Dr Veronica Hoyt joins the Moore College Faculty
“On Friday evening the Governing Board approved the Principal’s nomination of Dr Veronica Hoyt to become a member of the Moore College Faculty. Veronica will take up the post of Lecturer in Ministry and Director of the Priscilla and Aquila Centre.
Veronica and her husband Berwyn are members of St Thomas’ North Sydney where she has been the Women’s Minister. …”
New Moore College Lecturer in Ministry and Dean of Students
“Rev Malcolm York, currently Rector of St Andrew’s Roseville, has been nominated as Lecturer in Ministry and Dean of Students for Moore College starting in January 2025.
With a depth of experience in parish ministry Mal has the heart and the skills needed for this important teaching and pastoral role. …”
– Announcement from Moore College.
Moore College’s Annual Report 2024
Moore College’s Annual Report for 2024 is now available to read online or download from their website.
A good reminder to pray for the College.
Dr Tony Payne to Lecture in Christian Thought at Moore College
“The College is thrilled to announce the appointment of Rev Dr Tony Payne as Lecturer in Christian Thought (Ethics) from November 2024.
Currently serving at Campus Bible Study (CBS) in the University of New South Wales as a ministry trainer, Tony has previously served the College in a part-time capacity (2014–2019) as Director of the Centre for Christian Living.
For more than three decades, mainly through his work with Matthias Media, Tony has been regularly sharing reflections on what it means to live the Christian life through books, articles, podcasts and lectures. …”
– Read the news at the Moore College website.
Who am I? The search for identity
At Moore College on Wednesday, 23 October 2024:
“Our culture is obsessed with identity: we’re often told, ‘You do you’ and encouraged to live according to our ‘true and authentic self’, expressing publicly how we feel about ourselves internally.
However, the very concept of personal identity is inherently slippery. It encompasses things like ethnicity, class, gender, sexuality, religion, belief, educational background, profession and personality, but it’s not fixed: it can change through time, circumstance and even self-invention.
How should Christians regard identity? …”
Phillip Jensen on The national soul – 1 Timothy 2:1-7
Phillip Jensen spoke at Moore College chapel last Friday.
He turns to one of the most controversial passages in the New Testament, 1 Timothy 2:1-7.
Do take the time to watch – and share the link with others in your church.
– Watch here.
A Cloud of Witnesses: Australian Anglicans in Tanzania
Coming up at Moore College:
“The Letter to the Hebrews encourages us with the account of the great cloud of witnesses in the Old Testament – people who lived by faith looking forward to Jesus.
The Moore College Archives encourage us with some of the witness of people of more modern times who have stepped out in faith looking to Jesus as they went to serve God in Tanzania. How do they encourage and challenge us today? What shaped their faith? What shaped their passions? What were their aims in mission? How do they ‘strengthen our feeble arms and weak knees’?
Speaker – Rev Dr Colin Reed, former CMS missionary.
Colin Reed grew up in Africa. He has served with CMS as a missionary in Tanzania (along with his wife Wendy), on staff of the NSW & ACT Branch, and as Principal of St Andrew’s Hall. Over many years, Colin has studied and written on the history of the Church in East Africa. …”
– Details and registration (free!) at the College website.
Moore College Open Events — Friday 27 and Saturday 28 September 2024
Know someone interested in studying at Moore College?
There are open events on Friday and Saturday of this week.
Moore Matters — Spring 2024
The latest issue of Moore Matters from Moore College is now available – at churches across Sydney – and for download from the College website.
This issue is especially encouraging – with news from Bathurst, Canberra, Adelaide, Tasmania, North West Australia, and more.
– Download or read online here.
Knowing Jesus when it hurts
“Imagine that God gave you a vision of heaven. One moment you sit praying, the next God’s Spirit has lifted you into the heavenlies. You gaze around at the heavenly reality. You see the glories of the Father and the wonders of the seraphim and angels.
Perhaps you catch a taste of what it means to be without sin, to live unencumbered by the desires of the flesh. In ways that you will never find words to express you feel something of the glory of life in the presence of the living God. And then, just as quickly as it began, it’s over.
