes where there is no full-time minister. (e.g. featured ministry opportunities.)

Archbishop of Brisbane Phillip Aspinall to retire — effective February 2023

Today Dr Phillip Aspinall, Archbishop of Brisbane, has written to his clergy announcing that he has tendered his resignation, effective 2nd February 2023 –

29 August 2022


Dear sisters and brothers

God willing, on 2 February 2023 I will mark 21 years as Archbishop of Brisbane. I think that will be an appropriate time for the Diocese to begin seeking a new archbishop.

Therefore, pursuant to the Archbishop Election Canon s.2 I have today tendered to the Registrar my resignation as Archbishop of Brisbane to take effect from 5pm Thursday 2 February 2023.

I think a convenient time for me to lay up the pastoral staff will be when the diocesan family gathers in the Cathedral for the diocesan ordinations on Saturday 3 December 2022. I then plan to take a period of accrued long service leave and annual leave leading up to 2 February 2023, during which period the Diocese will be overseen by my Commissary.

It has been a unique privilege to serve as Archbishop of Brisbane. Thank you for your support, prayers and collegiality in the many tasks we have tackled together to take forward Christ’s mission in the Diocese and beyond. Some of this ministry has been difficult, painful and demanding. At other times we have been filled with peace and joy in Christ’s service. In it all there has been a pervading sense of God’s grace.

I am extremely proud of and filled with gratitude for the team of clergy and lay leaders who give so unstintingly of themselves in parishes, schools, Anglicare and other mission agencies. A great deal has been achieved over the last 20 years. Much more remains to be done in a new chapter.

This Diocese has a very important place in the Anglican Church of Australia. The vision we have embraced to foster, articulate, embody and promote a comprehensive Anglicanism has never been more important in the life of the national church and in the international Anglican Communion. May you all go from strength to strength in that mission.

I assure you all of my prayers for the future and in the search for my successor.

In Christ

The Most Reverend Dr Phillip Aspinall AC
Archbishop of Brisbane.

Ad Clerum also available via David Ould on Twitter.

Darrell Parker elected Bishop of North West Australia

From the Diocese of North West Australia:

“We thank God for the election of Revd Darrell Parker Bishop of North West Australia.

Darrell is currently Senior Minister St Paul’s Anglican Church Tamworth in the Armidale Diocese, NSW. He has extensive experience in regional/remote ministry (24 years, incl 18 years as Archdeacon) and ministry among indigenous Australians.

Darrell is firmly committed to the gospel and proclaiming Christ. He seeks to bring God’s revealed word to bear on people inside and outside the church through preaching, teaching, witness, discipling, and love. Darrell is married to Elizabeth and they have 4 adult children.”

– Via the North West Anglicans Facebook page.

Sydney’s One Special Evangelist — Book launch Wednesday 14 September 2022

The Australian College of Theology invites you to a Book Launch for our newest book in the ACT Monograph Series, Sydney’s One Special Evangelist: John C. Chapman and the Shaping of Anglican Evangelicalism and Australian Religious Life 1968-2001, by the Rev Dr Baden Stace.

When and Where:

Wednesday 14 September 2022. Start: 1:00 for 1:15 pm End: 2:15 pm Read more

Peter Sholl to be next CMS Australia International Director

“CMS Australia’s new international director has been announced as the Reverend Peter Sholl.

Mr Sholl is set to take on the position, currently held by the Reverend Canon Peter Rodgers, at the beginning of 2023.

The organisation announced the appointment of the former missionary to Mexico on Wednesday afternoon. …”

– Report from The Melbourne Anglican. Image: CMS.

CMS gives thanks for David Claydon

CMS Australia’s Acting International Director Peter Sholl gives thanks for David Claydon:

“[On] 28th July, former CMS Australia Federal Secretary David Claydon passed into the glorious presence of Jesus after a long period of illness.

Having grown up in the Middle East and surviving by the clear providence of God, David served in various cross-cultural contexts, including many years leading the work of Scripture Union in the East-Asia Pacific Region (ANZEA).

