Driscoll, Schaeffer, and Packer on the Size of your Church and the Idolatry of your Heart

Just in time for Sunday, three thought-provoking quotes, via Justin Taylor.

He also mentions the excellent “Liberating Ministry from the Success Syndrome” by Kent & Barbara Hughes.

Photo of J I Packer courtesy Crossway.

Moore Matters Summer 2021

Moore Matters for Summer 2021 is now available in churches – and you can also read it online.

Many encouraging articles.

Perseverance of gospel hearts

“It is always encouraging to be a part of College reunions, but even more so whilst being stuck at home during Covid lockdown.

Sitting at my kitchen bench, I was able to listen, absorb and learn from the accumulated wisdom of a lifetime of ministry experiences. The common denominator of all who were able to share online, was the perseverance of their gospel hearts.”

– At the Moore College website, Paula Darwin shares some stories from a recent online 50 year alumni reunion.

Jesus serves his disciples breakfast

Archbishop Kanishka Raffel spoke from John 21 (Jesus serves his disciples breakfast) at Nexus Refresh on Friday.

Phil Colgan spoke from 1 Kings 19 (Comfort in despair).

The organisers have graciously made the videos available for your encouragement and edification.

Be sure to make the time to watch.

Sunday morning encouragement

With thanks to Emu Music.

December 2021 Southern Cross magazine

The December 2021 issue of Southern Cross magazine from the Diocese of Sydney is now available online – as well as in printed form from parishes across Sydney.

You can download your own PDF copy at magazine.sydneyanglicans.net

Sunday morning encouragement

With thanks to Emu Music.

Sunday morning encouragement

A new song for Christmas – How Still the Starry Night – from Emu Music.

A word on behalf of church pastors around Melbourne

“I thought I would take a moment to share some of the things pastors are trying their best to address at the moment.

Pastoring a church is a tremendous privilege and joy, and it’s not always an easy task. Indeed there is reason why many pastors burn out after a few years and many don’t make it beyond 10 years in the ministry.

This pandemic has bowled a googley at all of us, no matter our religious views, job, and life situation. Pastors are not immune from the daily stresses, troubles, and temptations that we all face.…”

– Murray Campbell (at Mentone Baptist Church) shares something of what is happening for pastors in Melbourne (and elsewhere). Fuel for prayer.

Reflections on Advent with Amy Kuhn

“Advent serves as a reminder to us and those around us of our Saviour’s birth, without which we would not have the hope and security of salvation.

In the lead up to Christmas, we have a time to reflect, prepare, wait, rejoice, and celebrate. We essentially are getting ready for the most important birthday party of the year. …”

The Australian Church Record asks Amy Kuhn for her reflections on the season of Advent.

‘Passion for Life’ Down Under? — The Pastor’s Heart

“How might Australia and other countries take advantage of the united evangelism campaign being arranged for the UK and Ireland?

Can the campaign be used to give us a needed evangelistic shot in the arm?”

– At The Pastor’s Heart, Dominic Steele speaks with Jodie McNeill, Elliot Temple and Tom Melbourne.

28 minutes. Take the time to be encouraged and challenged.

See also:

A Passion for Life.

Nexus Refresh — Friday 03 December 2021

Nexus Refresh is set for 10:00am on Friday 3 December 2021 at Village Church Annandale.

“We’re looking forward to getting together in person for a day to pray, be refreshed for ministry by hearing from God’s word, sing the praises of our great God and of course to eat together.”

Watch Chris Braga encourage you to be there.

Sunday Morning Encouragement

With thanks to Rob Smith and St. Andrew’s Cathedral Sydney.

Recruiting women for vocational Christian ministry – with Kara Hartley and Jane Tooher

“How are we going as a network of complementarian churches at raising up women for ministry?

How do you develop a culture in your church that is really positive to women exercising their gifts and hence stepping forward for full time ministry roles?

What should our vision be for raising up women in ministry?  What progress has been made?  What are next steps? …”

– Here’s the latest from The Pastor’s Heart.

Preaching Clubs — update from the Expository Preaching Trust

David Cook shares some details of the Expository Preaching Trust’s Preaching Clubs for 2022 –

“If you are a preacher do come along and join in the supportive fellowship, you will get to preach twice each year and have your sermon critiqued.

The size of the club is limited to 14 members, we enjoy good coffee and food. …”

Read all the details here.

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