New TEC Presiding Bishop elected

bp-michael-curry-elected“The Episcopal Church’s General Convention made history June 27 when it chose Diocese of North Carolina Bishop Michael Curry to be its 27th presiding bishop.

He will serve a nine-year term that officially begins Nov. 1. On that date, Curry will succeed current Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori and he will become the first person of color to hold that position.”

– Report and photo from The Episcopal News Service.

Some background:

“Throughout his ministry, Bishop Curry has also been active in issues of social justice, speaking out on immigration policy and marriage equality.”

Bishop Iker and Diocese win All Saints Fort Worth case

Bishop Jack Leo Iker, Fort Worth“News has just been received that Bishop Iker and his Episcopal Diocese of Fort Worth are the victors in the separately-tried lawsuit to determine the ownership of the grounds and property of All Saints, Fort Worth…”

– A S Haley has some good news on the Diocese of Fort Worth. Photo: Bishop Leo Iker.

(This is referring to the real Diocese of Fort Worth, not the new one created by TEC – from the latter comes this news

Bishop Rayford B. High, Jr. , said, “…I am disappointed in the decision but I know this will be appealed…”)

What is ECUSA Spending on Lawsuits? (Updated for General Convention 2015)

Give to the Episcopal Church“When one adds in the estimated additional amounts spent by individual dioceses on such litigation, the total amount exceeds Sixty Million Dollars…”

– Anglican lawyer and blogger A S Haley updates his annual list.

Stories you may have missed — 23 May 2015

Dr Stuart PigginHere are a few stories you may have missed:

Dr Stuart Piggin spoke on revival in rural Australia at a conference at Goulburn Cathedral. (Link to audio.)

Anglican Priests ‘beaten to stupor’ by agents of the state government in Enugu State, Nigeria, over a land dispute.

Canon Phil Ashey of the American Anglican Council remembers growing up at St. James’ Newport Beach in California and reflects on reports the site is to be sold for $15 million.

Christians flee Aleppo in their thousands after fresh fighting in Syria, and Iraq’s Christians wonder where to flee after Islamic State militants take Ramadi city – reports from Barnabas Fund.

If you have no gospel, preach something else

Katharine Jefferts SchoriThe Episcopal Church’s Presiding Bishop, Katharine Jefferts Schori, addressed viewers of a live webcast from Los Angeles last week. She spoke of the urgency of “choosing life”:

“a time of judgment …

We can choose to change our … ways …

We still have some opportunity to choose, but that kairos moment will not last long.

We have before us this day life and death. Which will we choose?”

The Presiding Bishop was not speaking of salvation through Christ from sin and death, but about “The Climate Change Crisis”. (Starting 3:30 into the video.)

Transcript of her talk. [Yes, the Bible affirms our stewardship of all creation, but without the gospel of Christ, no-one will be saved.]

Related: Anglican Bishops call for urgent action on ‘unprecedented climate crisis’

“A group of 17 Anglican Bishops from all six continents have called for urgent prayer and action on the ‘unprecedented climate crisis’. Their Declaration The World Is Our Host: A Call to Urgent Action for Climate Justice released today sets a new agenda on climate change for the 85 million-strong Anglican Communion…”

Annual Litigation Survey for the Episcopal Church 2015

Katharine Jefferts Schori at the TEC General Convention, 04 July 2012“It is a fact well known to certain Episcopalians — both those who have left the Episcopal Church (USA) and those who have remained — that ECUSA and its dioceses have followed a pattern of suing any church that chooses to leave for another Anglican jurisdiction. But the full extent of the litigation that has ensued is not well known at all, either in the wider Church, or among the provinces of the Anglican Communion. …

Your Curmudgeon proposes to do what he can to rectify this situation…”

– AS Haley (The Anglican Curmudgeon) provides an up-to-date list of litigation. It’s a long list.

‘South Carolina Decision a full vindication for victims of ECUSA’s Oppression’

Bishop Mark Lawrence, South Carolina.“Circuit Judge Diane S. Goodstein’s carefully crafted 46-page decision in the case brought by Bishop Mark Lawrence’s Episcopal Diocese of South Carolina (along with 35 of its parishes, plus St. Andrew’s, Mt. Pleasant) against the Episcopal Church (USA) and its rump group (ECSC, or “Episcopal Church in South Carolina”) is a complete vindication of the positions taken and arguments advanced for so long, by so many, inside and outside the Church. It is a vindication first, for the Right Reverend Mark Lawrence…”

– Christian lawyer A.S. Haley sums up the South Carolina decision.

