Archbishop of Canterbury calls for Primates’ Gathering

Archbishop Justin Welby“The Archbishop of Canterbury today wrote to all 37 Primates inviting them to attend a special Primates’ gathering in Canterbury to reflect and pray together concerning the future of the Anglican Communion.

The meeting, to be held in January 2016, would be an opportunity for Primates to discuss key issues face to face, including a review of the structures of the Anglican Communion and to decide together their approach to the next Lambeth Conference.

The agenda will be set by common agreement with all Primates encouraged to send in contributions…”

– from The Archbishop of Canterbury’s website.

See also: GAFCON calls for ‘truth on the table’.

Kidnapped Nigerian Bishop’s car found

Nigeria“The car that was being used by Bishop Moses Tabwaye when he was kidnapped…” was found on Friday evening.

“The Bishop of Gwagwalada in the Province of Nigeria has been kidnapped and is being held for ransom, according to news reports.”

– Report from the Anglican Communion News Service.

Bishops call for ‘climate justice’

Bp Tom Wilmot Perth“Several bishops around the Anglican Communion have made short videos describing the impact and implications of climate change in their dioceses and calling for prayer and action…”
Bishops call for ‘climate justice’.
(Photo: Bp Tom Wilmot, Diocese of Perth.)


“The Primate of the Anglican Church of Southern Africa, Archbishop Thabo Makgoba, has called on Anglicans everywhere to join Orthodox, Roman Catholic, Lutheran and other Christians in a World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation on 1 September…” – The Anglican Communion News Service.

Anglican Communion ‘Secretary-General’ affirms Lambeth 1.10

Archbishop Josiah Idowu-Fearon (right) with Archbishop Justin Welby. Archbishop of Canterbury's website.Archbishop Josiah Idowu-Fearon, the new Secretary-General of the Anglican Communion, affirms his commitment to Lambeth 1.10 in an interview on the BBC Radio 4’s Sunday Programme and speaks against criminalisation of homosexual behaviour.

“Any resolution from any province that does not take Resolution 1.10 seriously is against the agreement within this church….. As Secretary General my job is to present and execute the decisions of the four instruments of unity we have…. I stand by Resolution 1.10…. This Communion has a position.”

BBC 4 Sunday Programme  August 9, 2015.  The segment begins 11:50 into the programme, with the interview starting at 18 minutes. (via Anglican Mainstream.)

GAFCON Chairman’s July — August 2015 Pastoral Letter

Archbishop Eliud Wabukala“I am writing to you on the day when the Church has traditionally celebrated the Transfiguration. The veil that covered Jesus’ glory in his earthly ministry is briefly drawn aside before he begins his journey to Jerusalem and death upon the cross. While Jesus prayed, Peter, James and John slept, but we must not judge them harshly. Climbing mountains is hard work! In fact, they were so deeply asleep that the reality being revealed was not immediately clear to them, yet the impact was lasting.

Years later, Peter recalls this moment on the mountain as he writes to spiritually sleepy Christians who are in danger of forgetting the truth of the gospel and have become complacent about false teachers…

The problem TEC in particular continues to pose for the rest of the Communion was highlighted by another but less reported resolution from its 2015 General Convention, A051, ‘Support LGBT African Advocacy’ which mandates that Church to spread its ideas to Africa…”

– GAFCON Primates’ Council Chairman, Archbishop Eliud Wabukala, sends his latest Pastoral Letter.

Reform Response to TEC Resolution on Marriage

schori-curry-gc-2015-ens“In rejecting this definition of marriage, the bishops of the US Episcopal Church have rejected Jesus’ own teaching. As such, they have denied the faith they profess to teach, forfeiting any right to be regarded as true bishops of the church of Jesus Christ. Jesus warned us to “watch out for false prophets” who come in his name (Matthew 7.15, 22)…”

– Read the full Reform statement here. Photo: Episcopal News Service.

Global South Statement on the TEC House of Bishops same sex marriage resolution

Global South Primates, Bangkok July 2012Here’s a statement from the Global South Anglican leaders, 4th July 2015 –

“TEC has chosen by its own will and actions in clear knowledge to depart from the Anglican Communion’s standard teaching on human sexuality according to Lambeth Resolution 1:10.”

Full text:

“We are deeply grieved again by the Episcopal Church USA (TEC) Resolution to change the definition of marriage in their church canons in their current ongoing General Convention.

By this action, TEC has chosen by its own will and actions in clear knowledge to depart from the Anglican Communion’s standard teaching on human sexuality according to Lambeth Resolution 1:10. This TEC Resolution is another example of such unilateral decisions that are taken without giving the least consideration to the possible consequences on other provinces and the Anglican Communion as a whole, the ecumenical partnerships, the mission of the church worldwide, and the interfaith relations. This Resolution clearly contradicts the Holy Scriptures and God’s plan for creation as He created humankind as man and woman to complement each other physically and emotionally.

Indeed the church must provide pastoral care for all, whether heterosexuals or homosexuals. However the church should not alter the teachings of the Holy Scriptures, that was interpreted by the majority churches globally, to provide such pastoral care. The aim of pastoral care is to restore people to the bosom of God where they encounter His love and design to live a life according to His plan. We are against any criminalization of homosexuals, they are like all of us, need God’s mercy, grace and salvation. The church is intended by its Lord to be the holy leaven to shape society by its spiritual and moral values in line with God’s design. But sadly, by this action of TEC, the church gives way to the society to alter and shape its values. In other words the church is losing its distinctiveness as salt and light in this world.

“Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God” (Romans 12:2)

This statement is approved by:

The Most Rev. Dr. Mouneer Anis, Archbishop, Diocese of Egypt with North Africa and the Horn of Africa and Chairman of the Global South.
The Most Rev. Ian Ernest, Primate of the Indian Ocean and General Secretary of the Global South.
The Most Rev. Bolly Lapok, Primate of South East Asia and treasurer of the Global South.
The Most Rev. Stephen Than Myint Oo, Primate of Myanmar.
The Most Rev. Hector “Tito” Zavala, Primate of the Anglican Church of South America.
The Rt. Rev. John Chew, member of the GS Global South steering committee, former GS chairman.”

Source, Global South Anglican.
Check their site for extra signatures which may be added.

Archbishop of Canterbury response to TEC Resolution on Marriage

Archbishop Justin Welby, General Synod, 18 Nov 2013“The Archbishop of Canterbury today expressed deep concern about the stress for the Anglican Communion following the US Episcopal Church’s House of Bishops’ resolution to change the definition of marriage in the canons so that any reference to marriage as between a man and a woman is removed…”

– from the Anglican Communion News Service.

And the changes agreed to at TEC General Convention:

Dearly beloved: We have come together in the presence of God to witness and bless the joining together of N. and N. in Holy Matrimony. The joining of two people in a life of mutual fidelity signifies to us the mystery of the union between Christ and his Church, and so it is worthy of being honored among all people. (Emphasis added. Page 98 of this PDF file, h/t AS Haley.)

Falls Church Anglican seeks new home

john-yates-ii“The Falls Church Anglican, the large congregation of defectors from the Episcopal Church denomination who occupied but was eventually forced by the courts to vacate the historic Falls Church site on S. Washington St., has bought a new five-acre location… within a mile of its former site in Fairfax County…”

The Falls Church New-Press reports on Fall Church Anglican’s purchase of a new property. (The report is not terribly sympathetic.)

For background, see The costly faithfulness of the Falls Church. from May 2012.

(Photo of Rector, John Yates II from a video from Falls Church Anglican.)

GAFCON Chairman’s Pastoral Letter, June 2015

Archbishop Eliud WabukalaArchbishop Eliud Wabukala, Chairman of the GAFCON Primates’ Council, writes:

“My dear brothers and sisters,

Grace and peace to you in the name of our only Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ.

It is a strange thing that in the Church we can see both extraordinary strength and extraordinary weakness at the same time.

The strength of Christian faith has been revealed in a most profound way by members of the Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in Charleston following the shooting of nine of its members during a bible study…

In contrast, there are too many examples in the Church of weakness in the face of the subtle challenges of cultural and financial pressure. In Africa we are still too dependent in our thinking on outside agencies. This makes us vulnerable to relationships designed to buy influence and damages the integrity of our witness, while in the more economically developed world there is too often a fear of being out of step with secular culture.

In this context I cannot avoid mentioning a very disturbing event in England…”

Take the time to read it all, including a quote from Archbishop Peter Jensen at last week’s FCA meeting in Belfast.

Bishop Iker and Diocese win All Saints Fort Worth case

Bishop Jack Leo Iker, Fort Worth“News has just been received that Bishop Iker and his Episcopal Diocese of Fort Worth are the victors in the separately-tried lawsuit to determine the ownership of the grounds and property of All Saints, Fort Worth…”

– A S Haley has some good news on the Diocese of Fort Worth. Photo: Bishop Leo Iker.

(This is referring to the real Diocese of Fort Worth, not the new one created by TEC – from the latter comes this news

Bishop Rayford B. High, Jr. , said, “…I am disappointed in the decision but I know this will be appealed…”)

Anglican Future Conference videos

Kanishka Raffel, Anglican Future Conference, March 2015Videos of talks from the Anglican Future Conference in Melbourne in March 2015 (programme) are now available, thanks to the Peter Corney Training Centre.

They are terrific resources – check them out and consider how you might use.


Focus on Evangelism: Church of North India

The Church of North India (United)“The Church needs to focus on evangelism and be united to take up challenging issues together, participants of a mission consultation held in New Delhi have concluded. …

Through his death on the cross and commission to ‘make disciples of all nations’, Jesus had entrusted the Church and individual Christians with a ‘significant responsibility’ to proclaim, witness to and transmit the Gospel to all people, [Provincial Secretary Alwan] Masih said…”

– an encouraging report from The Anglican Communion News Service.

Stories you may have missed — 23 May 2015

Dr Stuart PigginHere are a few stories you may have missed:

Dr Stuart Piggin spoke on revival in rural Australia at a conference at Goulburn Cathedral. (Link to audio.)

Anglican Priests ‘beaten to stupor’ by agents of the state government in Enugu State, Nigeria, over a land dispute.

Canon Phil Ashey of the American Anglican Council remembers growing up at St. James’ Newport Beach in California and reflects on reports the site is to be sold for $15 million.

Christians flee Aleppo in their thousands after fresh fighting in Syria, and Iraq’s Christians wonder where to flee after Islamic State militants take Ramadi city – reports from Barnabas Fund.

Nigerian Bishop ‘frees 25 prison inmates’

Nigeria“The Bishop, Diocese of Kaduna Anglican Communion, Most Reverend Josiah Idowu-fearon, yesterday secured the release of 25 prison inmates from Kaduna Central Prison as part of activities marking his 25th anniversary as Bishop of Anglican Communion…

‘The committee decided to pay the fines of N10,000.00 each for 25 inmates with minor offences so that they will be able to regain their freedom.’…”

– report from Leadership (Nigeria). h/t Anglican Communion News Service.

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