Bathurst Synod – Presidential address 2020
Here is Bishop Mark Calder’s first synod charge, as presented to an extraordinary session of the 49th Synod of the Diocese of Bathurst, 19th September 2020.
A powerful and challenging address. Fuel for prayer.
Update: The full text is now available.
North West Network, September 2020
The latest issue of North West Network, the newsletter of the Diocese of North West Australia, is now available.
Great to not only learn what is happening in the north west, but also as fuel for prayer.
It’s a 1MB PDF file here.
Bishop admits past failures and outdated services are hampering church growth
Here’s a Media Release from the Diocese of Bathurst, 18 September 2020:
Bishop admits past failures and outdated services are hampering church growth
The Bishop of the Anglican Diocese of Bathurst (covering central and western NSW) will tomorrow admit that there has been much in the past – including sexual abuse by church leaders and certain financial decisions – which has been shameful and damaging to the reputation of the church.
Bishop Mark Calder will make the remarks during his first major address to church leaders of the diocese at their annual gathering, known as synod, on Saturday 19th September just after 10am.
In the 45-minute speech, Bishop Calder will ask church leaders to ‘name the past’, ‘face the present’ and ‘explore the future’.
“There is significant baggage that we must deal with before we can move forward, including mistrust, unresolved conflict, a damaged ‘brand’ and lack of financial resources to try anything new,” Bishop Calder will say.
If we continue doing the same things the way we always have, we cannot expect any different outcome. We cannot expect to grow or reach those generations we are currently missing by doing more of the same.
“Looking to the future, church leaders must help renew the church through prayer, through becoming more outward-looking, through seeking new clergy, through more contemporary church services and through everyone becoming more confident in sharing the great news of forgiveness Jesus Christ lived, died and rose to make possible.”
The synod this year will meet electronically via Zoom for the first time in the diocese’s history due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
[Editor’s note: Please continue to pray for Bishop Mark Calder and for the churches of the Diocese of Bathurst, as they seek to live for Jesus.]
Bishop of Armidale flags return to parish ministry — at Shoalhaven Heads
“This has not been an easy decision but nor was the call to be a Bishop, but what a privilege it has been to serve among you.
In my time as Bishop I have watched the suffering of a drought affected rural diocese and stood beside and with you in such suffering. I have ordained and appointed many of you to positions. Like yourselves, I have lived with the frustrations of what can and can’t be done and been forced, like all of you, to fall back on our great God in faith. …”
– from Bishop Rick Lewers’ message to the clergy and parishes of the Armidale Diocese.
Please do pray for Rick and Janene, for the parish of Shoalhaven Heads, and also for the saints in the Diocese of Armidale.
South Sudan Floods appeal
“Sydney-based Reverend Samuel Majok, leader of the South Sudanese congregation at St Mark’s Oakhurst, is raising funds for many thousands of people impacted by recent severe flooding that devastated most of Jongei State, where Samuel’s family is from. …”
– Learn more at Anglican Aid. (Photo: Anglican Aid.)
See also:
The emergency you haven’t heard about –
Death and starvation as floods destroy South Sudan – ABC Religion and Ethics Report.
West Wyalong Anglican Church
Bishop of Bathurst Mark Calder is praying for someone to serve as the new Minister at West Wyalong – someone who will bring the word of God to equip the saints and to make an impact for the Lord Jesus Christ.
It would good to join him in that prayer.
For more info, see Ministry Opportunities.
Southern Cross — September 2020
The September 2020 issue of Anglican Media Sydneys Southern Cross magazine is now available to read online, or to download as a PDF file.
(Click on the icon at the top left of the linked page to download.)
Moore College Online Open Night – Monday 31 August 2020
From Generation to Generation: Societas 2020
The 2020 edition of Societas, the annual magazine produced by the students at Moore Theological College, is now available for download or to read online.
Much encouragement.
Do share the link.
Call for ‘ethically uncontroversial’ COVID vaccine
“Archbishop Glenn Davies has released the text of a letter, signed by the Archbishops of the Anglican, Roman Catholic and Greek Orthodox Churches, calling for ethical research on COVID-19 vaccines. …”
– Story from
Sydney Church History
“In 1965 John Stott, the Rector of All Souls Langham Place in London, visited Sydney to preach on 2 Corinthians at the CMS Summer School.
‘I heard only one of those Bible studies but I was so taken by the way he stuck to the text and stayed with it. He could show you the logic of the argument in the Scriptures, prior to that I had tended to get an idea from the passage and to leap all over the Bible supporting the idea from other parts, so that the people I taught knew the ‘idea’ but not the passage from which it came or how that passage fitted into some overall argument from the Scriptures. It is to John Stott I owe what ability I have to expound the Bible.’
Those were the words of the esteemed Sydney evangelist and preacher, the late John Chapman…”
– David Cook writes to remind us of our history, and how God works. At The Expository Preaching Trust.
(David Cook has served in parish ministry, as the Principal of SMBC, and as the Moderator-General of the Presbyterian Church of Australia.)
Archbishop Glenn Davies shares his personal response to COVID-19
In this weekend’s online service for the Diocese of Bathurst, Bishop Mark Calder asks Archbishop of Sydney Glenn Davies about how COVID-19 has impacted him.
And Glenn shares a familiar, but wonderful, verse for your encouragement.
It’s also available here as a standalone video.
The Pastor’s Heart: ‘The Minister Drought’ with Mike Leite and Mark Earngey
From The Pastor’s Heart:
“Across the Western world theological college enrolments are down. Today it’s the third part of a conversation about this problem. Specifically we are focusing on the issues of Sydney.
We’re exploring the joint issues of not enough people putting themselves forward for ministry and the shortage of senior ministers for Sydney’s Anglican Churches.
Moore Theological College Lecturer Mark Earngey and St George North Assistant Minister Mike Leite have been researching for several years the underlying issues that have contributed to the Sydney minister drought.
Mike’s responsible for editing the recently released booklet ‘Sydney Anglican Ministry.’ Mark is behind the latest edition of the Australian Church Record Journal.
Plus we review the important ‘From Sydney to the World’ online conference held on the weekend, which was aimed at putting recruiting for ministry back on the agenda.”
– Watch or listen at The Pastor’s Heart.
The Minister Drought: A Millennial’s Perspective – Angus Martin at The Australian Church Record.
Why workplaces need religious freedom, too
“The COVID-19 pandemic has indefinitely delayed the introduction of the Commonwealth Religious Discrimination Bill, which would have provided protection against religious discrimination in the workplace. With Federal reform on pause, One Nation MP Mark Latham has introduced a bill to the NSW Parliament, which will protect people of faith (and no faith) from discrimination. This Bill has been referred to a Joint Select Parliamentary Committee…
The Sydney Diocese will be making a full submission to the Joint Select Committee with a detailed analysis of the Latham Bill. The committee is inviting individuals to submit comments about the Bill via an online questionnaire at This closes on August 21. I encourage you to complete this short survey to indicate your support for these protections against religious discrimination.”
– Bishop Michael Stead writes about an important bill on religious freedom. (Emphasis added.)
Archbishop Davies writes about parish vacancies
“Readers of Southern Cross will have noticed the large number of vacant parishes over the past couple of years.
Of course, the reason for listing vacant parishes each month should be obvious. We want you to pray for these parishes, for their nominators and for the Synod-elected members who comprise the Nomination Board…”
– Archbishop Glenn Davies writes to encourage your prayers.