The gospel and marriage part 1: Wives (Ephesians 5:22–24)
“What Paul says in Ephesians about Christian wives and submission only makes sense in light of what he’s already said about the gospel of Jesus Christ.”
Lionel Windsor reaches Ephesians 5:22–24 in his journey through Ephesians.
Read or listen at Forget The Channel.
Moore College End of Academic Year Community Chapel 2019
Moore College held its End of the Academic Year Community Chapel this morning.
For your edification, you can watch it here.
Growing Christian Communities in Melbourne
Here’s an encouraging video giving some insight into church planting in the Anglican Diocese of Melbourne.
Apple and Google Play reject Christian gospel app
“Recently a smartphone app developed for the Georges River Region’s John 3:16 Mission next year was rejected by both the Google Play Store and the Apple App Store. It simply helps people share the gospel using John 3:16.
We appealed to both stores. Google eventually allowed the app, but Apple wouldn’t, rejecting us three times, with three different reasons. The last, ironically, was that it had ‘no lasting value’ (as opposed to apps like the Candy Crush game). …”
– Bishop Peter Lin writes to encourage you to speak about Jesus.
Thank God for ordinary pastors
“The noble task of the ordinary Christian minister is essential for the future health of the churches which make up the Anglican Diocese of Sydney. Yet challenges to the ordinary Christian ministry abound!
The world around us seems to be spinning away from its Christian moorings at a rapid rate, the frailty of the flesh and the failure of leaders in the church saddens us all too regularly, and the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, as he has always done – crouching even at the rectory door. …”
– Moore College’s Dr. Mark Earngey writes to encourage us to be thankful for ordinary pastors – and to pray for more of them. At The Australian Church Record.
George Whitefield College gives thanks for 30 years
George Whitefield College in Capetown is giving thanks to the Lord for thirty years of ministry.
Earlier this year they produced a six-minute video overview of the college’s history. Watch, be encouraged, and pray for the college:
And their Spring 2019 Newsletter, which includes some reminiscences, can be downloaded at this link.
“George Whitefield College was founded in 1989 when, at CESA’s request, Rev. Dr. David Broughton Knox came to Cape Town from Sydney, Australia to establish the college.”
Christian singing: Why and how? (Ephesians 5:19–20)
“Christian music is one of the most powerful and enduring ways to teach theology. Singing gets under our skin and into our souls. So the words really matter, at a detailed level. We repeat those words again and again and learn to love them. …”
– Lionel Windsor continues on his journey through Ephesians and encourages us to think about what we are doing (and not doing) when we sing in church. Read or listen at Forget the Channel.
Chairman’s October 2019 Letter — Reformation Day!
“Beloved in Christ Jesus: Greetings in the name of the crucified, risen, and ascended King, our Lord Jesus Christ!
I write to you from Wittenberg, Germany, where Martin Luther began the Protestant Reformation 502 years ago by posting his 95 Theses on the doors of the Castle Church.
This month has seen an historic step in the life of the Anglican Communion. …”
– Archbishop Foley Beach, Chairman of the GAFCON Primates Council, shares, in his October Letter, news of the New Zealand consecration.
Remembering the Reformation
“As one who loves to read history, I have never quite shared the desire to keep anniversaries. It often seems that the louder the celebration, the more distorted the message, and history gets replaced by lessons in civics. But October is Reformation month, and 31 October 1517 is as convincing a date as any to remember as the beginning of the Protestant Reformation. …”
– Presbyterian Moderator-General Peter Barnes encourages us to remember the Reformation.
Waiting for the day of the Lord
“Over the past year or so I have spent many a Monday morning immersed in 2 Peter, working through it verse by verse in our senior clergy meetings. What a joy it’s been. I’ve especially come to love 2 Peter 3 because it has reminded me once again about how I should use the time I’ve been given. So I thought I’d share three things that have struck me. …”
– Kara Hartley, Archdeacon for Women in the Diocese of Sydney, writes at
Hope grows in Myanmar: “We never dreamed God would do this”
“When God blesses the work done in his name, it’s amazing what can happen. This has been the experience of three Sydney women – who travel to Myanmar each year to teach the Bible and help care for two orphanages year-round.
The Rev Jackie Stoneman from Mary Andrews College, and Chris Gerardis and Lynn Pickersgill from Anglicare, were invited to go to Myanmar as part of a short-term mission in 2008. …”
– Greatly encouraging news from With more info at
Forgiveness and a hug for his brother’s murderer
“If you haven’t seen this anywhere else, watch it now.
If you have seen it, watch it again. …”
– This video is being posted on multiple websites. Well worth watching.
What Should a Church Look Like?
“The apostle Jude said that he was very eager to write on one subject – our common salvation – when he found it necessary to write against who were assailing the faith which was once for all delivered to the saints (Jude 3). In his case, it was a matter of divine inspiration; in my case, it might look more like temptation. Nevertheless, it will be good for us to look later at what we are meant to look like as a church.
My diversion came with news from Union Theological Seminary in New York, which was established in 1836 by Presbyterians. …”
– Dr Peter Barnes writes as the new Moderator-General of the Presbyterian Church of Australia.h
Flower Power? – Carl Trueman
“Liberal theology may well be rooted in highly sophisticated theories and articulated by extremely intelligent people, but it tends to result in liturgical practices that are at best banal and at worst childish. Talking to plants is a fine candidate for the latter category.”
We harvest what we sow – Murray Campbell
“There is plenty of mockery being aimed at Union Seminary today. Some of it makes you laugh, for if we didn’t, one would likely weep. The absurdity of the original message is being matched by the Seminary today as they double down and attempt to explain why praying to your indoor garden is a great idea…”
Practical tips for sharing the gospel with a stranger
“How are they to believe in him of whom they have never heard? And how are they to hear without someone preaching?… Faith comes from hearing, and hearing through the word of Christ.” (Romans 10:14, 17)
How often do we consider the urgency of Paul’s words here? …
– At, Mike Taylor shares some very helpful ideas for sharing Christ. Read, and be spurred to action.
“When the subject of religion comes up we often hear comments like: ‘Religion is for the weak-minded’, or ‘it is poisonous’. We also hear, ‘All religions are the same’. And if the conversation continues, we might get told, ‘Religious people are so self-righteous!’ There are also those who tell us, ‘Everyone’s right in their own kind of way.’ ‘In any case, when I die, if there is a God, I’m sure he’ll accept me: I’ve led a good life’.
So, in this indifferent and sometimes hostile world, how do people come to faith in Christ? In 2 Corinthians 4 Paul provides some helpful clues. Let me identify them briefly. …”
– At The Anglican Connection, John Mason continues a series of short reflections on sharing the gospel. Others here.