GAFCON Chairman’s Letter for April 2018

“My dear people of God,

Around the world we have just celebrated the mighty resurrection of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. The tomb is empty and Christ is Risen! Christ’s sacrifice of himself upon the cross really has broken the power of sin and death, the tomb could not hold him and it is only a matter of time before the Risen Christ will be revealed to all at his second coming as Lord of Lords and King of Kings. He will indeed make all things new.

It is in the light of these great truths that the Apostle Paul gives us words of command and of encouragement at the end of 1 Corinthians 15 …”

– Archbishop Nicholas Okoh, Chairman of the GAFCON Primates Council, has released his April letter to GAFCON supporters. Read it all here.

The Heart at Peace — Lent Reflections from Dr Peter Jensen – Part 7

GAFCON General Secretary, Dr. Peter Jensen, speaks about how our hearts are now at peace with God.

Citing Romans 5, he reflects that while many of us doubt this, ‘the work of the Holy Spirit is to assure us of the love of God for us.’

The Illuminated Heart — Lent Reflections from Dr Peter Jensen – Part 6

“In the penultimate video in the series, Dr Jensen explains how God illuminates our dark hearts through the proclamation of the gospel.” – From GAFCON.

Help a delegate attend GAFCON 2018 in Jerusalem!

Thinking of making a donation to help someone attend GAFCON 2018?

This is the page you want.

For encouragement, see this earlier video from GAFCON General Secretary Dr. Peter Jensen.

The Burning Heart — Lent Reflections from Dr Peter Jensen – Part 5

In the fifth of seven videos during the season of Lent, GAFCON General Secretary Dr. Peter Jensen turns to the burning heart.

The New Heart — Lent reflections from Dr Peter Jensen – Part 4

In the fourth of seven videos during the season of Lent, GAFCON General Secretary Dr. Peter Jensen asks ‘How’s your heart?’, looking at the new heart.

The Repentant Heart — Lent reflections from Dr Peter Jensen – Part 3

In the third of seven videos during the season of Lent, GAFCON General Secretary Dr. Peter Jensen asks ‘How’s your heart?’, looking at the repentant heart.

Published by GAFCON.

The Deceitful Heart — Lent reflections from Dr Peter Jensen – Part 2

In the second of seven videos during the season of Lent, Archbishop Peter Jensen asks ‘How’s your heart?’, looking at the deceitful heart. Published by GAFCON.

How’s your heart? Lent reflections from Dr Peter Jensen – Part 1

In the first of seven videos during the season of Lent, Archbishop Peter Jensen asks ‘How’s your heart?’, looking at the book of 1 Samuel. Published by GAFCON.

GAFCON wants your help

In this video, Dr Peter Jensen speaks about GAFCON 2018 and what you can do to help more delegates attend and stand for the unchanging truth.

The Archbishop of Sydney’s Anglican Aid – GAFCON 18 Appeal is receiving donations to be passed on, in full, to GAFCON.

(This post was originally published on 24 January 2018.)

Archbishop of Canterbury asked — Is it OK to attend GAFCON 2018?

Is it OK to attend GAFCON 2018? And will those who want to attend from the Church of England be encouraged to do so?

That was the gist of the question asked by Susie Leafe, former Director of Reform, at the Church of England’s General Synod yesterday.

Here is the question, and the Archbishop of Canterbury’s answer:

Mrs Susie Leafe (Truro) to ask the Chair of the House of Bishops: Q10

In the light of the view taken by the World Mission and Anglican Communion Panel that international relationships “contribute to the development of discipleship and mission in the Church of England” what plans have been made to support and encourage those bishops, clergy and laity who plan to attend Gafcon, probably the largest international Anglican gathering taking place this year?

The Archbishop of Canterbury to reply as Chair of the House of Bishops:

A We strongly agree with the view of the Panel that international relationships contribute to the development of discipleship and mission. I am personally pleased that every diocese has some link to Anglican Provinces across the world, and we are keen to continue developing these relationships. The recent Primates Meeting underlined the importance of such relationships. I have had conversations with, and listened to, the views of those planning to attend the Gafcon conference, and am keen to increase attendance at any event that encourages the flourishing of the whole Anglican Communion.

Source: Church of England General Synod website  – Page 7 of the PDF document.

A Statement on the Consecration of a Female Bishop in South Sudan

Here’s a Statement from the GAFCON General Secretary, Dr. Peter Jensen –

“From the beginning of the Gafcon movement there have been a variety of understandings among our members on the question of consecrating women to the episcopate. Recognising that this issue poses a threat to the unity we prize, the Primates agreed in 2014 to do what was within their power to affect a voluntary moratorium on the consecration of women to the episcopate. They then set up the Task Force on Women in the Episcopate, chaired by Bishop Samson Mwaluda which presented a report to the 2017 Gafcon Primates Council.

In discussion at this Council, the Primate of South Sudan, Archbishop Deng Bul (who had not been present when the moratorium was agreed) shared with us that his personal decision to consecrate a female bishop was an extraordinary action taken in the midst of civil unrest in a part of his country where most of the men were engaged in armed conflict.

The Gafcon Primates chose to not allow this anomaly to change the course followed since 2014. The Task Force was asked to continue to provide theological resources, and the Provinces were urged to continue the study of Scripture, to consult with one another and to pray that God will lead us to a common mind. The voluntary moratorium remained in place.

In accordance with these decisions, the Task Forces’ Report, which can be read here, is now being discussed at the regional level in advance of the April Gafcon Primates Council and the Global Anglican Future Conference in Jerusalem this June. Our hope is that the newly elected Primate of South Sudan will join us in these discussions as we seek to find a common mind, looking to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.

Peter Jensen, General Secretary
February 2018.”

– Source: GAFCON.

Related: Restoring order to the Church when relationships break down – Canon Phil Ashey at the American Anglican Council

GAFCON Chairman’s February 2018 letter

“We cannot truly promote the gospel if we are not also careful to preserve it from distortion or dilution and I therefore commend the Church of England Evangelical Council (CEEC) for their recent document Gospel, Church & Marriage: Preserving Apostolic Faith and Life. At a time when the Church of England’s senior leadership seems unable to resist the pressure to compromise with a highly secular culture, it is a sign of hope that evangelical leaders are able to come together in this way. …

However, the question I humbly wish to ask my brothers and sisters in England is this: will you take courage and act on these words? As members of the Mother Church of our beloved Communion you have a great responsibility…”

– GAFCON Chairman, Archbishop Nicholas D. Okoh, has released his February 2018 Letter. Read it all here.

GAFCON YouTube channel

From the GAFCON Communications Team:

“We are delighted to announce the launch of a Gafcon YouTube channel to keep people like you more informed and better equipped to stand up for uncompromised biblical truth.

There are 17 videos posted currently and we will be adding more regularly. Please take a moment to have a look.

You’ll find yourself both more aware of what’s happening – and encouraged by the words of people like you who are coming together to stand for the Bible and preach the true gospel of Jesus Christ.”

How important is Sex?

“It has become quite common for Christians to take the line that our business is to talk about Jesus and not about sex and sexual morality. Our obsession with sex is creating a barrier to gospel presentation.

I have to say I am pretty sympathetic to this argument. I never imagined when I began preaching the word of God that our sexual lives would play a big part in the presentation, nor that we would be engulfed in a crisis over the integrity of churches on this issue.

Well, should we stop talking about it and get on with talking about Jesus?

The trouble is, that if we take that line, it will not be the real gospel of Jesus we will be preaching. …”

– GAFCON General Secretary Dr Peter Jensen argues that Christians cannot be silent.

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