Living on prayer

“Having just returned from Jerusalem, attending the third Global Anglican Future Conference (GAFCON), I was again reminded of the history of the old city, where God’s glory was made manifest in the presence of the incarnate Jesus…”

– Archbishop Glenn Davies shares these words of encouragement at

The Church in Ireland: An interview with Trevor Johnston

The Australian Church Record speaks with Trevor Johnston, Senior Minister at All Saints’ Church, Belfast, in Northern Ireland, about his links with Australia, and with GAFCON –

“My own connection stretches back to 1995 and a Proclamation Trust conference for theological students. Several of us from Ireland travelled to hear Dick Lucas, David Wells, Jim Packer and Peter Jensen.

For me, this was a moment of personal reformation.

The year before, the (charismatic) Toronto Blessing had significantly impacted the youth and church movements in Northern Ireland, causing much confusion. Yet many of us – mostly because of little theological training or thought – were acting on instinct when identifying it as seriously wrong. Peter Jensen spoke on the true ministry of the Holy Spirit. This was revolutionary for us. …”

Read it all here.

Praying for George Whitefield College

This introductory video to George Whitefield College is a good reminder to pray for that strategic college.

Not familiar with GWC? Learn about their history:

“David Broughton Knox came to South Africa – from Sydney, Australia – in 1989 to establish George Whitefield College and be its first principal.

Arising from his conviction that Christian ministers are primarily teachers of the Word of God, he laid the foundations of a college that would have as the focal point of its study program the ‘whole counsel of God’. …”

Andrew Atherstone on C H Spurgeon

Take the time to watch this talk by Andrew Atherstone on C. H. Spurgeon, with a wonderful account of Spurgeon’s conversion.

The big point: Preach Christ, and preach the Cross!

From the 2018 Evangelical Ministry Conference in London. Very encouraging.

Three Aussies in Galilee

Last week, on The Pastor’s Heart, Dominic Steele spoke with Kanishka Raffel (St. Andrew’s Cathedral) and Ray Galea (MBM Rooty Hill) about their reactions to GAFCON 2018.

Coming up on Tuesday 3rd July at 2:00pm AEST:

“On we are talking about and with the minister who loses it all, when the diocese moves into apostasy, leaving you and your people as faithful followers of Christ Jesus, but without denominational support and sometimes stripped of your church building and house.

Next week on The Pastor’s Heart we will get back to our regular format of a live discussion and you asking questions, but this week we are still dealing with issues raised by the #Gafcon2018 Conference in Jerusalem a few weeks ago.”

GAFCON interview: William Taylor

William Taylor, St. Helens Bishopsgate from GAFCON Official on Vimeo.

During a break at GAFCON in Jerusalem on Wednesday, Dominic Steele spoke with William Taylor, St. Helens Bishopsgate.

Plain speaking, worth watching. Note his comments on ‘the idolatry of unity’.

See also these interviews:

Watch Bishop Alfred Olwa’s opening Bible Exposition from Jerusalem

Bishop Alfred Olwa gave the opening Bible Exposition at the start of GAFCON 2018 yesterday.

Watch it here. (Photo and caption: GAFCON Communications.)

How to share the gospel with a stranger

“I first heard the gospel at 18, from an older lady I’d never met before.

She told me the good news of Jesus while I was pumping fuel into her car (I worked at a petrol station). She then said that I should go to a local church to learn more about Jesus.

We had almost nothing in common, and relationally she didn’t have a leg to stand on, but she trusted in the power of the gospel to save (Rom 1:16) and she understood that loving her neighbour meant going outside of her comfort zone for her neighbour’s salvation. As a result, I went to church, started reading the Bible, and God saved me…”

– Some real encouragement from ACL Council member Mike Taylor – at The Australian Church Record. Be sure to read it all – and then act.

North West Network, June 2018

The latest edition (June 2018) of North West Network, the newsletter of the Diocese of Northwest Australia (the largest diocese in Australia — by geographical size) is now available.

Download the PDF file and use it to inform your prayers on behalf of the people of the North West.

Here’s a snippet from the latest issue –

“Meet Ross, a visitor to the North West. In August 2017 he left Perth needing a break from caring for elderly parents and looking for direction in his wayward life.

Ross stopped in Geraldton and went to the Bluff Point Anglican Church. That Sunday he heard God speak to him from 1 Peter 2:13-16,

Therefore, with minds that are alert and fully sober, set your hope on the grace to be brought to you when Jesus Christ is revealed at his coming. As obedient children, do not conform to the evil desires you had when you lived in ignorance. But just as he who called you is holy, so be holy in all you do; for it is written: “Be holy, because I am holy.”

Ross realised he wasn’t holy. He was cut off from God because of his sin. A church family invited him to lunch and over the course of three days Ross became a Christian. He went from spiritual death to life knowing that God’s love and forgiveness came to him through Jesus Christ. This was life changing for Ross.

But that’s not the end. …”

– Read the rest of the story on page 2 of the June 2018 NWN.

John Piper interviewed at Dundonald Church

John Piper spoke at Dundonald Church in London last Sunday (03 June 2018).

Before the sermon, he chatted with Richard Coekin in this encouraging 13 minute video.

You can also listen to his sermon that day, “Enjoying God”.

GAFCON – Uniting and Reforming: Part 4 – Bishop Tito Zavala

“In the Anglican Church of Chile, we are very expectant for GAFCON 2018.

This event is much more than just a conference, it is the manifestation of a living movement of Anglicans, led by God, which seeks to change the world through the preaching of the Gospel of Christ.

We return to Jerusalem together this year, but what does this mean for us? …”

– GAFCON has published part 4 of their ‘Uniting and Reforming’ reflections from GAFCON participants. This one is from Bishop Tito Zavala.

30 years of Matthias Media

Here’s a real reason to give thanks to the Lord – Marty Sweeney asks Ian Carmichael about the first thirty years of Matthias Media.

Watch the video here.

Ploughing Concrete in Australia

At the recent Geneva Push conference in Melbourne, Greg Lee (Hunter Bible Church) delivered a strong encouragement to keep evangelism central – even if we live in a culture where most people see no need for God. Listen here.

A small-step antidote to dull, dry faith

“Perseverance. I have been struck recently by how much the notion of perseverance appears in the Scriptures.

Perhaps this shouldn’t surprise me, but it just isn’t one of the first things I think of when I contemplate what the Scriptures are about. Faith, hope and love, the promises and faithfulness of God—these are the things I first think of. Yet the theme of perseverance comes up again and again…”

– At The Australian Church Record, Meagan Bartlett shares something very helpful.

First MTC Men’s Prayer breakfast — a wonderful time

“A group of men from all over the Diocese gathered at Moore College early on Saturday morning for the first Men’s Prayer Breakfast…”

– Here’s some encouragement from Moore College. There’ll be a second Men’s Prayer Breakfast on Saturday 22 September,

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