Southern Cross magazine, February 2022

Anglican Media Sydney has just released Southern Cross magazine for February 2022.

Printed copies will be available in parishes from this weekend, but you can download a PDF version now at

How the Black Summer of 2019/2020 prepared me for the pandemic

“It was October, November, and I was anxious. I was trying to do several things at the same time – plan my move to Sydney for College, finish up a ministry apprenticeship, hand over my ministry responsibilities and begin to think about saying goodbye well, and several times an hour, I’d open the Fires Near Me NSW app to tell me where the fire had spread to.

I lived in Newcastle, but the place I grew up in was burning. Crowdy Head was alight, and the Lake Innes fire, which had begun near Port Macquarie, was starting to make its way south. …”

– At The Australian Church Record, Brooke Hazelgrove reminds us where our trust must be.

Sunday morning encouragement

With thanks to Rob Smith and St. Andrew’s Cathedral Sydney.

Sunday morning encouragement

With thanks to Emu Music.

Expository Preaching Trust launches 2022 Programme

“2022 is the 11th year of the Trust’s ministry. Our ministry takes three forms …

1. Preaching Workshops …
2. Mentoring …
3. Preaching Clubs … ”

Read all about it at the website of the Expository Preaching trust.

Anglican Aid’s Prayer Diary 2022

The Archbishop of Sydney’s Anglican Aid Prayer Diary for 2022 is now available on their website.

Plenty of fuel for prayer.


Love, serve, train – how one man is giving back –

Sunday morning encouragement

With thanks to Emu Music.

Aim to be Unremarkable

“Our culture operates according to the myth of the great person model of leadership. An extraordinarily gifted person is the solution to most problems. What every struggling organization needs is a great leader who, by virtue of extraordinary qualities, will be able to turn that organization around.

When imported into the church, we long for great leaders. …”

– At The Gospel Coalition Canada, Darryl Dash reminds us what we really need in our churches.

Sunday morning encouragement

With thanks to Emu Music.

Why attend CMS Summer School this year? A chat with Dr Andrew Shead on the Psalms

“It speaks volumes that the most popular conference for Sydney Anglican clergy to network with each other (not forgetting the many others who also attend!) is a missionary conference. The good news of forgiveness in Jesus Christ is for the whole world, and right now our world needs to hear of Jesus just as much as ever.

So why sign up for CMS Summer School’s livestream talks this year? Aside from the fact that it’s easy, and the kids’ and youth program is this year entirely free, there is a great treasure in store as we are taken through the Psalms with Moore College’s Head of Old Testament Dr Andrew Shead. …”

– The Australian Church Record speaks with Dr Andrew Shead.

CMS Summer School runs from 8 – 14 January 2022.

Rico Tice preaches at the St. Helen’s Insurance carol service

Yes, Christmas is over, but it is always wonderful to hear Christ preached.

Rico Tice spoke from Matthew 2:1-12 at the St. Helen’s Bishopsgate Insurance Carol Service in December 2021.

Be encouraged to likewise share the news of Christ.

Sunday Morning Encouragement

With thanks to Rob Smith and St. Andrew’s Cathedral Sydney.

Amazing Grace — a hymn for the New Year

John Newton wrote his most famous hymn, Amazing Grace, 249 years ago.

Learn more at The John Newton Project.

“The words of Amazing Grace were etched on Newton’s heart daily.

But we assume that he first wrote this hymn for his New Year’s Morning sermon of 1 January 1773, for it fits his sermon notes so closely and the text he chose to write above it in the Olney Hymns, 1 Chronicles 17:16,17, is identical to the sermon’s text.”

See the video (2:18) here.

You can also hear some of the earliest tunes used to sing the hymn.

Greg Sheridan on the 160 pages that may change your life

At The Wee Flea, David Robertson has posted the full text (with permission) of Greg Sheridan’s a wonderful Christmas article in The Australian entitled 160 pages that may Change Your Life (subscribers’ link).

New Year’s Resolution: focus on the now

“I was recently reflecting on the initial results released after the 2021 Australian Community Survey regarding what Christians think and know about Jesus and church. Already these things should cause us to come to God in prayer.

On the one hand, there are so many signs that the spiritual health of Australian mainstream society is poor.

On the other hand, one can’t help but notice the opportunities to share about Jesus, and the benefits of being part of a Christian community who love and care for each other.

This then also got me thinking about the fascination that we have (me included) with New Year’s resolutions. …”

– Ben George writes at The Australian Church Record.

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