I wonder, if you had such a vision, who would you tell about it? I wonder, how quickly would you tell them? Would you post it online, phone a friend, talk to your pastor? …”
– Very helpful article from Paul Grimmond at SydneyAnglicans.net.
2024 Annual Moore College Lectures now online
Video recordings of the 2024 Annual Moore College Lectures by Dr Tom Schreiner have now been published online.
Dr Schreiner, Associate Dean for the School of Theology at the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Kentucky, spoke on “The Battle for the Truth of the Gospel” from the Letter to the Galatians.
Moore College School of Biblical Theology 2024
Coming up next week!
We understand it’s not too late to register.
Sharpened and Refined: a missionary journey – Kylie Zietsch
From Moore College, an interview with Kylie Zietsch:
“Despite my education degree, the volunteer work I was doing in Johannesburg, ministering to students and the homeless, lacked the firm foundation of theological education. So in 2010 I came to Moore College intent on studying for a year. But I soon realised I wanted to go deeper into the word and grow skills in how to approach ministry, so one year grew into four, and I finished the Bachelor of Theology.
I am really thankful for my time at Moore. I was surrounded by women with whom I could walk the journey of life and ministry, with whom I could think through future plans, and who encouraged me in my faith. Looking back now, the student body were formative in encouraging me in mission and sharpening me, preparing me for the mission field.. …”
– Read it here.
Societas 2024
The latest issue of Societas, the wonderful magazine produced annually by the students at Moore Theological College, is now available.
If you can’t get hold of a printed copy via your church, you can read it online here.
Book Recommendations (mentioned in Societas)
Review of Packer’s ‘Proclaiming Christ in a Pluralistic Age’
“I was eating pizza the other night with two young men, one a Christian, the other a seeker. We talked about what it means to be a Christian and some of the challenges of the Christian life.
The first surprise was that they/we couldn’t get through two family-sized pizzas. The youth of today!
The second was that they thought that becoming a Christian in 2024 was a way of rebelling.
One told how his boss, a Gen X Roman Catholic, explained that young men shouldn’t be going to church but should instead be finding a girlfriend to sleep with and getting drunk. The young man found this boringly orthodox, ignoble, and distasteful. He felt certain that there must be a better way to live.
I’m having conversations like these more and more these days. Are we seeing early signs of a spiritual awakening among young people? I wonder whether the Lord is beginning a new work among these younger generations.
What I know for certain is that the Church must be ready to receive young seekers. That means that our churches must be refuges of radical, self-sacrificial love. Parched and thirsting for meaning and community in today’s desert of online isolation and spiritual desolation, nothing will attract young people more than an actual flesh-and-blood loving Christian community. “By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.”
This kind of strange Christ-like love can arise only from an intimate relational knowledge of Jesus himself.
This is where a book like Proclaiming Christ in a Pluralistic Age comes in.
J. I. Packer (1926–2020) was a British theologian, author of the now-classic Knowing God (1973), who for most of his working life was a professor of theology at Regent College in Vancouver. He stands alongside John Stott, F.F. Bruce, Michael Green, Dick Lucas, Martyn-Lloyd Jones and other superb conservative-evangelical British preachers and theologians of the twentieth century.
The book is in fact a lightly edited transcription of five lectures that Packer first delivered at Kuyper College in Grand Rapids in 1978, and then at Moore College in Sydney. …”
–At AP, Campbell Markham reviews J I Packer’s Proclaiming Christ in a Pluralistic Age. (Bold added.)
And you can also see or hear Packer’s five lectures at the Moore College Annual Lectures in 1978 – in glorious grey and white, thanks to the Donald Robinson Library at Moore College.
His series title was “We Preach Christ Crucified”. Very much worth watching.
At about an hour each, why not consider watching these with your Bible Study?
Lecture 1 – We’ve a Story to Tell.
Lecture 2 – The man Christ Jesus.
Lecture 3 – He emptied himself: the divinity of Jesus Christ.
Lecture 4 – The wonderful exchange.
Lecture 5 – No other name: the uniqueness of Jesus Christ.