Tasmanian Anglicans to sell more than 120 properties for redress scheme

“Tasmania’s Anglican Church will sell more than 120 of its properties to contribute to the national redress scheme for survivors of child sex abuse, prompting Tasmanian survivors to hail the plan as ’groundbreaking’.

The proposed figure equates to nearly half of all the Diocese’s property in the state. …”

– Story from The Examiner.

See also: Anglican Church in Tasmania sacrifices to fund Redress – Diocese of Tasmania.

Armidale Diocese: Plans to grow Northern Inland services for people in need

“From 1 July 2018 the operations of Anglicare Northern Inland (ANI) in the Armidale Diocese will amalgamate with those of Anglicare in the Sydney Diocese. …”

– News from the Diocese of Armidale.

Also at the Anglicare website.

New Dean of Grafton: the Cross “is not about my sins or your sins”

“The freshly-installed Dean of Grafton Cathedral, Gregory Jenks, has published his Good Friday sermon where he teaches ‘[The Crucifixion of Jesus] is not about my sins or your sins.’

The full text of the sermon is available on Jenks’ website.”

– Spotted by David Ould. And you can watch the video of Dean Jenks’ remarks.

In thinking about this, these resources are well worth reading:

Pierced for Our Transgressions: Rediscovering the Glory of Penal Substitution – A magisterial book by Steve Jeffrey, Mike Ovey and Andrew Sach.

What is the gospel? – article by Mark D Thompson.

When to make a stand (PDF file) – article by Mark D Thompson.

And from The Book of Common Prayer, 1662, “The Order for the Administration of The Lord’s Supper or Holy Communion”  –

Almighty God, our heavenly Father, who of thy tender mercy didst give thine only Son Jesus Christ to suffer death upon the Cross for our redemption; who made there (by his one oblation of himself once offered) a full, perfect, and sufficient sacrifice, oblation, and satisfaction, for the sins of the whole world; and did institute, and in his holy Gospel command us to continue, a perpetual memory of that his precious death, until his coming again …” Emphasis added.

(Photo: gregoryjenks.com.)

Canberra & Goulburn Episcopal Election Nominations Committee

“Workshops across the Diocese are being organised to help prepare a Diocesan Profile. Synod members, as part of this process, are encouraged to reflect on the qualities and experience needed for a new Diocesan Bishop. The profile will help members to decide between likely nominees, and it will ensure that suitable information on the Diocese is provided to them. …”

– Chair of the Canberra & Goulburn Episcopal Election Nominations Committee, Archdeacon David Ruthven, shares what the committee is doing – and encourages prayer for God’s guidance.

There’s more about the election process and the regional consultation workshops here (PDF file):

At the one-day Synod held on 3/3/18 the Episcopal Election Nominations Committee (EENC) was elected. This committee will do a lot of the preparation work for the electoral Synod but it will be the Synod itself who will vote on who should be the new Bishop.”

Stuart Robinson farewelled from Canberra & Goulburn

“It was a time of reminiscence for Bishop Stuart Robinson and his wife Jane at their final Easter service in St Saviour’s Cathedral on Saturday morning. …”

– Story from The Goulburn Post.

(Stuart will be inducted as Rector of St Michael’s, Vaucluse and Rose Bay, on May 5th.)

Update on Tathra bushfire disaster from Bp Stuart Robinson – updated

As he prepares to conclude his time as Bishop of Canberra & Goulburn, Stuart Robinson has posted the latest on the Tathra bushfire disaster

“Archdeacon Carol believes around 100 homes are now being listed as having being destroyed. This means many hundreds of people are homeless. …”


The Archbishop of Sydney’s Anglican Aid has opened an emergency appeal to respond to the fires in the Southern New South Wales beach town of Tathra. – Details.

Billy Graham’s Australian ministry – a personal reflection

“My first encounter with Billy Graham and his team was in Perth in 1959.

I was 22 years old and a youth counsellor at the Perth meetings. His influence was profound and many people owed their faith or its renewal to his ministry.

