Charles Simeon

From Church Society:

“As the Church of England remembers Charles Simeon today, a few Church Society articles which celebrate particular aspects of his ministry for us to learn from today.”

Links here.

Why were the 95 theses so revolutionary? — Watch the video

“Last week the College held its final Reformation 500th anniversary event with a lecture on Reformation Day – October 31. Principal Mark Thompson delivered the lecture on the 95 theses and the video is now available online.”

Story and video from Moore College. A most encouraging and enlightening evening.

The Reformation, Then and Now

“Is the Reformation over? Does it matter today? Michael Reeves unpacks the story and theology of the Reformation and exhorts Christians to study the Reformation for the sake of the gospel.”

– Back in 2010, Mark Dever spoke with Michael Reeves about The Reformation and his book, “The Unquenchable Flame”.

An encouraging conversation.

Why were our Reformers burned? — Ryle

“It is fashionable in some quarters to deny that there is any such thing as certainty about religious truth, or any opinions for which it is worth while to be burned.

Yet, 300 years ago, there were men who were certain they had found out truth, and content to die for their opinions. –

It is fashionable in other quarters to leave out all the unpleasant things in history, and to paint everything of a rose-coloured hue. A very popular history of our English queens hardly mentions the martyrdoms of Queen Mary’s days. Yet Mary was not called ‘Bloody Mary’ without reason, and scores of Protestants were burned in her reign. –

Last, but not least, it is thought very bad taste in many quarters to say anything which throws discredit on the Church of Rome. …”

– Church Society draws attention to, and republishes (PDF) Bishop J.C. Ryle’s Church Association Lecture, given in 1867. Well worth reading.

Oft-Forgotten Reformers: Katherine Zell

“Katherine Zell was a woman who trusted God at his word. Her writings don’t show someone fake, sterile, sanitised. Rather, in their pages we meet a real woman – with strengths and weaknesses. So who was Katherine Zell?”

– At The Australian Church Record, Jane Tooher tells the story of a courageous Christian lady.

Here We Stand

“Martin Luther’s great moment of theological clarification came at the climax of a command performance. Facing the threat of martyrdom and execution, Luther appeared on trial at the Diet of Worms before the Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire. Asked on what authority he dared to defy the Pope and the magisterium of the Roman Catholic Church, Luther famously replied:

‘Unless I am convinced by the testimony of the Holy Scriptures or by evident reason – for I can believe neither pope nor councils alone, as it is clear that they have erred repeatedly and contradicted themselves – I consider myself convicted by the testimony of Holy Scripture, which is my basis; my conscience is captive to the Word of God. Thus I cannot and will not recant, because acting against one’s conscience is neither safe nor sound. God help me. Amen.’…”

– Albert Mohler marks Reformation Day with a call to the churches to make a clear stand in a number of vital areas.

Reformation contribution

Here’s a plastic brick contribution to the 500th anniversary of the 95 Theses, using Lego®, from Richie Dulin.

Why were the 95 Theses so revolutionary? — Public Lecture tonight, October 31

Come and hear, ‘Why were the 95 Theses So Revolutionary?’ – a public lecture at Moore College to mark Reformation Day, Tuesday, 31st October.

College Principal Mark Thompson will speak.

Tuesday October 31, 7:00pm – 8:00pm with Supper Following.

At the Marcus Loane Hall, Moore College, 1 King Street, Newtown.

This event is open to the general public.

Free – No registration is required.

It is a great opportunity to see the new building, including the library and the final chance to see the Martin Luther poster exhibition currently being displayed at College.

Click here to download a 1.6MB PDF advertisement.

A Reformation of Confidence

“The Reformation was about many things.

It was about papal abuses and church reform. It was about worship and the sacraments. It was about repentance and indulgences. It was about the Bible and the priesthood of all believers.

And of course, the Reformation was about justification.

But it was also about confidence. Not self-confidence, but confidence that God is for us not against us, confidence that we can go to heaven without a sentence in purgatory first, confidence that though we cannot rest in our works, we can rest in Christ’s. …”

– At the Gospel Coalition, Kevin DeYoung highlights one of the chief blessings of the Reformation. (Photo: St. Helen’s Bishopsgate.)

What do we owe to the Reformation? Audio tract

“J.C. Ryle’s Church Association tract, ‘What do we owe to the Reformation?’ was recently published in Distinctive Principles for Anglican Evangelicals.