He was appointed as the Federal Secretary of CMS Australia in 1988 and was active in this role—promoting mission, recruiting and supporting missionaries, and growing mission networks throughout the world.

He was particularly active in developing a CMS ‘Vision for the Nineties’ which resulted in a new focus on unreached people groups. One result of this new vision was the increase in the number of countries in which CMS missionaries served, from 15 in 1988 to 24 in 2001. …”

Read the full tribute on the CMS Australia website.

There will be a Thanksgiving service for David at St. Andrew’s Cathedral, Sydney at 10:00am on Monday 15th August.

Photo via Anglican Media Sydney.

Charming and unapologetic: Sydney’s Anglican archbishop isn’t afraid to be out of step with the times

“Kanishka Raffel’s election as Archbishop of Sydney broke the mould. His predecessors are all of European descent; his heritage is Sri Lankan. Many of those who went before him were sons of Sydney’s Anglican dynasties, and attended its sandstone schools; he moved to Australia as a boy and went to Carlingford High. …”

– At the Sydney Morning Herald, Jordan Baker has this profile of Archbishop of Sydney Kanishka Raffel. Great reading!

Elisabeth Arnett retires as Executive Assistant to the Principal of Moore College

“Many people who have visited or contacted Moore College will know Mrs Elisabeth Arnett. Elisabeth has served the College for nineteen years as the Executive Assistant to the Principal.

In all that time she has been an adornment to the College, a magnificent example of grace and service, warm friendliness and thoroughgoing professionalism. …”

– News from Moore College.

(Elisabeth also served for many years on the Council of the Anglican Church League and would be familiar to many Synod members through her organising of ACL Synod Dinners.

ACL Council members likewise thank the Lord for her, remembering her service and friendship with much gratitude, and pray for the Lord’s blessings on Elisabeth and her husband Trevor.)

Australia loses Indigenous Christian pioneer

Archbishop of Brisbane Sir John Grindrod and Bishop Arthur Malcolm at St. Andrew’s Cathedral Sydney, February 1988. Photo by Ramon Williams Worldwide Photos.

“Archbishop Kanishka Raffel has paid tribute to Australia’s first Indigenous Bishop, Arthur Malcolm, who has passed away at the age of 87. …

His influence and ministry led to the public apology from the Anglican Church to Aboriginal people in 1988.

At St Andrew’s Cathedral in Sydney, Australian Anglican Bishops led by the Primate, Sir John Grindrod, delivered an apology to Bishop Malcolm, saying

“My brother in Christ: … May I express on behalf of all non-Aboriginal people of our church profound sorrow for the suffering that your people have had to endure, with its violence and hurt. We humbly ask God’s forgiveness; and we seek your forgiveness as a leader of your people, for the actions of the past and those causing hurt at the present time. We have longed to share with your people the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. We confess our endeavour has often fallen short of his love.”

In turn, Bishop Malcolm said

“My brother in Christ: For a long time we have been hurting… but it is through the message of Jesus Christ that we have learned to forgive.  We have received this forgiveness, and now in turn we must also forgive.”

– At, Russell Powell has this story about Bishop Arthur Malcolm.

Top photo: Archbishop of Brisbane Sir John Grindrod and Bishop Arthur Malcolm at St. Andrew’s Cathedral Sydney, February 1988.

Below: The Australian Bishops gathered at St. Andrew’s Cathedral in Sydney in February 1988.

Both photos by, and with thanks to, Ramon Williams, Worldwide Photos.

The Australian Bishops gathered at St. Andrew's Cathedral in Sydney for the Apology in February 1988. Photo: Ramon Williams, Worldwide Photos.

Vale Bishop Arthur Malcolm

Archbishop Sir John Grindrod and Bishop Arthur Malcolm at St. Andrew’s Cathedral Sydney by Ramon Williams, Worldwide Photos.

