Conserving Moore College’s treasures
“In 2016 a special fundraising program was launched to invite people to partner with the Library in conserving some of the most precious items in the Rare Book and Archives collections. …
The photographic collection of the Reverend Dr Frank Cash (1887-1964) carries great historical significance as it documents in hundreds of images the construction of the Sydney Harbour Bridge. For decades, most of these images have remained in their original form as glass plate negatives and lantern slides – fragile and inaccessible formats. Now they have all been digitised and are available on Myrrh…”
– Generous gifts have helped close the gap in funding important conservation at Moore College.
My favourite Reformer is John Calvin
“Having been an active member of the Roman Catholic Church for 28 years, only leaving it 4 years before I started studying at Moore, reading Calvin’s Institutes was for me like discovering the Protestant play book for Catholic Evangelism!
Most of the arguments and answers to the questions and challenges I would put to my Protestant friends as a Catholic, I discovered when I started reading Calvin, actually came from him. …”
– The Rev. Mark Gilbert points out that Calvin’s insights are very useful in sharing the gospel with our Catholic friends.
The Crisis of ’77
This month marks the 40th anniversary of ‘church union’ – the formation of the Uniting Church in Australia, by the amalgamation of the Methodist and Congregational Churches, as well as around two-thirds of the Presbyterians.
It also marks the 40th anniversary of the Presbyterian Church of Australia ‘continuing’ – with a number of ministers and parishes choosing not to join the UCA – many convinced that ‘Uniting’ would take them down a liberal path, and ultimately away from ‘the faith that was once for all delivered to the saints’ (Jude 3) .
In a 2004 speech in Melbourne, the Rev. Bob Thomas shared his personal reflections on the events of 1977.
(Bob Thomas was for many years the Editor of Australian Presbyterian Life, served as Moderator-General, and is currently Editor of New Life Christian newspaper. He is also the Minister of St. Kilda Presbyterian Church.)
Why did members walk out of the 1974 General Assembly of Australia, to a hall across the street, after it had voted to ‘go Uniting’? What was their experience? Who did they discover to be their friends? You may, or may not, be surprised.
At a time when believers in England, Scotland and elsewhere are thinking about what future they have in their increasingly liberal denominations, the Presbyterian experience is worth learning about.
Download The Crisis of ’77 as a 2.3MB PDF file, courtesy of The Rev. Bob Thomas.
Crest courtesy of the Presbyterian Church of Australia.
Burning Or Bushed? – The Presbyterian Church of Australia 40 Years On, about union and its aftermath, edited by Paul Cooper and David Burke, will be launched at the NSW Presbyterian General Assembly in July. (Click the link above to pre-order a copy.)
Kirsty Birkett on Reformation Epistemology
“At this year’s St Antholin Lecture, Kirsty [Birkett] gave us a fascinating and insightful lecture about the impact of sin on the mind.
How is that fallen minds can know anything accurately, let alone a holy God? The Reformation brought not only reform of doctrine and Church but also how we think.”
– A Reformation resource from Church Society.
The Justification Summit
Coming up in Marcus Loane Hall at Moore College, 1:30pm – 5:00pm on Friday 26th May and 9:30am – 12:00pm on Saturday 27th May 2017 –
“Come along to an in depth look at the central doctrine of the Reformation, justification.
This afternoon and following morning event, held at Moore College, will reflect on the Reformation doctrine of Justification by Faith Alone, and how it bears upon our Christian life today.
Speakers include Mark Thompson, Principal of Moore College, Peter Orr, Will Timmins …
This event is FREE but we ask you to RSVP for catering purposes.”
Details of topics and speakers here.
Luther, his Friends and his Legacy
“Luther was a gregarious man. During his regime Wittenberg became thronged with people. Thousands flocked to Wittenberg to hear him preach (he preached 4000 times in thirty years). His home was effectively a combination of an inn and a lodging house. When he travelled from Wittenberg to Worms in 1521 he was greeted like a rock star from town to town. Wherever we see Luther, we see a man surrounded by people. …”
– Dr Paul Barnett shares some reflections on Dr Martin Luther, his friends, and his lasting legacy. (Photo via Aquila Press.)
Camino Faith and Christian Faith
“With some friends I recently traversed the beautiful and famous Camino Trail in Spain. Some of our group walked the shorter stretches of the trail but we mostly travelled in the comfort of our coach.
The journey provided opportunity to visit some amazing Cathedrals. The standout was the Cathedral in Leon whose colour-glazed windows were breathtaking.
