ACL Synod Dinner 2023
The Anglican Church League invites all members of the Sydney Synod to the 2023 ACL Synod Dinner.
It will be held on Monday 11th September from 5:30pm (or when Synod rises), at the Bishop Barry Centre, 51 Druitt Street, Sydney. The cost is $30.
Hear Archdeacon Simon Flinders on The Importance of the Local Church.
Simon Flinders is Archdeacon to the Archbishop of Sydney. He has served in parish ministry in Georges Hall, North Sydney and Northbridge.
Dinner bookings are absolutely essential as space is limited.
Sorry – the dinner is sold out.
God gives the growth, but we must sow the seed – Matthew 13:1–23 – Bishop Richard Condie
Bishop of Tasmania Richard Condie speaks at Moore College chapel on the Parable of the Sower.
Great encouragement to 1. preach Christ, and 2. pray for the churches of Tasmania as they hold out the Word of Life.
Bishop of Bathurst’s Newsletter — August 2023
The Bishop of Bathurst’s Newsletter — Winter edition, August 2023 — has been published by Bishop Mark Calder.
Be sure to download your copy to help you pray for the ministry of the gospel of the Lord Jesus in Central and Western NSW. (There is also information on how to support the work financially, if you are able.)
From the newsletter –
“Pray for all our stipendiary clergy
– that they would be refreshed, sustained and encouraged in their work – Andy Martin, Andrew Thornhill, Bec Choi, Ben Connelly, Ben Mackay, Brett Watterson, Carl Palmer, David Blackmore, James Boardman, James Daymond, James Hodson, Jonny Lush, Jono Williams, Phil Howes, Bob Cameron, Roger Phelps, Sally Phelps, Steven Klouth, Tim Smith and Wally Cox. Pray also for our many other clergy who serve and help so wonderfully!
Pray too for our stipendiary lay ministers: Lizzie Watterson, Levi Kowalczyk and Jo Watts + Glenn and Wendy Murray.
Parishes without clergy – Dubbo, Cudgegong Valley, Kelso, Narromine, Gilgandra, Coolah-Dunedoo, Condobolin, Trundle, Coonamble, Warren, Bourke-Brewarrina, Cumnock and Warren. Please pray that the Lord would raise up 13 godly, able and passionate people to serve in ALL of these parishes, to his great glory! And please thank the Lord for all who serve these parishes in the meantime – both lay and ordained.”
Societas 2023 from Moore College
Societas, the magazine produced annually by the students at Moore College, is now available.
Always interesting, and a great reminder to pray for the College.
You can read online or download your copy here.
Various clergy opportunities in central and western NSW highlights these opportunities for gospel work in central and western NSW –
“In central and western NSW, we find ourselves with a bountiful harvest but too few labourers.
Of our 28 parishes, 13 are in need of clergy – not so much to ‘run a church’, but to serve as loving shepherds to our people; to share the love of Jesus, open his Word, and provide guidance, nourishment, and protection. …”
– See the communities where there are specific needs.
August – September 2023 Southern Cross out now
The August – September 2023 issue of Southern Cross magazine from the Diocese of Sydney is now out.
Printed copies will be available in parishes shortly, and you can read it on the web right now.
In his column this month, Archbishop Kanishka Raffel reflects on Our True Spiritual Condition –
“Recently I was walking through the city and, as I crossed Martin Place, I noticed the usual queue of men and women lining up to receive their evening meal, while others set up plastic folding tables and baskets of plastic cutlery and paper serviettes ready for that night’s food distribution.
The Sydney City Council says there are about 300 people sleeping on the streets of the CBD each night, with close to that number in city-based crisis accommodation. Across NSW, the number of people without adequate housing is more than 30,000. I am deeply grateful for the work of Anglicare and a number of city and suburban churches that provide assistance to people experiencing homelessness, or who are at risk of homelessness in their local area.
As I continued on my walk, I soon passed another queue. This time it was a queue of people waiting to enter the Louis Vuitton store on George Street. It made for a jarring contrast, though the two queues were barely 500 metres apart. …”
Read it all on pages 13 and 14.
This major regional city needs a new minister
As the Bathurst Diocese Facebook page says,
“This major regional city needs a new minister. Read with encouragement who they are looking for. Please join them in prayer.
Maybe you’re the answer to their prayer. Seek a preliminary, confidential chat with our bishop – Mark Calder.”
See the details at the jobs vacancy page.
One & All is all for Jesus
“As Christians around Sydney – and around the world – sing songs written by composers and music groups from Sydney Anglican circles, it’s always exciting to discover another addition to the mix.
One & All, a group born out of the parish centred on Christ Church, Springwood, started in early 2020…”
– Judy Adamson writes at
Remembering Arthur Stace 56 years on
Like a broken record, we’ve mentioned Arthur Stace on our website once or twice over the years.
In some ways, you might call him Sydney’s best known evangelist, chalking the word Eternity on footpaths across the city for more than 35 years. He inspired thousands to wonder at the meaning of that word – hopefully to contemplate where they would spend eternity – and to be attentive to the gospel.
In addition, Arthur was an open-air evangelist, though few were aware he was also ‘Mr Eternity’.
