Bishop of Newcastle reports from Rome and Canterbury

Earlier this month, Dr Peter Stuart, the Bishop of Newcastle, sent this report from Rome and Canterbury. He was there for the ‘Anglican-Roman Catholic Commission for Unity and Mission’ –

“Our second summit day has concluded. It has been profound.

We began with the experience of Holy Communion where the Anglicans could not participate. We all experienced the pain. …

Day 4. From Rome.

A special service in the Basilica of St Paul outside the walls.

This evening, Bishop Greg from Lismore and I were commissioned for the work of Christian unity by Pope Francis and Archbishop Justin.

The homilies were based on the Parable of the Good Samaritan and the call to love.

We were greeted by Pope Francis and Archbishop Justin. …”

– From the Diocese of Newcastle.

Photo via the Diocese of Newcastle.


Archbishop Welby explains why he wears Pope Paul VI’s pastoral ring (October 2021.)

Perth Diocese Anglican Messenger for February 2024 now online

The Anglican Messenger magazine of the Diocese of Perth for February 2024 is now available online.

Included is a feature on the consecration, earlier this month, of the two new Assistant Bishops – David Bassett and Hans Christiansen.


Two new Assistant Bishops for Perth – Sept 2023.

Praying for 2024 Ordinands

“Please pray for these candidates as they prepare for ordination on February 17, 2024 and for taking up positions at the following parishes …” has the list – for your prayers!

Southern Cross magazine February-March 2024

The latest issue of Southern Cross magazine from the Diocese of Sydney is now available – in printed form at churches – and electronically at

Find the latest issue here.

Anglicans honoured in 2024 list

“Anglicans are among the Sydney recipients of Australia Day honours, including two Professors of Medicine for their roles in the COVID-19 response.

The honours are awarded by the Governor-General on the recommendation of the Council of the Order of Australia. …”

– Russell Powell has the details at

Photo: Professor Charlotte Hespe AM.

Bishop of Newcastle to attend International Ecumenical Gathering

“The Bishop of Newcastle is packing his bags for a religious journey of the highest order in Rome and Canterbury next week. …”

– Report from The Newcastle Weekly.

Photo: Diocese of Newcastle.

10 books to add to your Summer reading list


“The days are long, the breeze is cool, we’ve got a good book and we’re lounging by the pool. Sounds like a perfect summer day to me!

Here’s a short list of great books from the past 12 months that are worth stashing into your suitcase this season, as reviewed by our team and invited guest writers. …”

See the list here.

Remembering Broughton Knox after 30 years

David Broughton Knox, Principal of Moore College 1959–1985, was called home 30 years ago, on January 14th 1994.

Who was Broughton Knox? Take the time to read these two tributes:

Sir Marcus Loane, Archbishop of Sydney 1966 – 1982, preached at his funeral at St. Andrew’s Cathedral:

“There were many strands in Broughton’s complex make-up as husband and father, teacher and friend. But all who knew him know that his life was ruled by a profound faith in God. That life was to span just a shade over seventy seven years from the time of his birth. And they were years crowded with quiet achievement as well as moments of high drama.

It was a life rich in friendship, in world-wide contacts, and in special fields of service. And it has left a mark for God that will endure in and beyond his own generation. …”

And Donald Robinson, Archbishop of Sydney 1982–1993, wrote a tribute for ACL News in 1994:

“It is no doubt too soon to estimate Broughton’s full contribution to the Australian Church. We can note something of its character, its thrust, and its scope, and we can voice our gratitude where we have personally been its beneficiaries.

Broughton was a theological person, whose mind and heart was focussed on the living God as He has made himself known. …”

See also:

Broughton Knox: servant of Christ Jesus – Dr Mark Thompson, May 15, 2017.

The Legacy of David Broughton Knox – October 24th 2018.

Expository Preaching on the wane? — David Cook, August 20th 2020.

Man articles by D B Knox – at Matthias Media’s The Briefing website.

A quote from Dr Knox’s address at the Annual General Meeting of the Anglican Church League in July 1993:

“We mustn’t limit the gospel to the feudalism of the past. Our present territorial boundaries, like a diocese or a parish, are feudal. … where the gospel is needed to be preached, we ought to be preaching it.”