Some of the pilgrims were walking to meet the athletic challenge of the Camino. For others it was a spiritual exercise, a time of reflection based on the journey of St James Zebedee all those years ago. …”
– In his latest post, Bishop Paul Barnett compares the stories concerning St. James with the historical evidence for Jesus.
Ideas that Changed the World
Here’s a very helpful resource from Matthias Media:
“Around 500 years ago a momentous change was spreading across Europe—a change that has become known as the Reformation.
At the heart of the Reformation were four ideas and four leaders. The ideas: faith alone, grace alone, Bible alone and Christ alone. The leaders: Luther, Calvin, Tyndale and Cranmer.
In the four sessions of this course, join Dominic Steele as he explores these four simple yet profoundly important ideas, the key role these four men played in rediscovering and spreading them, and the stunning European locations where these historic events took place.
But it’s not just a course to watch. You’ll also open up your Bibles and do some exploring of your own, reading the same parts of Scripture that Luther, Calvin, Tyndale and Cranmer read that radically changed their world.”
‘If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross…’
“Horrible violence was not the fault of one side only in the Reformation struggle.
But that is no reason for us to forget the men and women whose stand for the Reformation of the Church of England in the interests of Biblical truth, cost them their lives. In particular, the fact that the three great episcopal witnesses, Hugh Latimer, Nicholas Ridley and Thomas Cranmer were put to death in Oxford during the years 1555 and 1556 is one from which we should draw courage and confidence. …”
– Dr. Peter Jensen, GAFCON General Secretary, writes the fourth of his postsstrong>on the 500th anniversary of the Reformation, and reflects on how Latimer, Ridley and Cranmer gave their lives in service of the biblical gospel.
Luther: The Life and Legacy of the German Reformer
Back in January, we noted that this documentary on Martin Luther (featuring contributions by R.C.Sproul, Robert Godfrey, Steven Lawson, Carl Trueman and other reformed theologians) would be released in April.
It is now available – on DVD or as on-demand video. Check it out and see how you might use it during this 500th year of the Reformation.
“Discover the story behind the man who sparked the Protestant Reformation. Told through a seamless combination of live-action storytelling and artistic animation, Martin Luther’s daring life is presented in extensive detail while still making the film relevant, daring, and accessible.”
Five reasons Reformation Anglicanism is relevant
“The church is meant to be a beacon, marking out the safe path to true wholeness and hope. Sadly, however, the church today often capitulates to the world’s narrative without ever being aware of it. Our preaching can easily reinforce that we are what we do, telling people they must focus on doing things pleasing to God so he will continue to accept them. Yet true Christianity bases all its hope on what God has promised to do in, through, and for us because of his love—not on what we must try to do to earn it.
Here is the core message of Reformation Anglicanism. Forged in a time when the Western church had lost its way, its five characteristics illumine the authentic gospel once again for the 21st century. …”
– from Ashley Null, via The Gospel Coalition.
(Photo courtesy Trinity School for Ministry.)
Twenty resources on the Protestant Reformation
“2017 is the 500th anniversary of an event that strangely ignited the Protestant Reformation.
If you want to learn more about the Protestant Reformation, consider these helpful resources. I combed through about 800 relevant resources in my Zotero library and selected only twenty — including some picture books and videos.”
– Thanks to Andy Naselli who has compiled this useful list.
Article 29 — Of the Wicked which eat not the Body of Christ in the use of the Lord’s Supper
“Sometimes it is only when you sit down and do a worked example that you understand a truth thoroughly. When I was 15 my local Roman Catholic priest asked me to choose whether to be a Roman Catholic or an Anglican. As we discussed Scripture and Salvation the worked example of just one person, Mary the mother of Jesus, was very helpful to me. If she was sinless then I should be a Catholic; if she was sinful like everybody else then I should be a Protestant.
The example of ‘the wicked… in the use of the Lord’s Supper’ does the same job with the Sacraments. …”
– At the Church Society blog, Charlie Skrine looks at Articles 29.
Reformation Rally at Moore College, Saturday 18th March
‘First Anglican evensong in Catholic St Peter’s Basilica’
“The first ever Anglican choral evensong has been celebrated in St Peter’s Basilica in Rome. … It marks closening ties between the Anglican and Catholic churches and is one of several examples of ecumenism between them in the last year.”
– Report from Premier Radio in the UK, featuring an interview David Moxon, the Archbishop of Canterbury’s Representative to the Vatican (and formerly Archbishop of NZ). Photo courtesy Vatican City State.
Related: Reformation Rally at Moore College, Saturday 18th March.