‘Few Anglicans back blessing gay marriages’
“Only a small number of submissions to an Anglican tribunal examining a push to allow the blessing of same-sex marriages say the move is legitimate under church law.
The Victorian Diocese of Wangaratta in August passed a resolution providing for the blessing of same-sex couples who married under the Commonwealth Marriage Act. …“
– Report from The Canberra Times.
Bishop Jay Behan’s ACL Dinner Address
“On 19 October 2019, Jay Behan was consecrated Bishop of CCAANZ in Christchurch, New Zealand.
ACNA Archbishop Foley Beach and Chairman of GAFCON Primates Council presided, former Archbishop of Sydney Peter Jensen preached, and various others, such as Dean Kanishka Raffel of Sydney were involved in this important occasion.”
Earlier that week, the then Rev Behan was in Sydney and addressed the ACL’s Synod Dinner.
Thanks to the Australian Church Record, you can read the text of his address – or you can listen to our audio recording.
“I don’t hate him”. How a Christian worldview changes everything
“I’m writing this about 5 minutes drive away from a tragic event that happened here in Sydney on Saturday evening…”
– David Ould shares something most people would not expect to come out of Saturday evening’s tragedy in Oatlands. (And a good reminder to pray for all affected.)
Archbishop calls for prayer about coronavirus
“Churches have been urged to pray about the Coronavirus outbreak and to take sensible precautions as the World Health Organisation declares a public health emergency.
Archbishop Glenn Davies has written to clergy, asking churches to pray for victims, health care workers and authorities. …”
– Story from SydneyAnglicans.net.
Sporting brain snaps
“When you read this I will be winging my way to Melbourne for part of a holiday.
Why Melbourne? Well we don’t have the Australian Open Tennis in Armidale. We don’t have the rich celebrity temper tantrum, racket smashers from around the world in Armidale. We just have the normal temper tantrum racket smashers and club throwers of our local region. I think it will be interesting to see how the great ones of the sporting world do it. I am not planning to take any tips from them, however I might just be embarrassed and perversely entertained by them…”
– Diocese of Armidale’s Bishop Rick Lewers shares some challenges about anger.
Thank-you Fireys as Sydney prays
“Sustained applause greeted Rural Fire Service Senior Assistant Commissioner Bruce MacDonald as he was introduced at a Prayer service at Sydney’s St Andrew’s Cathedral on Sunday 19th January for those affected by the bushfires. …”
– Russell Powell has the story of Sunday’s service at the Cathedral for everyone affected by the bushfires. At SydneyAnglicans.net.
A Service of Prayer for those affected by the Bushfires
St. Andrew’s Cathedral in Sydney is holding a service of prayer for all affected by the Bushfires.
It’s this coming Sunday, 19th January 2020 at 10:30am.
(The Cathedral is located at the corner of George and Bathurst Streets in Sydney.)
The Recruitment Problem
“While I was training at Moore Theological College (2012- 2015) the constant rhetoric was that the Sydney Anglican Diocese was oversupplied with full-time gospel workers. We were warned from the very beginning of the need to be creative in funding our own Sydney Anglican positions if we were to stay in Sydney.
From one perspective, this was a great win for the Kingdom! It forced many people to consider full-time gospel ministry outside Sydney and caused those who wanted to stay in Sydney to consider the cost of staying. …”
– The Australian Church Record has republished this article by Mike Leite in the ACR’s Journal for Summer 2019.
Photo: Moore College, 1956.
Patient leadership required
“What has become of our culture that we, who are sown into the fabric of the culture, have become so impatient? The computer, by comparison with the old typewriter, is quick. But when I turned it on just now, the time this piece of genius took to awake from its slumber had me impatiently complaining. …”
– Bishop Rick Lewers of the Diocese of Armidale writes his regular column. Very timely.
Anglican Aid NSW Bushfire Appeal
“The Archbishop of Sydney’s Anglican Aid has launched an appeal to allow immediate response to the devastating bushfires raging in NSW.”
Image: worldview.earthdata.nasa.gov/
Pastoral letter from Bishop Mark Short to the Anglican Parish of Cobargo
Bishop of Canberra and Goulburn, Mark Short, has sent this pastoral letter to the Anglican Parish of Cobargo. In this fire season across Australia, each loss is locally felt, and this is one.
