NEXUS19 on Monday March 25
Don’t forget the coming NEXUS19 Conference coming up later this month.
Mark Dever is among the speakers.
Take Heart!
Matt Chandler writes clearly and honestly about the society we live in – from the challenges it presents us to the hope the gospel holds for those who live in it. …”
– At Church Society’s blog, Philip Hobbs introduces Matt Chandler’s book ‘Take Heart!’.
Practical tips for sharing the gospel with a stranger
“How are they to believe in him of whom they have never heard? And how are they to hear without someone preaching?… Faith comes from hearing, and hearing through the word of Christ.” (Rom 10:14, 17)
How often do we consider the urgency of Paul’s words here? In 2017 McCrindle Research did a nation-wide study of faith and belief in Australia. It found that at least 1.5 million people don’t know a Christian. In fact, 1 in 29 people have never heard of Jesus. But the survey also found that 10 percent of Australians – that’s 2.4 million people – are interested in having a conversation about Jesus.
I once had no Christian friends or family, and I first heard the gospel from a stranger…”
– ACL Council member Mike Taylor shares encouragement and a challenge. At the Australian Church Record.
More on Ephesians
ACL Council member, Dr Lionel Windsor, is continuing to post insightful and encouraging reflections on Paul’s Letter to the Ephesians.
See them at Forget the Channel. (Scroll down to Recent blog posts.)
Taking our biblical rest — Encouragement from Archbishop Glenn Davies
“The rhythm of work and rest is a biblical rhythm, founded in creation and expressed in the fourth commandment. The seven-day pattern of six days of work and one day of rest continues into the new covenant, because the end of the age when we enter God’s Sabbath Rest has not yet arrived. …”
– At, Archbishop Glenn Davies encourages a biblical view of rest.
Nexus19 on Monday 25th March — for constructive encouragement in evangelism
The Nexus Conference for 2019 is coming up at Carlingford on Monday 25th March.
For those who can’t be there in person, the event will be livestreamed to sites across Australia.
Read more about the conference – and let Canon Phil Colgan (who also spoke on this topic at the 2018 ACL Synod Dinner) encourage you to keep the proclamation of the saving gospel of Jesus front and centre.
The evangelistic conversation
“Evangelistic conversations can be tough. Really tough. They can be so tough and discouraging that, after having a few, many people give up and never try again.
However, there are things we can do to allow a tough situation to become enjoyable – and more importantly, effective.
So, what’s a good way to engage in an evangelistic conversation? …”
– Here’s some encouragement from Dave Jensen at
‘The Most Reverend The Primate and Patriarch of The Southern Hemisphere’
‘The Most Reverend The Primate and Patriarch of The Southern Hemisphere’ – that’s how John Newton addressed Richard Johnson, Chaplain to the First Fleet and the fledgling colony of New South Wales.
Marylynn Rouse, at The John Newton Project, just in time for Australia Day, has posted a number of letters and new material relating to Richard Johnson – including letters to him from John Newton.
Richard Johnson:
“In the evening of the 23rd September 1786, I was asked by a friend, if I had got the spirit of a missionary, or, if I wished to go abroad. I smiled, and replied – No – I had no inclination or thoughts of ever leaving my native country.
On the 30th of the same month, I received a letter from another friend, informing me that a colony was going to be established in New Holland, or New Zealand – that a chaplain was wanted – that application had been made to him, to know whether he knew of any proper person for and willing to undertake such an arduous work – and that if I chose to accept of, he could secure me the appointment. …”
See what’s new at The John Newton Project.
See also: Richard Johnson – First Chaplain to Australia.
Lift Your Eyes: Introducing Ephesians
“Our family lived for several years in Durham, in the north east of England.
One day, through my son’s primary school, we were offered some cheap tickets to see a Premier League football match in nearby Sunderland. Since we’d never seen a Premier League game, my son and I decided it would be great to go.
I knew that our neighbour Patrick, who’d grown up in Durham, was a huge football fan. So I asked Patrick if he had any advice for us on the best way to get ourselves to the match. Patrick told me there was a bus to the game that stopped right outside our house. The day arrived, and my son and I hopped on the bus with Patrick. …”
– Sunderland supporter Dr. Lionel Windsor calls us to open our eyes to the wonders of God’s plan unfolded in Ephesians.
Five tips for reading daily Bible reading and prayer
“The most important resolution you can make this year is to read your Bible and pray each day – this, along with meeting with God’s people, is what makes a Christian’s heart beat.
However, by this point in January most of our resolutions will have failed – including our daily quiet time. We’ve started to get busy, missed a few mornings and it’s starting to feel like 2019 will be very similar to 2018 after all. But just because you didn’t read your Bible yesterday, doesn’t mean you need to give up.
So here are my top five tips for starting and maintaining a regular quiet time in 2019…”
– These tips from Tom Habib might be just what you need. At The Australian Church Record.
Also from the ACR: Biblical mentoring: its pattern and place – Mike Leite.
Rich and Getting Richer
“They used to call them financial advisers or even simply bank officers; now they are wealth managers. Having adequate money is so yesterday. We want to have wealth. We think of ourselves managing our resources to become first, rich, and then even richer. There are no votes for the party that promises that under its leadership citizens will become poorer!
Yet that is exactly what Jesus did! His milieu was opulence, glory, splendour and supreme power over everything that exists. The whole universe was under his thumb, yet he chose to make himself nothing and become the lackey of humanity. …”
– Written and published in time for Christmas, this reflection by Bishop Trevor Edwards in the diocese of Canberra & Goulburn should turn our hearts to thanksgiving.
An Unexpected Friendship
“A few weeks ago, after the funeral for President George H.W. Bush, it was reported in the news that the President had sponsored a child through Compassion International.
During a Christmas concert many years ago, when the Ministry of Compassion International was presented and the audience was asked to consider sponsoring an impoverished child, Bush raised his hand and volunteered to sponsor a 7-year-old boy in the Philippines.
Out of concern for the boy’s safety, it was decided that the president’s identity as his sponsor should be kept secret. But the president and the boy became regular pen pals for more than a decade. …”
– Of course, there are some great sermon illustrations in this story, but – more than that – it’s a story to turn our hearts to the Lord. From Reformation21. Photo: Compassion International.
The Christmas Preacher
“There are numerous benefits of preaching at Christmas.
- Carols services—normally attract many people who only come to church once a year. This presents us with a wonderful opportunity to preach the gospel to a willing audience of unsaved people.
- The Biblical Christmas narratives allow a great opportunity to present a clear gospel sermon :
- Matthew tells us about Jesus who will save his people from their sins.
- And then the magi—or wise men—who come and worship the King.
- In Luke’s account the angels announce that a Saviour is born, who is Christ the Lord.
- Christmas services are normally happy occasions, and so give the church an opportunity to present a good face to the world. An engaging sermon, and a well-organised service—in a warm and inviting context—can make a lasting good impression on people.
But Christmas preaching comes with particular challenges too. Here are some things to keep in mind …”
– Helpful reminders from Mike Raiter. (GAFCON photo.)
Christmas message from GAFCON General Secretary Peter Jensen
Dr Peter Jensen, soon to retire as GAFCON General Secretary, has recorded this Christmas message.
Christmas: Satan’s field day?
“Now the title of this article might appear a little too shocking for the ‘merry’ Christmas season… but let me highlight some of the ways that the great deceiver tries to take our minds off Christ during the Christmas period, before suggesting some ways to respond. …”
– At The Australian Church Record, Mike Leite encourages you to swim against the tide this Christmas.