‘Learn the Gospel’ book and videos
A new study book and videos from Matthias Media:
“Whether building a house or building a life, solid, square and true foundations are vital.
If you’re just starting out in the Christian life – or considering it – you want to get those foundations in place from the start. Even if you’ve been a Christian for a while, it’s important to occasionally check your foundations – they might have shifted or been attacked by white ants, or perhaps they weren’t laid quite as straight as you originally thought.
In this Learn Together book, we’ll thoroughly inspect our gospel foundations and make our understanding of that gospel sound and biblical.
Through reading, studying the Bible, watching some video input and discussing what we’re learning together, we’ll go deep into the gospel of Jesus Christ – understanding each of its parts, how they fit together, and what implications the gospel has for our lives.
This is Two Ways to Live grown into a study book for small groups and classes. Each of the six points are fleshed out with Bible study, discussion and video and text input.”
– The book is available from Matthias Media.
Plus you can watch or download the accompanying videos here.
When The Noise Won’t Stop – Paul Grimmond
From Moore College:
“Do you or a fellow Christian suffer from Anxiety?
Author and Moore College Lecturer Paul Grimmond knows what it’s like.
His newest book ‘When The Noise Won’t Stop’ is packed full of research and Biblical wisdom that will help Christians who suffer from Anxiety – and those who care for them, including pastors.”
– An encouraging 3 minute video.
When The Noise Won’t Stop is available from Matthias Media.
See also this interview with Paul on The Pastor’s Heart (28 June 2022).
Southern Cross August-September 2022 issue now out
Southern Cross magazine for August-September 2022 is now available from Anglican Media Sydney, and printed copies will soon be in churches across Sydney Diocese.
You can download an electronic copy here.
Temptations preachers face to give up on the Bible
“Preachers are not special. Every Christian faces temptations to sin. Preachers face the same temptations as every Christian. Like any of us, preachers are ruined through financial greed, sexual immorality, or alcohol abuse. However, there are some specific temptations preachers face concerning giving up on the Bible. …”
– In its series on preaching, The Australian Church Record has this very helpful article by Phillip Jensen.
Australia Remains Open to Christianity — Archbishop Kanishka Raffel
“What shall we make of the Census finding that 44% of Australians identify as ‘Christian’, with as many as 39% describing themselves as having no religion?
It is the first time in Census history that fewer than 50% of Australians align with a Christian denomination. What does it mean for Sydney Anglicans as we seek to commend the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ to our friends and neighbours? …”
– Archbishop Kanishka writes to encourage you to keep on sharing the saving news of Jesus.
The Purpose of Preaching
“Part of my job involves teaching people to preach.
If I’ve learned one thing over the years it’s that you can’t learn to do something until you understand the goal. So I find myself asking the question, over and over again, what is the purpose of preaching? It’s a really important question.
Understanding the purpose of preaching not only affects the preacher, but also the listener. What is a preacher trying to do when they preach? What is the hearer supposed to do with what they’ve heard?”
– The Australian Church Record has published this encouragement from Paul Grimmond at Moore College.
Image: Paul Grimmond on The Pastor’s Heart.
Bathurst Diocese Strategic Plan
You may have watched Bishop Mark Calder’s keynote address from the Bathurst Diocesan Conference held on 30 July 2022.
He spoke about the Strategic Plan for the Diocese.
Here it is in one-page – Sharing Jesus for Life! (PDF file.)
Grace Flows in Tanzania — Anglican Aid
Here’s an encouraging video from Anglican Aid.
Darwin’s Garden of Eden
Here’s a recent addition to Nungalinya College in Darwin: The Garden of Eden Art trail tells the story of Creation and the Fall –
“The pathway through the garden depicts the greek letters Alpha and Omega. You might like to ponder … Revelation 21 as you enjoy your walk through the Garden of Eden.”
In the above video, College Principal Ben van Gelderen speaks about the garden at its opening in April 2022.
It’s a good reminder to pray for the students and staff of this unique college.
Archbishop Kanishka Raffel at Geraldton Cathedral’s Diamond Jubilee
Last week Archbishop Kanishka Raffel travelled to Geraldton in Western Australia for the Cathedral’s Diamond Jubilee celebrations.
He was welcomed to speak at the celebration service by Acting Dean David Seccombe.
Encouraging and a great reminder to pray for the progress of the gospel in the North West.
Helping Grandparents win grandchildren to Christ — with Ian Barnett
From The Pastor’s Heart:
“How can Christian grandparents be more intentional about their faith and leave a lasting legacy of faith in their grandkids and peers?
How do we as pastors, minister to those older than us encouraging them and How can they minister to their grandkids, whether or not their kids are Christian?
Ian Barnett is the former senior pastor of Figtree Anglican Church in Wollongong, and is the founder of the Australian National Grandparent Conference, which is happening in September.”
Praying for Bathurst’s Strategic Plan
“Sharing Jesus for Life” is the catchphrase of the Bathurst Diocese Strategic Plan to be launched at the diocesan conference in two weeks.
It’d be good to pray for all attending the conference, and for Bishop Mark Calder as he leads it.
Eager to preach the Gospel — Archbishop Kanishka Raffel on Romans 1:8-17
Archbishop Kanishka Raffel spoke at Moore College chapel this morning.
He spoke from Romans 1:8-17. Very encouraging.
Single Minded 2022
The Single Minded Conference for 2022 is coming up soon –
“We live in a world which says our bodies exist for pleasure and self-expression, and that this must be pursued at all costs. But the Bible tells us that our bodies have been made for holiness and self-control, and that rejecting this comes at great cost.
Such conflicting messages can leave us feeling that the world says nothing but “Yes!” to our bodies, while God says nothing but “No!”.
But is that true? Is ‘No’ really all that God has to say about our bodies?
Join us for Single Minded 2022 as Sam Allberry helps us explore what it means for us to have been created with bodies, what it looks like to have a body that belongs to the Lord in a world of confusion, and how God’s word helps us to live this out in our everyday lives.”
– Learn more, and Register, at the link.
Freedom and joy
“I have recently been reading the account of a Christian minister who, upon arriving in his new parish some time in the nineteenth century, found that there was little joy in that church and a tremendous lack of assurance. The people he spoke to could not be sure that they were the objects of God’s love in Christ.
Whenever he preached, whatever he preached, they seemed to hear only a demand that they should be what they were called to be. Even the invitation to put their trust in Jesus was heard to be simply one more thing they must do. The Christian life was, for them, burdensome, punctuated by doubts about whether they were really Christian at all. Freedom, confidence and joy seemed a million miles away from their experience.
Yet the Bible’s picture of those who come to Jesus is one of being freed and released, of having burdens lifted, new life given, life to the full enjoyed. …”
– Moore College Principal Dr Mark Thompson shares wonderful encouragement at SydneyAnglicans.net. Also in the current Southern Cross magazine.