Shortly before he and Ailsa left to help establish George Whitefield College in Cape Town in 1989, he spoke at Moore College on “What is a Christian?” – and prefaced his address with some comments on what he hoped to do in South Africa. (While the Vimeo page has the date as 12/10/1980, the year is almost certainly 1988.)

Thanks to Moore College’s Donald Robinson Library for making this available.

William Ansdell Leech (1842-1895) and the Fresh Air League

“On 25 September 1890, in his parish of Bong Bong in the Southern Highlands of NSW, the Rev William Ansdell Leech, an Anglican clergyman, formed a Ministering Children’s League (MCL) group from which the NSW Fresh Air League (FAL) would arise.

Initially, the activity that gave rise to the FAL was Leech’s particular way of fulfilling the ideals of the MCL. It soon became apparent that providing holiday accommodation for poor children and families in a healthy mountainous environment was a ministry deserving of its own name. …”

– Paul Cooper, Research Fellow at Christ College, Sydney, provides another fascinating window in to the (not-so-distant) past at Philanthropists And Philanthropy In Australian Colonial History.


CMS QNNSW Summer School 2024 cancelled after storm damage

The Queensland and Northern NSW CMS Summer School, which was to have started today, has been cancelled due to significant storm damage at Mount Tamborine.

From the QNNSW website:

“In consultation with MTCC and QCCC we have made the difficult decision to cancel Summer School this year. Care for Summer School attendees and the local community at Mount Tamborine has been paramount in our minds. With all the information we have available to us, we believe this is the best decision to achieve that.

An email has gone out to all people who have registered for Summer School with further details about what’s next.

We want to give a massive shout out to MTCC and QCCC for all the hard work they’ve put in over the last week and half to try and make it possible for Summer School to go ahead. We are also very thankful for the work our speakers, missionaries, volunteers and staff team have put in in the lead up to Summer School.” (Links added.)

A good reminder to pray for other CMS Summer Schools and conferences taking place.


Tamborine Mountain residents without power, water after ‘tornado’ storm destroys electricity network – ABC News, 29 December 2023.

New Year’s message from the Archbishop of Perth

A New Year message from Archbishop Kay Goldsworthy.

A great reminder to pray for Abp Goldsworthy and the Diocese of Perth.

Bathurst Diocese Prayer Diary 2024

Here’s a great resource to help you pray for the progress of the gospel in the Diocese of Bathurst.

Download your copy of the Bathurst Diocese Prayer Diary for 2024. (PDF file)

2024 Summer Prayer Diary

“Our summers are filled with camps, conferences and missions. People across greater Sydney are diving deep into God’s word and taking it out to those who need to hear it.

So we’ve put together a 10-day prayer diary featuring some of the great kingdom initiatives that could use our prayer.”

A great resource from Tara Sing at

Photo: Sans Souci swimming baths, Summer 1957.

Archbishop Kanishka Raffel’s Christmas sermon 2023

Archbishop Kanishka Raffel shared the good news of the Lord Jesus at the 10:00am service at St. Andrew’s Cathedral in Sydney this morning.

Speaking of the Lord Jesus, he reminded us, “There is no other Saviour. … No other has provided purification for sins.”

Watch here. (Link should go to the start of the sermon – or see the service from the start here.)


Two Ways to Live – a very helpful outline of the Christian message.

“Don We Now Our Gay Apparel”

“Is the decline in Christianity among Anglican clergy moving pari passu with the decline in Western civilisation? Good question. Indubitably, is the answer. …

Mosques are crowded, churches are emptying. To have any chance of turning the tide, Christianity needs biblically-based priests. Priests like Glenn Davies; Bishop of the breakaway Diocese of the Southern Cross and former Anglican Archbishop of Sydney.”

– In an opinion-piece at Quadrant Online, contributor Peter Smith takes a hard look at what is happening in many parts of the Anglican Church. His article is supplemented by an excerpt from a well-known episode of “Yes, Prime Minister”.

Image from the website of the Anglican Church of Australia.

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