Arthur was called home to be with the Lord Jesus on this day (30th July) in 1967.
He was eventually buried at Botany Cemetery, now part of Eastern Suburbs Memorial Park.
As we remember this humble man, let’s also be encouraged by his example as he laboured to bring the good news of salvation to his fellow Sydney-siders.
See also these two tributes in song – by Nathan Tasker (video below) and Colin Buchanan.
Can I share a little secret about speaking at Conferences?
“for me, all things being equal, the hard part of ministry isn’t giving talks at conferences. The hard part is Everything Else.”
– At The Gospel Coalition Australia, Rory Shiner shares what’s easy – and what isn’t.
Former Engadine Anglican Church youth leader Karen Darda – a missionary in Japan for 26 years – farewelled after death at 58
“About 300 people have packed Engadine Anglican Church to farewell Karen Darda, a former congregation member and youth leader, who passed away after a life of service as a Christian missionary, including 26 years in Japan.
A similar number of mourners watched online as there was no more room in the church. …”
Bathurst Ordinations Saturday 22 July
Today (Saturday 22 July 2023), Jonny Lush, Tim Smith and James Boardman will be ordained at Bathurst Cathedral. Do pray for them.
The service will be steamed live from 10:50am.
Photo via the Bathurst Diocese Facebook page.
“John Chapman led a diocese to go evangelical, and outrage lingers still”
“The Anglicans of Armidale elected an evangelical bishop in 1964, a move led by John Chapman, best known as Sydney Anglican’s evangelist.
The Professor of History at the University of New England, Thomas Fudge, gave a public lecture on the evangelical takeover of the diocese – making his disapproval plain by wearing a Cope, an ecclesiastical garment disapproved of by many evangelicals. …”
– John Sandeman reports on unhappiness which still lingers.
It’s true that not everyone loved John Chapman, but many many thousands did, and praise God for him and his clear preaching of Christ.
Chappo’s contribution to the Anglican Diocese of Armidale – Tim Stevens.
“Through God working through the diligence of a humble Christian man called John Chapman, many people in the Diocese of Armidale came to know the Lord.”
Phillip Jensen on Chappo, March 2013. – The Briefing, Matthias Media.
The preaching of John Chapman – Simon Manchester, The Briefing.
John Chapman – a personal reflection from Mark Thompson.
John Charles Chapman (Chappo) – by David Cook.
Dick Lucas gives thanks for Chappo.
In the 1990s, John Chapman wrote this about the need for groups like the Anglican Church League:
“It has been interesting to me to see how the churches in the New Testament, who were founded by the apostles, so soon fell into such error that the apostles say that they have lost the gospel itself (see 2 Corinthians 11:4).
There is in the Pastoral epistles a strong call to guard and preserve the gospel. The ACL was founded and exists to do that. The way they seek to do it is to help us by finding people who are committed to this cause who will serve us on the committees and boards of the various agencies of this vast Diocese.
I have been a member of ACL for more than 30 years and commend its activities.”
Photo: Chappo, probably when he was Armidale Youth Director – apparently taken during a mission at the University of New England, early 1960s.
Remembering Howard Guinness
We are poorer when we forget those who have gone before us – those who laboured for Christ over many decades.
One man we should not forget is Dr Howard Wyndam Guinness 1903-1979, pioneer in student evangelism and university ministry in the UK, Canada, New Zealand, Australia and elsewhere.
He was key in founding the Sydney University Evangelical Union in 1930, as well as much else. He was also responsible for launching the Crusader Union in Sydney and Melbourne.
In 1949, Archbishop Mowll invited him to return to Australia to become the Rector of St. Barnabas’ Broadway and Chaplain to the University of Sydney. Generations of students were discipled through that ministry.
Howard Guinness’ funeral was held at St Andrew’s Cathedral, Sydney, on 31st July 1979. Then Archbishop of Sydney, Sir Marcus Loane, preached, and Bishop Donald Robinson led the prayers.
You will be blessed by setting aside 25 minutes to hear this excerpt from a recording of the service – with the sermon, the hymn Now thank we all our God, and the prayers –
or download the 12MB mp3 audio file by right clicking on the book cover.
Photo: The cover of Howard Guinness’ autobiographical book Journey Among Students, published in 1978 by the Anglican Information Office, Sydney.
Why I left the Brisbane Anglicans to join the Diocese of the Southern Cross
“My big story started in 2013. I was in Nairobi at Gafcon, and Mike Ovey [the late principal of London’s Oak Hull College] Mike spoke on Ephesians chapter five.
[The passage says] that there were those who would deceive us into thinking that the wrath of God is not coming because of, as Paul puts these things, the extent of their immorality. And the encouragement of the Apostle Paul, ‘Do not become partners with them’.
And that started me thinking, well, here I am in the Brisbane diocese; what does it mean to be partners? What does that mean in terms of my relationship with the diocese? …”
– At Anglican Ink, John Sandeman has Peter Judge-Mears’ story.
And a good reminder to be in prayer for the members of Southside Anglican, St John’s Wishart, and others seeking to honour Christ in their respective situations.
Photo: Peter Judge-Mears announces he is leaving St Johns, Wishart, September 2022.