Christmas morning encouragement

With thanks to Emu Music.

Christmas Eve Encouragement

O Come, All You Unfaithful – from Sovereign Grace Music.

Sunday Morning Encouragement

With thanks to Emu Music.

A Fireside Chat with Bishop Rod Chiswell

The December 2021 – January 2022 issue of The Link from the Diocese of Armidale is now up on their website.

Lots of encouraging articles and fuel for prayer.

Bishop Rod Chiswell writes,

“Greetings from Armidale. I hope you’ve weathered the winter and stayed warm in your patch. Since moving to Armidale, I’ve rediscovered the joys of sitting by the fire. So, this letter from me comes as a kind of fireside chat to share some of the things that are on my heart.

During my first eight months in the job as bishop, at every opportunity in parishes around the Armidale Diocese, I have been underlining the central importance of God’s word. …”

– Read it all on page 3 of The Link, available via this page.

Also in this issue, Bernard Gabbott reflects on “shepherding a scattered mob” during COVID in Narrabri.

The Diocesan vision is to “Introduce people to Jesus and help them home to Heaven”. How wonderfully clear and encouraging!

New video: Thank you for supporting the Gospel in Greenfields

Here’s the latest encouraging video from the Archbishop of Sydney’s New Churches for New Communities.

Our trust vindicated at Christmas

“At Christmas, God proved himself worthy of our trust.

Having put the world on notice that he was going to pay us a visit, he told us where. …”

– Neil Percival, Rector of the Parish of Young, has had this Christmas message published in The Boorowa News.

Sunday morning encouragement

The Night Song – another beautiful song, just out, from CityAlight with Colin Buchanan.

Driscoll, Schaeffer, and Packer on the Size of your Church and the Idolatry of your Heart

Just in time for Sunday, three thought-provoking quotes, via Justin Taylor.

He also mentions the excellent “Liberating Ministry from the Success Syndrome” by Kent & Barbara Hughes.

Photo of J I Packer courtesy Crossway.

Moore Matters Summer 2021

Moore Matters for Summer 2021 is now available in churches – and you can also read it online.

Many encouraging articles.

Perseverance of gospel hearts

“It is always encouraging to be a part of College reunions, but even more so whilst being stuck at home during Covid lockdown.

Sitting at my kitchen bench, I was able to listen, absorb and learn from the accumulated wisdom of a lifetime of ministry experiences. The common denominator of all who were able to share online, was the perseverance of their gospel hearts.”

– At the Moore College website, Paula Darwin shares some stories from a recent online 50 year alumni reunion.

Jesus serves his disciples breakfast

Archbishop Kanishka Raffel spoke from John 21 (Jesus serves his disciples breakfast) at Nexus Refresh on Friday.

Phil Colgan spoke from 1 Kings 19 (Comfort in despair).

The organisers have graciously made the videos available for your encouragement and edification.

Be sure to make the time to watch.

Sunday morning encouragement

With thanks to Emu Music.

December 2021 Southern Cross magazine

The December 2021 issue of Southern Cross magazine from the Diocese of Sydney is now available online – as well as in printed form from parishes across Sydney.

You can download your own PDF copy at

Sunday morning encouragement

With thanks to Emu Music.

Sunday morning encouragement

A new song for Christmas – How Still the Starry Night – from Emu Music.

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