Raising Your Family In The Bible
“I remember that when we had our first child, having a Christian home was what I really wanted. My parents sent me to Sunday School but they never went themselves so what to do was all new to me. But where do you start and how do you start?…”
– At Equal But Different, Christine Jensen has some encouragement for Christian parents.
Bishop Mark Calder’s Presidential Address to Bathurst Synod 2022
Photo: Bishop of Armidale Rod Chiswell with Bishop of Bathurst Mark Calder at last night’s Synod service (16 September 2022).
The Second Session of the 50th Synod of the Diocese of Bathurst is meeting this weekend.
This morning Bishop Mark Calder gave his Presidential Address.
He begins:
If we, the people and churches of this diocese, become clear, passionate, and determined about that most privileged work of SHARING JESUS for LIFE, we will be transformed and revitalised.
That’s a huge claim.
Do I have that much confidence in our strategic plan and its implementation? Am I over-confident in my leadership as bishop? A firm “NO” to both of those.
My confidence is in the power of the gospel – because it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes.1
My confidence is in the convicting power of the Holy Spirit – who testifies about Jesus2 and will convict the world of sin, righteousness and judgement.3
My confidence is in Jesus – the one mediator between God and humankind, who gave himself as a ransom for all people.4
My confidence is in our great God who wants all people to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth.5
My confidence is in you – the clergy and people of this diocese, who are increasingly clear about our calling as a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that we may declare the praises of him who called us out of darkness into his wonderful light.6
My confidence is in our churches who share the devotion of the Acts 2 church – to teaching, to one another, to hospitality, and to prayer. So may it be, that we too, enjoy the favour of all the people, and the Lord adds to our number those who are saved.7
When the gospel is clearly lived out and proclaimed; when the Holy Spirit does his convicting work; when people grasp the mediating work of Jesus; when God our Father draws people to himself; when we obey our calling and become devoted to all that the Acts 2 church was devoted to; then, we ourselves – our churches – and our diocese – will be transformed and revitalised. …
1 Romans 1:16, 2 John 15:28, 3 John 16:8, 4 2 Timothy 2:5-6, 5 2 Timothy 2:4, 6 1 Peter 2:9, 7 Acts 2:42-27.
Be encouraged to read it all here (PDF file). The text has many Bible references for your edification.
Please pray for the members of the Synod and individual church members across the Diocese of Bathurst.
We see the crowds
“Representatives of Sydney’s Anglican churches sitting in the church’s parliament have endorsed a three-way approach to an urgent need for ministry in new areas of Sydney.
Following a challenge from Archbishop Kanishka Raffel in his Presidential Address to ‘see the crowds’ of people moving to greenfields areas of southwestern and northwestern Sydney, Synod voted to continue contributing two per cent of parish receipts to a land fund for another 10 years. …”
– Read Russell Powell’s report from Synod at SydneyAnglicans.net, and watch the encouraging 3 minute video – ideal for showing in church!
Sydney Prom Praise is back
The Sydney Prom Praise is back in 2022, after a hiatus due to COVID.
“After a sell-out in 2019, its hugely exciting that Prom Praise is finally returning to Sydney’s iconic Town Hall on Sat 24 September!
Famous worldwide for a unique voice in music, Prom Praise is an annual event which fuses popular classical and contemporary styles and musicians for an evening of world-class worship and praise.
An impressive line-up of guest artists, including contemporary Christian Music’s finest: CityAlight Band, Australian Opera’s Penelope Mills & Ben Oxley, together with St Andrew’s Cathedral Choir, the RSCM Festival Choir and the Sydney Town Hall Grand Organ, will make for a truly memorable night after two difficult years as NSW comes together again for a unique night of praise and celebration.”
Click the image for a larger version, or here for the website.
Preaching On: 7 ways to encourage your preacher from the pew
“In light of all that has been recently happening in the Anglican world, how can we encourage our preachers, those who pastor us and are holding to their ordination promises to shepherd the flock of God that is in their care?
What we are about to share as ministry wives is perhaps un-revolutionary; indeed, all of us may have heard it all before in various formats. But we are good at forgetting – and perhaps you are too!
So here are seven ideas to try, to invite others in your church to try with you, to ask your pastor about in whichever context you are in. …”
– Here’s some encouragement from Kirsten McKinlay and Bronwyn Windsor at The Australian Church Record.
It’s Not About You: How Biblical Theology Transforms Bible Study
Nancy Guthrie spoke at Christ College in Sydney on 18 August 2022. Her topic? – “It’s Not About You: How Biblical Theology Transforms Bible Study”.
