Remembering J I Packer — GAFCON Live event

GAFCON is holding a live event to remember, and give thanks for J I Packer.

It starts at 6:00am Eastern Australian time, tomorrow (Thursday 30th July 2020).

GAFCON Chairman’s letter June 2020

“Earlier this month, I chaired a meeting of the Gafcon Primates Council. Although we could not meet face to face, there was a remarkable joy in our time together and a strong sense that God is building his kingdom as our Churches seek to proclaim Christ faithfully to the nations. …”

– Read Archbishop Foley Beach’s June 2020 letter here.

Gafcon Australasian conference 2021

From Gafcon Australia:

“The Board of Gafcon Australia, along with Anglicans from both the Anglican Church in Aotearoa New Zealand and Polynesia (ACANZP) and the Church of Confessing Anglicans Aotearoa New Zealand (CCAANZ), are pleased to announce a joint conference in July 2021.

While we can only dream of gathering together and travelling to other places now, we would like you to mark in your diary Mon 19th to Thu 22nd July, 2021, for this conference.”

Dr Ashley Null will be the keynote speaker.

Pre-register your interest here.

GAFCON Australasian Celebration 2020 — Wednesday 24th June 2020

From GAFCON Australia: Read more

GAFCON Moment & Prayer 8 June 2020


Global Anglicans Moment & Prayer is an initiative for churches around the world so that each week they are kept up to date with news and a prayer item. Please share these in your church’s bulletins and media announcements.

GAFCON Chairman’s Letter Pentecost 2020

“Beloved in Christ Jesus: Greetings in the name of our Risen Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!

At Pentecost we rejoice that we are indeed ‘not left as orphans’ (John 14:18), but through the crucified, risen and ascended Lord Jesus, the Holy Spirit is poured out upon us in fulfilment of God’s promise.

It is by the Spirit of Jesus in our hearts that we are able to cry ‘Abba! Father! (Galatians 4:6) and even though many of us may not be able to able to sing the praises of God together in this time of pandemic, may our hearts nonetheless overflow with praise and adoration to God who so wonderfully restores us through his Son in the power of the Holy Spirit!…”

– Chairman of the GAFCON Primates Council, Archbishop Foley Beach, has released this letter for Pentecost 2020.

Archbishop Foley Beach’s Invitation to GAFCON Sunday 2020

GAFCON Sunday is on June 28 2020, and GAFCON’s Chairman, Archbishop Foley Beach invites you to take part.

Watch the video, and also see these resources.

What is GAFCON?

Here’s a new two-minute video, giving an overview of what and who is GAFCON.

Short enough to include in your livestream or recorded service on GAFCON Sunday, June 28, or any time.

Ashley Null on Cranmer’s Collect for the Second Sunday after Easter

“Cranmer’s Collect for the Second Sunday after Easter reminds us of his perennial concern to link justification to sanctification. In so doing, he answers the all-important question for Christians: where do we find the motivation to be more like Jesus?

An original composition, the prayer makes clear that the secret to godliness lies in gratitude for the free gift of salvation. …”

– Ashley Null continues his post-Easter devotions for GAFCON.

Easter Around the World

GAFCON has compiled this video montage.

GAFCON Bishops Conference postponed – and other news

GAFCON General Secretary Archbishop Ben Kwashi writes:

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace.
In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”
John 16:32-33

Sober greetings in Lent!

As the coronavirus pandemic continues to escalate, we are seeing international travel being drastically reduced and severe restrictions being placed on people gathering, especially in large numbers.

In the light of these developments, the Gafcon Primates Council has reviewed plans for our Bishops Conference in Kigali 2020 and with much regret have decided to postpone the conference until such time as it becomes possible to reconvene.

We also have in mind the need to act responsibly and not risk adding to infections in our host nation, Rwanda, nor risk delegates to the conference becoming infected and spreading the disease in their home countries.

We realise this news will be deeply disappointing, but as a globally connected movement, our life together will continue as we encourage and pray for one another through the daily prayer diary and our many other online resources.

Around the world churches are mobilizing and adapting to continue being the church as we make our way trusting God through this crisis. We have provided two pages on the Gafcon webpage that we hope will help provide ideas, tips and encouragement in ways ministry is going forward from different regions of the world. One page will focus on technology tips and ideas as many churches are moving to mediums such as livestreaming. The other page focuses on sharing ideas and ministry that churches are acting on as they continue to faithfully proclaim Christ in word and deed.

In addition, Archbishop Foley and I have issued a call to prayer and fasting for this Sunday, 22 March, interceding against the spread of COVID-19 across the globe, swarming locusts in East Africa, the Middle East, and Asia, and famine and hunger in regions of Africa. Please join us.

So let us be confident that God’s purposes will not be thwarted and let us dedicate ourselves afresh to the great task of proclaiming Christ faithfully which lies at the heart of the Gafcon vision. More than ever, our world in its fear and vulnerability needs to know the comfort of God’s mercy and the promise of eternal life to all who repent and believe. Out of all this, God has not lost his plan nor abandoned his work. God continues to work his purposes out, until the Word of the Lord covers the earth as the waters covers the sea!

We will proclaim Christ faithfully to the nations!!!

The Lord be with you.
Archbishop Ben Kwashi

Call to Prayer and Fasting: Sunday 22nd March

GAFCON Chairman Archbishop Foley Beach and General Secretary Archbishop Ben Kwashi issue a call to prayer and fasting for this Sunday, 22 March, interceding against the spread of COVID-19 across the globe, swarming locusts in East Africa, the Middle East, and Asia, and famine and hunger in regions of Africa. Read more

Urgent Prayer needed for Kenya’s Targeted Christians

“Today we start looking at some specific situations of brothers and sisters in Christ who are being persecuted and threatened with even more persecution. We start with Kenya because of very disturbing news that has come out of northeastern Kenya. I would ask you to pray as you read, and throughout the weekend. Please share this news about what Christians in northern and eastern Kenya are facing with the rest of your church family, and hold this persecuted part of our global church family up for prayer in your Sunday services. …”

An urgent prayer request from GAFCON.

GAFCON Chairman’s Pastoral Letter for February 2020

Archbishop Foley Beach has published his February 2020 Pastoral Letter:

“Christian discipleship and leadership calls us to make disciples of all nations and it requires us to protect the flock from false teachers. Encountering false teachers is nothing new in the history of the Church. The New Testament is filled with exhortations regarding false teachers. …”

He also recommends the new GAFCON resource, “Anglican Reality Check”.

Walking with the Suffering Church during Lent — GAFCON

GAFCON is producing daily devotionals to which you can subscribe.

During Lent 2020, there is a special focus on walking with the Suffering Church.

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