See also this report from the Diocese of South Carolina. (Photo: Bishop Mark Lawrence.)

A Church that sues itself?

AS Haley“The highly litigious Episcopal Church in the United States of America (“ECUSA”) has settled a lawsuit with itself, according to a press release from its rump group (which cannot legally be called a “diocese”) in South Carolina.

Shall we run that one by our eyes again? ECUSA has settled a lawsuit which it brought against itself…”

– AS Haley (The Anglican Curmudgeon) looks at the latest legal twists and turns in The Episcopal Church.

ECUSA denied Leave to Appeal in Quincy Case

AS Haley“Today the Illinois Supreme Court posted twenty-eight pages of its recent dispositions of requests made by losing parties for leave to appeal their decision to that Court. On page twelve, at the very top, appears this brief notation:

No. 118186 – The Diocese of Quincy et al., respondents, v. The Episcopal Church et al., petitioners. Leave to appeal, Appellate Court, Fourth District. (4-13-0901)

Petition for leave to appeal denied.

What this means is that the highest court of a State has now ruled that there is no provision in the governing documents of the Episcopal Church (USA) that keeps a Diocese from withdrawing its membership in that organization…”

Lawyer A.S. Haley is following the twists and turns of The Episcopal Church’s attempts to stop dioceses leaving.

Woman speaks out at Muslim prayer service in Washington National Cathedral

Washington Cathedral Muslim Prayer Service“It was supposed to be a shining moment for proponents of the interfaith movement.

The Islamic “jummah,” or Friday call to prayer, would be held on America’s grandest Christian stage – the National Cathedral in Washington, D.C.

It was a bold move that had never been tried. Leaders of the Episcopal cathedral said sending prayers up to Allah from a Christian church would show the world that two religions at odds with each other for centuries could “approach the same God” as one body of believers.

The stage was set. The prayer rugs were neatly arranged facing Mecca. The lights shone down on the imam for his opening remarks.

Not so fast…”

Christian booted from National Cathedral speaks out.

See also:

Image from the video feed.

Washington National Cathedral to host Friday Muslim prayer service

national-cathedral-special-service“Washington National Cathedral, known for presidential funerals and other major spiritual services, will host a Muslim prayer service for the first time Friday…”

– Story from The Washington Post.

Same-Sex Blessings arrive at Falls Church

The Falls Church“A historic Episcopal parish that counts U.S. President George Washington among its past vestry members has hosted its first blessing of a same-sex union…”

– Report from Juicy Ecumenism.

Background (and photo): The costly faithfulness of The Falls Church – May 2012.

“The tragedy of the situation at The Falls Church is not that the congregation will die, but that yet another a historic symbol of American Christianity has fallen into the hands of those who teach doctrines contrary to Scripture.”

‘815 in Transparent move to punish Fort Worth’

AS Haley“Episcopalians in non-litigating parishes and dioceses should be asking: Why the silence? Why is 815 being allowed to run amok with the Church’s precious resources? Who is really in charge? Where are those who helped put the Presiding Bishop into power, and who will act now to curb her irrationality and her grasping at straws?”

– A S Haley, the Anglican Curmudgeon (and lawyer), takes a look at the latest Episcopal Church legal manoeuvrings.

U. S. Supreme Court Denies Falls Church Petition

Falls Anglican Church, Virginia“The order list published this morning by the United States Supreme Court shows that, after relisting the case for its conferences four times, it has denied certiorari (review) in No. 13-449, The Falls Church v. Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of America, et al.

– A S Haley, The Anglican Curmudgeon, with bad news for The Falls Church in Virginia.

TEC Annual Litigation Summary 2014

A. S. Haley, Christian lawyer and blogger (as The Anglican Curmudgeon) has provided a comprehensive list of legal action by (and against) The Episcopal Church of the USA.

See also: How Much Has ECUSA Spent on Lawsuits? (Updated Jan. 2014).

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