Locums in Bathurst Diocese
From the Diocese of Bathurst Facebook page:
“Clergy recently retired? Great opportunities to be a blessing to parishes who haven’t had an ordained minister for years! Like the Rev’d Ross (with Mrs Alison) Hathway, locum out at Trundle parish for three months. We are so thankful for them!”
A Theological College Principal’s pastoral wisdom and prophetic prayer from 2008
“You blink and current affairs become modern history. The lived experience of your youth becomes archival data for reflection and analysis.
In chapter fifteen of John Woodhouse’s 2008 commentary on 1 Samuel, he reflects on the state of gospel ministry at Moore Theological College, where he was principal, and in the Sydney Diocese more generally…”
– At The Gospel Coalition Australia, Mikey Lynch has a word for all who might be feeling tired or wrung out in gospel ministry.
Photo: John Woodhouse.
The law of the LORD is perfect
“During the lead up to the same-sex marriage plebiscite in 2017, I remember being surprised at the number of Christian people in my own circles who could confidently say ‘I know what the Bible teaches about homosexuality’, whilst at the same time having no idea why that teaching is right and good, other than for the bare fact that God says it is.
I have even heard people make apologies on behalf of the Apostle Paul’s teaching on marriage, as if to say, ‘I’m sorry he says what he says, but because he does, I’m afraid that’s the way it is.’ …”
– Andrew Leslie helps us see why we can cling to God’s Word even when our culture demands we change. At The Australian Church Record.
Southern Cross, June-July 2023
The latest issue of Southern Cross magazine from the Diocese of Sydney is now out in churches – and also available online.
Know and Tell the Gospel — 42 years on!
Back in October 1991, the ACL’s newsletter featured this short article by the Rev Brian Telfer, Rector of Christ Church Gladesville. Brian was writing on the tenth anniversary of the publication of John Chapman’s book Know and Tell the Gospel.
Without doubt, our culture has changed a great deal since the book was published in 1981, but every Christian will benefit from reading it – for the first time, or the tenth time – and may our hearts be stirred to know, and to tell, the gospel.
Ten years, and nearly 45,000 copies down the track, John Chapman’s book on Evangelism is still required reading.
But it may be that some have not yet discovered this most useful and encouraging book!
Brian Telfer gives Know and Tell the Gospel a timely plug…
Many books written on Evangelism could be described as HOW TO books. John Chapmans’ book is a WHAT and WHY book first and a HOW TO book second.
1991 marks the 10th anniversary of the publication of Know and Tell the Gospel – and it has gone through eight subsequent printings.
What makes it so popular?
There will be as many reasons as readers. You’ll probably add others, but let me share with you a few that immediately come to mind…
John Chapman has been a friend and encourager to many— not only in this Diocese, but throughout the world. We “put not our trust in men”, but approach Know and Tell the Gospel with confidence in the writer as a teacher and preacher of the gospel.
It is a lifetime reflection on the nature of the gospel — having grown out of discussion and debate with friends and opponents alike — the result of 30 years of preaching. It is vintage Chappo.
Know and Tell the Gospel refuses to avoid the difficult questions like God’s Sovereignty and Human Responsibility and sets the gospel where it ought to be — at the heart of Biblical Theology.
And it is readable — accessible to those who wouldn’t call themselves readers — as well as to those who are theologically trained.
When I first read the book I saw its value as a study book for the congregation.
It begins dealing with basic questions such as — What is the gospel? Why must it be preached? and What is God doing in Evangelism?
It continues by looking at the Howto’s — giving us a model to follow and suggesting ways to answer difficult questions.
As we studied the book I was again impressed — it was rooted in Scripture and centred on Jesus. It helped people understand their faith and convinced them they should share it.
If you are looking for some thing to help you and your congregation “get started” in telling the gospel, you can’t go past Know and Tell the Gospel.
Moore PTC 2023 Graduation Celebrates God’s Work
“On the evening of Friday, 26th May 2023, Moore Theological College held its graduation for the Moore PTC.