It’s important to remember it was only 14 years after the end of WWII and our family, like many others, had billeted a young American sailor at our home in 1944 from the submarine base at Fremantle. Sadly his boat went missing protecting Australia. Billy arrived in Australia just six years after the Korean War ended (1950-53) in which many Australians served again alongside US troops under the UN banner, and so we were still in awe of the Americans, their movies, their Coca Cola and their ‘can do’ attitude. …”

– Peter Corney, Vicar Emeritus at St Hilary’s, Kew, shares his memories of Billy Graham, at The Melbourne Anglican.

Bishop Stuart Robinson: Farewell message in Anglican News

“Though we are retiring from episcopal ministry we are … ‘refiring’ back into full-time parish ministry. I’ll be inducted as Priest, St Michael’s, Vaucluse and Rose Bay, on Saturday May 5th at 4.30pm.

And my formal farewell from this Diocese is Saturday March 31st at 11.00am is a ‘Laying Up Of The Pastoral Staff’ event.”

– Bishop Stuart Robinson reflects on his ten years as Bishop of Canberra and Goulburn in his last message for the diocesan newspaper.

As well, there is news of clergy moves in the diocese – all on page 2 of the February 2018 Anglican News (800kb PDF file).

Kay Goldsworthy installed as Archbishop of Perth

Kay Goldsworthy was installed as Archbishop of Perth this morning (10th February 2018).

To get a feel for the theological flavour of the service, the ABC has a brief report, and you can download the Order of Service (PDF) from the Diocese of Perth website.

Photo: Diocese of Perth.

Grafton Discernment Synod

“First of all, here in the Eucharist, we seek God’s guidance. …

Secondly, we shall then spend the bulk of today listening to one another carefully, intentionally, with spiritual ears attuned to hear not only one another but also the God who is within us, among us, and between us.

Finally today, we shall elect the Bishop Appointment Board. Those chosen to serve on this Board are being entrusted by us to choose and appoint our new Bishop, informed by our discernment process today and guided by God.”

– The Dean of Grafton, Greg Jenks, preached at the ‘‘Discernment Synod Eucharist’ of the Diocese of Grafton, 4th February 2018. He has posted the text and video of his sermon.

It’s a good reminder to pray for those responsible for choosing a new bishop.

Plea for irreplaceable items after Anglican bishop’s car stolen

“An engraved pastoral staff with sentimental and historical value is among the missing items after a Ballarat’s bishop’s car was stolen. …”

– Let’s hope police find the crook. Story from The Ballarat Courier. (Photo: Bishop Garry Weatherill and friends – via The Ballarat Courier.)

Also around Australian dioceses:

Newly installed Bishop of Newcastle appoints the first female assistant bishop for that diocese.

New Bishop of Newcastle installed

Dr Peter Stuart was installed and commissioned as the 14th Bishop of Newcastle on Friday night (2nd February).

NBN News Newcastle has some vision from the event.

Armidale Diocese Clergy Moves

For your prayers, the Diocese of Armidale has published news of clergy moves taking place early in 2018.

(Image adapted from an Anglican Church of Australia map.)

Archbishop of Melbourne calls for ‘intentional conversations’ on same-sex marriage

Archbishop of Melbourne, Dr. Philip Freier:

“I am very conscious of the pain that members of our church who are in same sex partnerships experience at this time when the society has changed in a way that the church hasn’t. …

I propose that we have intentional conversations about this next year. It will be good to prepare for this well and I will be looking for the best way these conversations can take place safely, gracefully and productively.”

The Melbourne Anglican has this story on an Ad Clerum sent by Archbishop Freier to Melbourne clergy just before Christmas.

A Prodigal’s Christmas

“Everyone seems to love the story of a prodigal’s return. In fact, we often hear people say “ah, the prodigal has returned”. I imagine Christmas has often been the occasion of returning prodigals.

There was a time in Australia when most Aussies would have known where the expression came from. In case you don’t let me tell you. It is a Bible expression drawn from the story of two prodigals and a loving father that was told by Jesus Christ. …”

– Bishop of Armidale, Rick Lewers, on saying sorry and forgiveness at Christmas.

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