Learn about the nine new GAFCON Networks

Learn about the nine strategic global Networks launched at GAFCON 2018.

Standing on the Authority of God’s Word

“The absolute necessity of what Gafcon rightly contends for is becoming a very personal experience for me. My wife, Gillian, and I have been married for 37 years and I write (with her agreement) on our last wedding anniversary. …

For the suffering and the dying, the pick ’n mix optional orthodoxy of the new Canterbury Anglicanism simply will not do. If my understanding of God’s grace in the gospel and my hope in Christ are just that – my understanding – where is my assurance and confidence in the face of the ‘last enemy’?…”

– In a deeply personal note GAFCON’s Membership Development Secretary, Charles Raven, shares the hope he and his wife Gillian cling to – the sure promises of Gods Word. And do pray for them both.

GAFCON announces plans for additional Conference for 2019

The Chairman of the GAFCON Primates Council, Archbishop Nicholas Okoh, has announced that GAFCON will hold a conference in 2019 for those excluded from attending the recent global gathering in Jerusalem.

“…we were saddened by the fact that there were some from Africa and the Middle East who wanted to join us but were prevented from doing so due to visa issues. We are determined that they should experience the same sense of awe and joy and we have therefore decided to organise a conference specifically tailored for them.”

– Source: GAFCON.

Interview with Archbishop Foley Beach

At the end of GAFCON 2018 in Jerusalem, David Ould sat down with Archbishop Foley Beach, Presiding Bishop of the Anglican Church in North America, and newly-elected Chairman of the GAFCON Primates’ Council.

A great way to learn about Archbishop Beach and his story.

Recorded by Anglican TV. Watch here.

Dr Kendall Harmon and Hell and the Episcopal church

The GAFCON media team have been posting interviews recorded at GAFCON 2018 in Jerusalem.

In this 5 minute clip, Dominic Steele speaks with Dr. Kandall Harmon, Canon Theologian for the Diocese of South Carolina, and the man behind the TitusONENine blog.

GAFCON Jerusalem 2018 Videos

“A number of videos from GAFCON 2018 in Jerusalem are now available to view!

They have been organised in the following order:

  1. Full day livestreams from each of the five days (Monday 18th June 2018 – Friday 22nd June 2018).
  2. Bible Exposition and Plenary Teaching Sessions
  3. Interviews
  4. Miscellaneous videos including the reading of the Final Statement ‘Letter to the Churches’, a number of highlights videos summarising the conference and more.
  5. The conference programme so you can see what happened on each day.”

– Many thanks to the GAFCON Communications team for making these available.

(Photos: GAFCON Media.)


Commentary on the 2018 GAFCON Letter to the Churches – Part 5: Reforming God’s Church

“The second main section of the Letter is titled ‘Reforming God’s Church‘. It should come as no surprise that ‘Reforming God’s Church’ should be the longest section of the Letter to the Churches from a Conference held as a result of a ‘tear in the fabric’ of the church catholic and of the Anglican Communion.

For this reason, I shall devote two posts to this section under the headings ‘Reforming God’s Church’ and ‘Reordering the Anglican Communion’. …”

– Dr. Stephen Noll has published the fifth of seven posts on the GAFCON 2018 “Letter to the Churches”.

The earlier posts can be seen here: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4.

Gafcon Ireland lay delegates reflect on their experience of GAFCON 2018

“Nowhere before had I experienced Bishops eating packed lunches seated on steps with young adults, or women – ordained and lay – so highly regarded for their input, and welcomed with appreciation and affection that crossed cultural boundaries.”

– Lay delegates from GAFCON Ireland reflect on their experiences of GAFCON 2018.

An Interview with Matt and Anne Kennedy

“In 2009 Bishop Skip Adams and the Episcopal Diocese of Central New York took the Church of the Good Shepherd in Binghamton, New York, expelled the congregation and sold the building to become an Islamic Awareness Center.

Listen to the Kennedys share their experience of God’s providence for their faithful congregation in the midst of these challenges.”

– as interviewed by Russell Powell at GAFCON 2018. Be sure to watch.

And some background to jog your memory.

