The ACL’s Synod Podcast now online

Hear the ACL’s 2023 Synod Briefing Podcast.

Our 2023 Pre-Synod Briefing Podcast aims to serve members of the Sydney Synod by highlighting the likely substantive issues and main debate points.

It’s also relevant for anyone who wants to stay informed and pray for the Lord Jesus to be honoured and churches strengthened through the decisions of the Synod.

Listen here:

or right-click on this link to download your copy.


0:00 – Introduction to the Podcast
2:36 – Introduction to Synod and Order of Business
5:25 – Discussion of Elections
7:30 – M4 (Purpose and Priorities)
10:40 – M6, B5 & B6 (Money Bills)
23:00 – B8 (Ministry Standards Ordinance)
24:45 – B1-B3 (General Synod Ordinances)
27:50 – M12 (Review of Governance Policy)
32:35 – B4, M16, M17 (Pastoral Supervision)
36:38 – 13.4, 13.5, and M20 (Discussion on The Voice)

And here are some relevant links:

The ACL Synod Dinner.

Sydney Synod 2023 – with reports and business papers.

The Synod Survival Guide, by Dr. Robert Tong.

About the Anglican Church League.

How to join the Anglican Church League.

‘The peace we often forfeit’ — Encouragement from New Zealand to Pray

“Among the hymns that formed part of the background noise of my upbringing, one of my favourites was ‘What A Friend We Have In Jesus’.

Just look at the title – what message could be more uplifting for a child? The opening words ooze with warmth:

What a friend we have in Jesus,
All our sins and griefs to bear.
What a privilege to carry
Everything to God in prayer.

But the second half of the opening stanza offers something of a sting in the tail:

Oh, what peace we often forfeit,
Oh, what needless pain we bear,
All because we do not carry
Everything to God in prayer.

What seemed heart-warming to a child who could only absorb a title now strikes me as a rebuke whenever I sing it. I don’t know what was in Joseph Scriven’s mind as he wrote the poem that became this hymn (thanks, Wikipedia). But I wonder whether he was reflecting on James’ words: ‘You do not have, because you do not ask’ (Jas 4:2)…”

The latest edition (September 2023) of Ministry Matters from the Church of Confessing Anglicans Aotearoa New Zealand, is packed with encouragement to pray.

Do take the time to read, and then pray – including praying for Bishop Jay Behan and the churches of CCAANZ and the preaching of Christ in New Zealand.

Donald Robinson Library Lecture to remember Deaconess Margaret Rodgers AM

Coming up on Saturday 23 September at Moore College:

“Deaconess Margaret Rodgers AM (1939-2014) was an extraordinary woman who used her many talents to serve God through her work as Principal of Deaconess House, CEO of Anglican Media, President of the NSW Council of Churches, and other roles. She was passionate about lay women’s ministry and the Deaconess Order, and has left an enduring legacy in the Diocese of Sydney.

This event celebrates her life and work, with talks highlighting different aspects of her influential ministry.”

Details from the College.

When Margaret was called home in 2014, she was remembered as a dear friend and sister, a warrior for Christ.

Moore Matters Spring 2023 now online

The Spring 2023 edition  of Moore Matters from Moore College is now available in parishes – and also online. The theme for this issue is Trusting the Bible.

Head of Church History, Dr Mark Earngey, contributes an article, “The Bible in the English Reformation” –

“Lord, open the King of England’s eyes!”

These were the dying words of William Tyndale who earnestly desired that the ploughboy would grasp as much of the Scriptures as would the priest.

There years later his prayer was answered in abundance when King Henry VIlI authorised the Great Bible in 1539. Every parish in the realm was ordered to purchase it and have it physically chained to a convenient place, such as the lectern. It was great, not only because of its size, but also because of its authority. In its Preface, Archbishop Thomas Cranmer said, “this book … is the Word of God, the most precious jewel, the most holy relic that remains on earth.”

Cranmer knew that the Bible needed to be central to his Reformation agenda. He believed that the Holy Scriptures were God-breathed (2 Tim. 3:16; 2 Pet. I:21) and that they judge the thoughts and attitudes of our hearts (Heb. 4:12). Thus, the sharpness of the written Word of God could cut out those errors of the church which had crept in through the Middle Ages. The penetrating clarity of the written Word of God could assist men, women, and children to understand the will of God for their own lives. …

Read online here.

Jeremy Greaves elected Archbishop of Brisbane

“Earlier this morning an ad clerum was issued to clergy in the Diocese of Southern Queensland (Brisbane) announcing that current Assistant Bishop Jeremy Greaves has been elected the next Archbishop of the diocese …

I’ve spoken with a number of senior Anglican leaders … one told me ‘you couldn’t have a clearer expression of the differences we have in the Anglican Church of Australia. …’”

– David Ould has this report.