We’re pleased to offer it now in this audio version, abridged and read by Lee Gatiss.”

Listen here – from Church Society.

A Mighty Fortress is Our God

At Desiring God, David Mathis takes a look at Martin Luther’s famous hymn. What did the original German hymn say?

“The hymn came into English as early as ten years after Luther composed it, but the version most of us sing today was translated by Frederick Hedge more than 300 years later, in 1853. It is by no means a literal translation of the original, understandably taking certain licenses for the sake of meter and rhyme.

Add to that the fact that Hedge was a Unitarian minister…”

– And John Piper and Matthias Lohmann give us a ‘Woodenly Literal’ Translation – at Desiring God.


Here we stand

“But Luther did not stand alone. The Reformation was not about one or two big names — Luther, Calvin, Zwingli — but about a massive movement of Christian conviction, boldness, and joy that cost many men and women their lives — and scattered the seeds that are still bearing fruit in the twenty-first century.

Not only was Luther surrounded by many Reformers in Germany, but lesser-known heroes of the faith rose up all over Europe. Heroes like Heinrich Bullinger, Hugh Latimer, Lady Jane Grey, Theodere Beza, and Johannes Oecolampadius. Luther was the battering ram, but he ignited, and stood with, a chorus of world changers.

And here we stand today, 500 years later. Luther wasn’t alone then, and he’s not alone now.”

– All month, Desiring God has been posting brief biographical sketches of key Reformers. Read or listen here.

Archbishop of Canterbury to lunch with the Pope today

“The Archbishop of Canterbury will meet and have lunch with Pope Francis today, in what will be the pair’s fourth meeting together in in the Vatican.

Archbishop Justin Welby travelled to Rome to formally commission his new Personal Representative to the Holy See and Director of the Anglican Centre, Archbishop Bernard Ntahoturi, which took place during evensong last night. 

This morning Archbishops Welby and Ntahoturi will meet with Francis and will then go to the Pope’s residence, the Casa Santa Marta. It is not common for Francis to invite people he meets for official audiences to lunch so the gesture can be read as a sign of the warmth and ease of the relationship that exists between the Pope and Welby. …”

– Just in time for Reformation Day. Report from The Tablet.


Why the Reformation is Definitely Not Over – Mark Gilbert.

Is the Pope a Catholic? Understanding the Catholic Church – Mark Gilbert.

How should I share the gospel with a Roman Catholic? – Sugel Michelén (9Marks)

Reformation 500 Sunday at St. Andrew’s Cathedral, 29 October

From St. Andrew’s Cathedral, Sydney:

“As the world celebrates the 500th anniversary of the Reformation, St Andrew’s Cathedral marks this extraordinary day on Reformation Sunday – 29th October – the day the church marks 500 years since Martin Luther nailed his 95 theses to the Wittenberg church door.

During our 10.30 service the Cathedral Choir of boys and men, and international soloists, Penelope Mills: soprano, Jonathan Borg, countertenor, Michael Butchard: tenor, and Christopher Richardson: bass, will join with our historical-instrument orchestra in bring JS Bach’s monumental celebration cantata no. 80: ‘A Mighty Fortress’ written for Reformation Sunday itself, with words by Martin Luther.

The sermon will be given by Australia’s foremost expert on the Reformation, the Rev. Dr Mark Thompson, Principal of Moore College, Sydney.

A feast for the heart and for the mind, and within the context of our morning service. All welcome!”

Remembering Martin Bucer

“On the right-hand side of the chancel floor of Great St Mary’s Church, in the centre of Cambridge, lies a small brass plaque.

The Latin inscription, its obscure location and small size do not make it a very accessible tourist attraction. However, as X marks the spot for pirates’ treasure, so this plaque commemorates one of the most influential sixteenth-century reformers: Martin Bucer. …

Perhaps the most prominent way Bucer influenced the English Reformation was via liturgical reform. He spent 1550, among other projects and lecturing responsibilities, reviewing the 1549 Book of Common Prayer. Bucer’s Censura was a thorough critique of Cranmer’s first attempt to revise the Prayer Book. The result was a much more conspicuously evangelical liturgy in the 1552 edition. ”

– Steve Tong, who is studying at Cambridge, is thankful for Martin Bucer and his legacy. At The Australian Church Record.

See also: Celebrating the Reformation: Its Legacy And Continuing Relevance, edited by Mark D. Thompson, Edward Loane and Colin Bale.

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