Prayers for the Nomination of Candidates for Archbishop of Sydney

The period for Synod members to nominate candidates for election as Archbishop of Sydney is almost over.

Nominations must be received by the Nomination Officer by 5:00pm on Tuesday 23rd March 2021.

Please pray for all who may be considering nominating someone, and those who may be nominated.

Please pray that the whole process will be to the Lord’s honour and glory.

Happy 90th birthday to Harry Goodhew

We wish the Rt Rev Dr Harry Goodhew AO (Archbishop of Sydney 1993 – 2001, and currently one of the Anglican Church League’s Emeritus Vice-Presidents) a very happy 90th birthday today.

We pray for many continued blessings from our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

Photo courtesy Ramon Williams.

Anglican Aid: See the grace of God overflowing to a world in need

Anglican Aid has produced this short video to introduce their work.

Slow start to Archbishop’s election

“There has been a low-key response to the opening of nominations for the election of the next Archbishop of Sydney.

The summons to the Election Synod was issued on January 25. A one-day ordinary Synod in May will be followed by the Election Synod, which would consider those nominated. However, as Southern Cross went to press in late February, there were no names yet announced. …”

– At, Russell Powell shares the latest on the coming Archbishop’s election. A matter for continued prayer.

Ministry enrolments at Moore double in 2021

“With great joy, Moore Theological College has seen full-time enrolments for the Bachelor of Divinity and Bachelor of Theology courses double this year.

All up there are more than 95 enrolments for undergraduate students starting in 2021 – an answer to many prayers for more workers for the harvest…”

– Great news from Moore College. Via

Biography of Archbishop Harry Goodhew set to be launched

Dr Stuart Piggin’s biography of the Rt Rev Dr Harry Goodhew AO (Archbishop of Sydney 1993 – 2001) is set to be launched in Sydney on 23rd March and in Wollongong on 1st April 2001.

Download this PDF file for all the details.

Second group of Deacons ordained in Sydney

“The second group of new Deacons was ordained at St Andrew’s Cathedral, in a smaller service because of COVID restrictions, but with the same scriptural charge to follow their Lord’s example.

The Making of Deacons service is held annually in February following the completion of the ordinands’ theological studies the year prior. Due to COVID and subsequent reduced capacity in the cathedral, an additional service was held last November for half of the ordinands, who had already been working in parish ministry.  This decision allowed the Cathedral to enable more family and friends to attend in support of the ordinands and encourage them as they commence their ministry. …”

– Full story at

Nominations open for Archbishop’s election

“Names are being put forward as nominees for the Synod that will elect the next Archbishop of Sydney.

The Archbishop’s summons was issued on January 25 laying out the times, dates and venue for a one-day ‘ordinary’ session of Synod, followed by the Election Synod. Due to changing COVID restrictions in the past few months, the summons differs from what was originally foreshadowed last year.

The message, sent to all eligible Synod members, calls them to an ordinary session of Synod on Monday, May 3. … The sessions from May 4-7 have been set aside for the Election Synod, as needed. …

Archbishop Glenn Davies will retire on Friday, March 26. His term was extended from his original retirement date of July 2020.”

– Russell Powell at reports on the plans for the Election Synod. And please be encouraged to heed Archbishop Davies’ call to prayer.

“A rare opportunity to show God’s love… in very special and practical ways”

“His Christian faith and a family experience of dementia first drew Dr Stephen Judd to the field of dementia care. He has now been made a Member in the General Division of the Order Of Australia (AM) in recognition of his work. …”

– At, Russell Powell reports on Sydney Anglicans who were honoured this Australia Day.

Moore College Library Day 2021 – H.W.K. and Dorothy Mowll

From Moore College:

“H.W.K. Mowll (Archbishop of Sydney) and his wife Dorothy are two of the most significant figures in 20th century Australian church history, and had a lasting and godly influence on Moore College, the Diocese of Sydney and beyond.

Our Library Day for 2021 features Moore College faculty and guest speakers who will explore important aspects of the Mowlls’ life and ministry, onsite and via livestream.”

Details from the College.

Mandatory masks in latest COVID changes

“New restrictions have been announced for indoor venues, including churches, as a result of COVID-19 transmission on the Northern Beaches and across Greater Sydney.

The measures take effect from Sunday, 3rd January, for Greater Sydney including Wollongong, Central Coast and the Blue Mountains.

Face masks are mandatory for shopping, indoor entertainment, public transport and places of worship…”

– Story from Russell Powell at

See also the Diocesan COVID-19 FAQ page for church workers.

COVID shows us something deeper — the great unmasking of God

The Archbishop of Sydney, Dr Glenn Davies, has released his Christmas message for 2020. Read more

Restrictions tighten again amid new COVID breakout

“Growing concern over the spread of COVID-19 in Sydney’s North has led to stern warnings from the New South Wales Premier, impacting local churches.

In response to the Premier’s statement and after considering health advice, Archbishop Glenn Davies has written to rectors and churchwardens across the Sydney Diocese, advising churches in the Northern region to suspend face-to-face meetings, for others to consider whether they should go online-only or at the least use facemasks, and for those outside Greater Sydney to maintain COVID-19 protocols. …”

The very latest from

Bullying in churches — legal implications

From Neil Foster at Law and Religion Australia

“I was invited to give a presentation to ministers of the Anglican Diocese of Sydney earlier this year on the legal implications of bullying in churches.

The Diocese has kindly agreed that the presentation can be made more widely available. This links to the video and also has a link to a written paper to accompany the presentation.”

Sydney Diocese Response to actions in the Diocese of Wangaratta

Here’s a media release from the Diocese of Sydney, in response to actions by the recently-retired Bishop of Wangaratta:

Anglican Church Diocese of Sydney
Public Statement 

Response to actions in the Diocese of Wangaratta

We are deeply distressed that the previous Bishop of Wangaratta should take presumptive action by blessing a same-sex marriage.

In doing so, he must be aware that this is a deeply contentious issue which will be the focus of the General Synod when it meets next year.

We continue to work to preserve faithfulness and unity in the Australian Church as we navigate these issues, guided by the clear voice of Scripture. That remains our hope, but this action prior to the 2021 General Synod creates a serious breach in our national Church life.

It would be naïve to think that mutually contradictory views on same-sex marriage can co-exist within our national Church. Pronouncing God’s blessing on a same-sex marriage is contrary to the teaching of Christ. It is therefore untenable to have some members of the Church purporting to declare God’s blessing in such circumstances. To pursue this course will not bring healing but will only lead to a collapse in the fellowship that binds us together.

One need only look across the Tasman, let alone around the Anglican world, to see that the issue of same-sex blessings has created an irreparable tear in the fabric of our fellowship.

While General Synod will address these issues next year, any further breaches of fellowship will only lead to the alienation of Anglicans who wish to remain faithful to the teaching of Scripture. Furthermore, alternative pathways will need to be provided for them to retain their Anglican identity, as outlined in Gafcon Australia’s document, Commitment 2020.

The Most Rev. Dr Glenn Davies, Archbishop of Sydney
The Rt Rev. Peter Hayward, Bishop of Wollongong,
The Rt Rev. Chris Edwards, Bishop of North Sydney
The Rt Rev. Peter Lin, Bishop of Georges River Region
The Rt Rev. Dr Michael Stead, Bishop of South Sydney
The Rt Rev. Gary Koo, Bishop of Western Sydney
The Rt Rev. Malcolm Richards, Bishop for International Relations

10 December 2020.


See also:

First same-sex marriage blessing conducted after Tribunal decision – Melbourne Anglicans.

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