And from 2016:

New ‘progressive’ Assistant Bishop for Brisbane.

Lessons from Lay Members of Sydney Synod

“With Sydney synod fast approaching, it is worthwhile remembering that two-thirds of the synod are lay members. Quite apart from the numerical majority, lay folk play an important role in the business of the synod, and in its ministry outcomes.

The ACR took some time to interview various lay representatives (old and new!) in order to gain a ‘view from the pew’. We hope this will be encouraging for lay and clergy alike. …”

The Australian Church Record begins its pre-Synod “Lessons from Lay Members” by speaking with the Chancellor of the Diocese, The Honourable Justice Michael Meek.


The Synod Survival Guide by Dr Robert Tong. An invaluable free resource for Synod members.

The ACL Synod Dinner 2023 coming up on Monday 11th September.

Photo with thanks to Russell Powell.

Will there be a ban on sports betting ads?

“Long-time campaigner for poker machine reform, the Dean of Sydney, Sandy Grant, has welcomed the Federal parliamentary report that recommends a ban on online gambling advertising within three years. …”

– Russell Powell reports at

Do not be afraid! — Encouragement from Archbishop Kanishka Raffel

Archbishop of Sydney Kanishka Raffel has recorded this message of encouragement for church members.

Watch here on Vimeo – or on YouTube.

North West Network September 2023

The September 2023 edition of North West Network has been published by the Diocese of Northwest Australia.

Download your copy to be informed and encouraged to pray for gospel ministry in our largest (by area!) diocese.

Getting to know CityAlight

Recently, Sol Fenne, Music Coordinator at 20schemes music in Scotland, spent some time with Rich Vassallo to get to know CityAlight, a music ministry which has blessed many people – at St. Paul’s Castle Hill, across Sydney, and right around the world.

A most encouraging video and a great reminder to pray for the team of CityAlight.

‘Intolerable corruption’: Anglicans warn euthanasia may force exit from aged care

“The Anglican Church has advised its aged care homes to discourage residents from using voluntary assisted dying when NSW’s laws take effect this year, and has warned the practice could become so morally corrupting for church-run facilities that it may have to exit the industry. …

‘The Board of Anglicare Sydney decided … VAD will not be available at its residential aged care homes, and the organisation and staff will not actively participate in the provision of any VAD services,’ said the report to the Synod, an Anglican parliament…”

– Story by Jordan Baker in WA Today.

Image from a video by St. Helen’s Bishopsgate.

Talks from the Bathurst Diocesan Camp 2023

The Bathurst Diocesan Camp was held at Burrendong Dam over the weekend.

Ian Powell from St. Matthew’s Wanniassa in Canberra spoke on the Book of Jonah. Very challenging and helpful talks.

Talk 1, Talk 2, Talk 3, Talk 4.

Darwin Cathedral Evening Service turns One

A new issue of Top Centre (23.2) from the Diocese of the Northern Territory is now out and available for download.

Lots of encouragement and plenty to pray about – including a report on the first anniversary of the new evening service at Christ Church Cathedral in Darwin (pictured).

“Christ Church Cathedral celebrated the first anniversary of its 5.30pm evening service on June 4 with about 50 people in the congregation including a newborn baby.

This compared with a mere ten people at its first service a year ago.

Reflecting on the growth of this church plant, founding leader Ben Staunton said as much as he was encouraged by the growth in numbers, what was more remarkable was the community that had been built, with members regularly meeting socially and helping each other in their daily lives. …”

Download your copy from this page.

Wilfrid Law Docker (1846-1919) Accountant and a thorough Anglican

“Upon the death of Wilfrid Law Docker (often misspelled as Wilfred) it was said that death had removed one of those men who are the salt of the community and furthermore that:

There are many whose loss would attract greater notice, but there are few who will be so long and so much missed in a number of public affairs touching the religious and philanthropic, and educational interests of this city.

Who, then, was Wilfrid Law Docker? What had he done in his life to be accorded the designation of ‘salt of the community’? And why would he be ‘much missed in … the religious and philanthropic and educational interests’ of Sydney?…”

– At his website Philanthropists and Philanthropy in Australian Colonial History, Paul F Cooper, Research Fellow of Christ College, Sydney, provides fascinating glimpses into the lives of many who helped shape Sydney and beyond.

In his latest contribution, Paul introduces us to Wilfrid Law Docker, member of the Chapter of St. Andrew’s Cathedral, a member of the Standing Committee of the Diocesan Synod, the Synod of the Province and the General Synod of Australia.

Spate of scam texts from ‘vicars’ at Melbourne churches

“Parishioners have received scam text messages claiming to be from their vicar at several Melbourne churches during the past week.

The texts named the vicar of the relevant church, and several asked the recipient to transfer money to an account for ‘mission giving’.  …”

– Report and image from The Melbourne Anglican.

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