The college has now published the video.
After introductory matters and Nancy is interviewed, her address begins at 28’34”.
A very helpful and encouraging talk and well worth your time.
She encourages us not to take our understanding of Biblical Theology for granted, or to assume an understanding of it in our churches.
Presbyterians extend hand of fellowship to Bishop of the Diocese of the Southern Cross
Dr Peter Barnes, Moderator-General of the Presbyterian Church of Australia, has written a letter to Dr Glenn Davies, Bishop of the Diocese of the Southern Cross.
The Clerk of the General Assembly of Australia has sent a copy to all Ministers and Session Clerks, adding,
“The Moderator-General has requested that this letter be forwarded to you with the request that it be circulated amongst the members of your congregation.”
Here’s the letter:
22 August 2022
Dear Glenn,
Your many Presbyterian friends have watched recent developments in the Anglican Church in Australia and are delighted at your appointment as the Bishop of the Southern Cross Diocese. This is a strong stand for biblical truth, and we trust the Lord preserves and keeps you, and uses you greatly.
We are most appreciative of the kindness shown to us, especially concerning theological education in NSW in the 1970s, and also the use of Anglican church buildings for worship and would be more than happy if we could help out in any way by facilitating the use of our properties and making them available to you and your flock.
In the meantime, be assured of our prayerful good will and eager interest in what the Lord is doing through you.
Kind regards in Christ
Rev. Dr Peter Barnes
Presbyterian Church of AustraliaEndorsed heartily by previous Moderators-General: Rev. Dr John Wilson, Rev. David Cook, Rev. David Jones, Rev. Professor Allan Harman, Rev. Bruce Christian, Rev. Robert Benn, and Rev. Bob Thomas; and Rev. David Burke (Moderator-General Designate).
– PDF file.
Armidale: We have no intention, nor need, to leave the Anglican Church of Australia
Bishop of Armidale Rod Chiswell has today published this statement on the diocesan website. Emphasis is original. –
24th August 2022.
Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,
You probably have by now heard of the launch of the Diocese of the Southern Cross at the recent GAFCON Australia conference. This new diocese is a parallel Anglican structure outside of the Anglican Church of Australia. While some were dismayed at its establishment, I believe that it was a sad but necessary step at this point in time. The reality is that some Anglican evangelicals in dioceses led by liberal bishops who have a different view of the teaching of Scripture on matters concerning human sexuality, are looking for alternative episcopal oversight. Sometimes this is because they are being put under pressure by their bishop to step into line with the world’s way of thinking, other times it is a matter of conscience as they do not want to be led by bishops who they believe are leading God’s people contrary to God’s word. It is important to note that the Diocese of the Southern Cross has been activated solely as a safety net for these evangelical Anglicans.
Now, I suspect some evangelical clergy and laity in those dioceses will leave, others will stay. I don’t think that there will necessarily be a flood of evangelicals leave the Anglican Church of Australia to join the Diocese of the Southern Cross, but I trust that those who do will have good reason to do so. The leaders of GAFCON Australia have made clear that the Diocese of the Southern Cross will only remain while it is needed. If all Anglican bishops across Australia were to agree to the plain teaching of the Scriptures the parallel Anglican structure would no longer be needed.
With regard to the future of the Anglican Diocese of Armidale I want to make crystal clear that we have no intention, nor need, to leave the Anglican Church of Australia. The structure of the Anglican Church of Australia means that each of the twenty-three dioceses are autonomous and operate according to the decisions of their own synods. Thankfully the Armidale diocese has unity when it comes to upholding the plain teaching of Scripture in all matters of Christian life and doctrine, including human sexuality. We are thoroughly evangelical in this sense, with bishop, clergy and laity all on the same page. At this point in time, I stand with all other evangelical bishops in Australia when I say that we have no reason to abandon the Anglican Church of Australia. The ship as launched by Archbishop Cranmer in the 16th Century is a good one. Its constitution is sound, having excellent fundamental declarations and ruling principles that uphold the authority of Scriptures as primary.
In all of this we need to remember that God is still sovereign, Jesus is still King and He will build his church. May God strengthen us all to trust in Him and persevere with the main game in the Armidale Diocese which is “To Introduce All People to Jesus and Help Them Home to Heaven.”
With love in Christ, Rod Chiswell.
Bishop of the Anglican Diocese of Armidale.
Source. Photo: Rod and Jenni Chiswell.