Experiencing the Anglican Future

“My constant prayer before we met in Jerusalem was a simple one, ‘Lord, meet us in Jerusalem’.

I believe he did. …”

– Dr. Peter Jensen offers some encouraging reflections on GAFCON 2018.


Dr. Stephen Noll has published Part 1 of his Commentary on the GAFCON 2018 Letter to the Churches.

GAFCON Reflections from the UK

“I’m not a GAFCON cheerleader. Or, at least, I wasn’t.

Though, given the ‘presenting issue’ that birthed GAFCON, I have always been theologically sympathetic to this movement of fellow conservative Anglican brothers and sisters, I have been, am, and likely will be again from time-to-time quietly critical of some of GAFCON’s decisions, statements, and actions. And my time in Jerusalem last month as part of the UK delegation was not one of unabated joy and optimism from start to finish. GAFCON – like every Christian body this side of the eschaton – is far from perfect.

But if I was doubtful of this before, I am now no longer…”

– At Church Society’s blog,Tom Woolford, a curate in Blackburn Diocese, offers his personal reflections from GAFCON 2018.

GAFCON Chairman’s Letter July 2018

‘I will fulfil my vows to the LORD in the presence of all his people, in the courts of the house of the LORD – in your midst, O Jerusalem. Praise the LORD.’ – Psalm 116:18,19

“My dear people of God,

Like the psalmist of old, we came to Jerusalem in the presence of God’s people with great thanksgiving. Since our first gathering in 2008 we have seen the Almighty God powerfully at work. By his grace, we have provided a home for the spiritually homeless and hope for orthodox Anglicans around the world who longed to see the reform and renewal of our beloved Communion.

We expressed our thanksgiving not only in joyful worship, but also by committing to a shared vision and shared action. …”

Read Archbishop Okoh’s July 2018 pastoral letter. (Photo: GAFCON Media.)

Interview with Archbishop Ben Kwashi

“AB Kwashi seemed calm and joyful when he greeted us today. One would never know that just the night before last, his own compound was attacked, all his cows stolen by Fulani raiders, and his neighbor murdered while trying to protect his friend (the Archbishop). The terrorists seemed to be sending the Archbishop a warning. …”

This interview with Archbishop Ben Kwashi was conducted earlier this week, just after the attack on his compound. (Link via Anglican Mainstream. Photo: Patheos.)

Three Aussies in Galilee

Last week, on The Pastor’s Heart, Dominic Steele spoke with Kanishka Raffel (St. Andrew’s Cathedral) and Ray Galea (MBM Rooty Hill) about their reactions to GAFCON 2018.

Coming up on Tuesday 3rd July at 2:00pm AEST:

“On ThePastorsHeart.net we are talking about and with the minister who loses it all, when the diocese moves into apostasy, leaving you and your people as faithful followers of Christ Jesus, but without denominational support and sometimes stripped of your church building and house.

Next week on The Pastor’s Heart we will get back to our regular format of a live discussion and you asking questions, but this week we are still dealing with issues raised by the #Gafcon2018 Conference in Jerusalem a few weeks ago.”

A turning point in the history of Anglicanism — must read

“Almost 1700 years ago, on 20 June 325AD, 318 bishops concluded a very significant meeting. They had gathered in Nicaea because errors had arisen in the church which were so profound that they undermined the very foundation of the Christian message. Those bishops renounced the heresies and upheld orthodox Christian doctrine which had been revealed by God through the Scriptures.

On 22 June 2018, 316 bishops (along with 669 other clergy and 965 laity), concluded another very significant meeting. They gathered in Jerusalem because errors have arisen in the church which were so profound that they undermined the very foundation of the Christian message. Those delegates renounced the heresies and upheld orthodox Christian doctrine which had been revealed by God through the Scriptures.

Those in Jerusalem were gathered from around the Anglican communion and represented the majority of that fellowship. But as this was the third GAFCON that has been held, a justifiable question is whether this conference will make any lasting difference in the way the conference at Nicaea did?…

In order to answer that question, it is worth understanding the context in which this movement has arisen.”

– Here’s a must read article from Dr. Ed Loane – published at SydneyAnglicans.net.

(Photo: Moore Theological College.)

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