News via The Anglican Board of Mission’s Facebook page –

“ABM is sad to report the passing of Bishop Arthur Malcolm. Bishop Arthur was Australia’s first Aboriginal Bishop and an outstanding leader and pastor in the Australian church. Bishop Arthur retired from his episcopal role in 2001 but has continued to inspire and encourage from his home in Yarrabah, North Queensland. ABM expresses our sincere condolences to Aunty Coleen and the entire family.

Bishop Malcolm was born at Yarrabah (Queensland) and began training as a Church Army Officer in Stockton (New South Wales) where he completed a Certificate course in Evangelism in 1959. During his time as a Captain in the Church Army he served at Lake Tyers (Victoria) and Brewarrina (New South Wales). People from Victoria and New South Wales express great affection for their beloved “Captain”.

He returned to Yarrabah in 1974 as Chaplain and was ordained by the Bishop of North Queensland in 1978. As well as ministering to his people at Yarrabah he had responsibility for Anglican people at Palm Island. He was made a Canon of St James’ Cathedral, Townsville in 1984 and consecrated Bishop with special responsibility to Aboriginal people in 1985.

During this time he developed an outstanding leadership amongst Aboriginal people and encouraged them in their education, community life and in the many struggles which Indigenous people in Australia encounter.

He has also been engaged in leadership and pastoral support in the non-Indigenous community and is well respected and admired for his sensitive and reconciling counsel. …”

Read the full post here.

Photo: Archbishop of Brisbane Sir John Grindrod and Bishop Arthur Malcolm at St. Andrew’s Cathedral Sydney, February 1988. – Photo by, and with thanks to, Ramon Williams, Worldwide Photos.

Praying for the North West and the election of a new Bishop

In the latest edition of North West Network (PDF file), Paul Spackman, Administrator of the Diocese of North West Australia, asks for your prayers for the election of their new bishop.

The election synod is planned for August 26-28 2022.

Scott Morrison urges Perth churchgoers to put their trust in the Lord

“Former prime minister Scott Morrison has told churchgoers they should put their trust in God — not governments — during a speech focusing on anxiety in Perth.

Mr Morrison was a guest speaker at a birthday event for Pentecostal church the Victory Life Centre, founded by tennis champion Margaret Court, on Sunday. …”

– Story from ABC News.

New Dean of Geraldton

“Cathedral members are rejoicing at the news that the Revd Lachlan Edwards has been appointed the new Dean of Geraldton.

Lachlan and his wife Bec have spent the past decade ministering in Sydney at Christ Church Lavender Bay and Fig Tree Anglican Church.

They are thankful to be returning to the place where they served after graduating from Trinity Theological College in Perth. …”

– News from the Diocese of North West Australia.

More encouragement from Bathurst Diocese

The Diocese of Bathurst – via its Facebook page – shares encouraging news and food for prayer –

Tim Smith, pictured with Jess and Annie Amelia, at left, and Jonny Lush, pictured with Liz, have been approved for ordination as deacons. The ordination service is planned for December.

“We are currently discerning where they may best serve the Lord in 2023, when 16/28 parishes without clergy will become 14/28!!”

At right: The Rev’d Ben Mackay will be ordained priest in the church of God on Saturday 16th July at 2pm, at St George’s Parkes.

The Good Fight of Faith

In the July–August 2022 issue of Southern Cross magazine Simon Manchester has an insightful interview with David and Bronwyn Short in Vancouver.

They share something of the battles for the truth of God’s Word, and the cost of doing so.

Do take the time to read it all (pages 24-26), and continue to uphold in prayer the Shorts, St. John’s Vancouver, and all of the Anglican Network in Canada.

Simon mentions the recent book The Anglican Church in Canada. Read more about it here.

Long-time readers will be well aware of events in Canada the last twenty years. David’s 2004 article “Are we stronger than He?” is a good place to start.

See also:

St. John’s Vancouver leaves the building, praying for God’s blessing on New Westminster, September 2011.

Posts relating to Vancouver, and Canada.

In the interview David Short says, “Jim Packer wrote a wonderful essay called ‘Why I Walked’ that is well worth reading.”. It certainly is, and is available here as a PDF file on the GAFCON website.

Photo: Bronwyn and David Short via

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