Living as God’s woman in God’s world
“Some of the biggest questions you can ever ask yourself as a human on this planet are: who am I? why am I here? what is my purpose?
We ask those questions because we are human, and we ask them as women. And how we answer them determines how we live our lives, how we see ourselves, how we relate to each other, how we treat each other, and above all, how we respond to God.
Let me begin with two affirmations:
1) that we were created for God, for God’s glory – created to bring glory to God; and
2) that it is only as we live as God intended that we are truly free.
So the questions we need to ask ourselves are:
• what do we learn about who God is?
• what do we learn about ourselves, as humans and as women?
• what do we learn about how God wants us to live in His world? …”
– At Equal But Different, Lesley Ramsay has been posting on the theme of Living as God’s woman in God’s world –
Part 1 – Living as God’s woman in God’s world: Confusion.
Part 2 – Living as God’s woman in God’s world: Old Testament Clarity.
Part 3 – Living as God’s woman in God’s world: New Testament Clarity.
– with the promise of more to come!
She also recommends God’s Good Design 2nd Edition by Claire Smith (Matthias Media 2019).
Reflections — David Cook
“We have been attending the St Helens City Summer School at Ashburnham, a gathering of City of London business people and their families, just down the road from Canterbury where the Lambeth conference is being held, a meeting for Anglican Bishops.
As the bishops debate and politic and try to navigate their bibleless way through the same sex marriage debate, down the road at Summer School there is gospel preaching and praying about the need to reach out into the lost city of London with the good news of Jesus. Lambeth has not been mentioned, attendees have bigger gospel shaped concerns. …”
– At the Expository Preaching Trust, David Cook shares his reflections, six weeks into a ten week trip to the UK.
While there, he’s been doing a spot of preaching at St. Helen’s. Last weekend he spoke on Psalm 100.
* To be fair, not all the bishops at Lambeth ignored the teaching of the Bible, even if far too many did.
‘Learn the Gospel’ book and videos
A new study book and videos from Matthias Media:
“Whether building a house or building a life, solid, square and true foundations are vital.
If you’re just starting out in the Christian life – or considering it – you want to get those foundations in place from the start. Even if you’ve been a Christian for a while, it’s important to occasionally check your foundations – they might have shifted or been attacked by white ants, or perhaps they weren’t laid quite as straight as you originally thought.
In this Learn Together book, we’ll thoroughly inspect our gospel foundations and make our understanding of that gospel sound and biblical.
Through reading, studying the Bible, watching some video input and discussing what we’re learning together, we’ll go deep into the gospel of Jesus Christ – understanding each of its parts, how they fit together, and what implications the gospel has for our lives.
This is Two Ways to Live grown into a study book for small groups and classes. Each of the six points are fleshed out with Bible study, discussion and video and text input.”
– The book is available from Matthias Media.
Plus you can watch or download the accompanying videos here.
When The Noise Won’t Stop – Paul Grimmond
From Moore College:
“Do you or a fellow Christian suffer from Anxiety?
Author and Moore College Lecturer Paul Grimmond knows what it’s like.
His newest book ‘When The Noise Won’t Stop’ is packed full of research and Biblical wisdom that will help Christians who suffer from Anxiety – and those who care for them, including pastors.”
– An encouraging 3 minute video.
When The Noise Won’t Stop is available from Matthias Media.
See also this interview with Paul on The Pastor’s Heart (28 June 2022).
Southern Cross August-September 2022 issue now out
Southern Cross magazine for August-September 2022 is now available from Anglican Media Sydney, and printed copies will soon be in churches across Sydney Diocese.
You can download an electronic copy here.
Temptations preachers face to give up on the Bible
“Preachers are not special. Every Christian faces temptations to sin. Preachers face the same temptations as every Christian. Like any of us, preachers are ruined through financial greed, sexual immorality, or alcohol abuse. However, there are some specific temptations preachers face concerning giving up on the Bible. …”
– In its series on preaching, The Australian Church Record has this very helpful article by Phillip Jensen.
Australia Remains Open to Christianity — Archbishop Kanishka Raffel
“What shall we make of the Census finding that 44% of Australians identify as ‘Christian’, with as many as 39% describing themselves as having no religion?
It is the first time in Census history that fewer than 50% of Australians align with a Christian denomination. What does it mean for Sydney Anglicans as we seek to commend the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ to our friends and neighbours? …”
– Archbishop Kanishka writes to encourage you to keep on sharing the saving news of Jesus.