January 1 at 12:27 PM ·
Dear sisters and brothers of the Parish of Cobargo,
I write as your Bishop at a time of shared loss and grief.
You have lost treasured buildings, valued homes and beloved friends and neighbours. Many of you have faced overwhelming situations and have worked selflessly to care for others .
The Bible assures us that God is close to the broken-hearted and it is right and healthy to grieve. The Bible also assures us that in Jesus Christ God is able to bring restoration and hope. This journey of hope will take time, and it is a journey we will make together. Be assured of the prayers of the rest of the Diocese and our readiness to work with you as, with God’s help, we renew and rebuild.
Almighty God,
In your wisdom you have so ordered our earthly life
that we must walk by faith and not by sight:
give us such trust in your fatherly care
that in the face of all perplexities
we may give proof our faith by the courage of our lives;
through Jesus Christ our Lord. APBA, p465
In the love of Jesus,
+Mark Short
The Bishop’s pastoral letter includes the prayer, written by the Dean of St Andrew’s Cathedral, The Very Reverend Kanishka Raffel, to be read on Sunday:
“Lord of all days and years, and time and eternity, You made this land and have blessed us with its riches and beauty.
You are a refuge to all who seek your shelter, our strong defence in trial and tribulation.
Send rain we pray to extinguish flames and heal our land.
Mercifully protect life and property.
Give help and hope to our neighbours assailed by fire.
Comfort and provide for those who grieve.
Uphold those who suffer loss,
Give peace and hope to those bewildered and broken-hearted.
We thank you for men and women of courage and selflessness.
We thank you for brave communities of care and support, We thank you for those who share your comfort and hope, We thank you for those at a distance giving and praying.
Lord, you sent your Son so that we would know your power to save, your presence with your people in this world of turmoil, and your promise to renew the whole creation. Turn our hearts to you, that we may have faith for this day and hope for eternity.
We ask in Jesus’ name. Amen.”
“St Saviour’s Church Quaama in the Parish of Cobargo. Locals tell me that the bell-tower always appeared to be the most rickety part of the structure. Yet it still stands [top photo]; a reminder that in the most challenging circumstances our call to summons people to find comfort and hope in the Lord Jesus Christ endures. Thank you for your prayers as the communities of the Diocese face a difficult weekend.”
(With thanks to Ramon Williams for forwarding this letter and images.)
Church leaders use Christmas message to spread hope for the new year
“Millions of Australians have today celebrated the spirit of Christmas with family and friends.”
– Report and Image from Seven News Sydney (on Facebook).
‘God is with us’: Anglican Archbishop’s Christmas message to us
“The Anglican Archbishop of Sydney, Dr Glenn Davies, has told Mark Levy no trouble, bushfire or any other event can separate people from the love and comfort of God in Jesus.”
– Archbishop Glenn Davies was interviewed on Sydney’s 2GB this morning.
Bishop Mark Calder’s Christmas message 2019
Bishop of the Diocese of Bathurst, Mark Calder, has released his Christmas message for 2019 –
“Christmas – that time when God turned up on earth as one of us.
That is what Christmas is about and it’s worth celebrating!
It’s the sure sign that God cares enough about us to turn up, loves so much that he would come and live among us in humility; that he died and rose again so that we could be forgiven and have eternal life if we put him back in control of our lives.
So despite living in a drought ravaged land, a land deeply impacted this year by bushfires, we have in Jesus a sure sign that God loves us, cares for us, is with us, is alongside of us, wants to know us, wants to be in relationship with us and promises us a glorious future.
Friends, have a happy Christmas!”
You can also watch Bishop Calder’s Christmas sermon, on Luke 2:1-4.
It’s all a good reminder to pray for the people of the Diocese of Bathurst, which covers the region bordered by Oberon, Cowra and West Wyalong in the south; Cobar and Bourke in the west; across the north-west to Coonamble and Coonabarabran; and Coolah, Mudgee and Rylstone in the east.
Gary Koo consecrated as Bishop of Western Sydney
“A warm smile and a ready handshake was everywhere as the new Bishop of Western Sydney was consecrated at St John’s Cathedral in Parramatta on Friday night, 20th December.
The Reverend Gary Siew Leong Koo was one of their own and many western Sydney clergy and congregation members came out to see him consecrated at the regional Cathedral. …”
– Russell Powell at SydneyAnglicans.net has the story and some photos.