The Preliminary Theological Certificate is our long-standing non-accredited course designed to help people from all backgrounds grow in their love and knowledge of God and his word.
The live event, which was also livestreamed, celebrated the successful conclusion of three different levels of PTC studies for 68 graduands and showcased the benefits of studying the Moore PTC for people of many ages and stages of life. …”
– Encouraging report from Moore College.
Bishop of Bathurst’s newsletter — Pentecost 2023 edition
Here’s the latest Bathurst Diocese newsletter from Bishop Mark Calder — for your encouragement and to inform your prayers.
Two exciting projects from Discipleship Tech
Recently Andy Geers shared updates on two exciting updates from Discipleship Tech, the team behind PrayerMate.
• An update of Redeeming the Time.
• Crowdfunding for The Serpent & The Seed, “a mobile adventure game designed to help people, who would never normally open the Bible, to engage with the big story of salvation and our place within it.”
Good to pray about (and financially support, if you are able)!
Evangelism – A Priority in Your Parish? — Neil Prott
“There is nothing more wonderful we can do for anyone than introduce them to Jesus Christ.
However, this is not reflected in the programme of many parishes today.
No doubt there are numerous reasons for the current state of affairs. Our analysis should take in the Scriptural factors as well as the obvious ones. …”
– The late Neil Prott wrote this article for ACL News back in 1989.
(We gave thanks for Neil when he was called home in April 2022.)
Everyone a Child Should Know
“Believe it or not, heaven will not be populated exclusively by Sydney Anglicans!
And I, for one, am thankful to God for that.
Because I cannot wait to sing God’s praises shoulder-to-shoulder with JS Bach and Martin Luther. And marvel at the glory of the new creation alongside Rembrandt and Joni Eareckson Tada. And consider the depths of God’s grace that saved a wretch like me with John Newton and William Wilberforce. …”
– Steve Tong highlights a children’s book that’s also good for adults. At The Australian Church Record.
Tim Keller’s Last email to John Piper
From Desiring God:
“Based on their last correspondence, what would Tim Keller want John Piper to say to younger pastors (and everybody else)?”
What I need most from my minister
“When we forget that ministry is godliness, we forget that godliness is the goal. Churches can begin to exist simply for the purpose of increasing the number of people coming on a Sunday. Ministers can begin to overlook the sinful habits in their own lives, perhaps even justifying them or rationalising them away, because of the good ‘ministry’ that they are doing. And individual Christians in the church can begin to measure their own Christian walk simply by how involved or active they are. …”
– Tom Habib reminds us of the greatest need we have for the personal lives of our ministers – at SydneyAnglicans.net.
Has there ever been a month like this for BCA? Five Field Staff commissioned in six weeks!
BCA’s NSW/ACT Regional Officer Paul Sampson writes,
“Our good God has heard and answered your prayers. What a joy to attend the commissioning of not one but five Field Staff in five different locations in just six Saturdays during late January, February and March 2023. Each of these ministries is a testament to the graciousness of our God and the faithfulness of BCA supporters who have prayed diligently for many years and generously provided financial support for these ministries. …”
In his The Narrow Road newsletter for May 2023, Paul shares news of commissionings at
- Cowra,
- Broken Hill,
- West Wyalong,
- Cobar and
- Bathurst,
as well as other encouragements.
Download the PDF file here. (Link via the Bush Church Aid Society Facebook page.)
Southern Cross, May – June 2023 now available
The May – June 2023 issue of Southern Cross, the magazine of the Diocese of Sydney, is now available.
Copies can be picked up at local churches, and you can also download it here.
From Russell Powell:
“Southern Cross this month has all anyone needs to know about GAFCON IV, including the Archbishop writing on Why GAFCON matters, as well as
- We sing Getty hymns – now the foremost contemporary hymnwriter is visiting Sydney
- A Mother’s Day special – How my mother shaped my faith by Rachel Chin and Dave Jensen.
- An analysis of clergy stress and burnout.”
May 2023 edition of the North West Network
The May 2023 edition of the North West Network is now available for you to download.
It’s a great way to be encouraged to pray for the people and churches of North West Australia.